


Choric Speech

Includes questions related to group speeches or those spoken by a group.

638 Questions

What are the criteria in judging for Best in Summer wear?

The criteria for judging the Best in Summer wear typically include factors such as fabric choice (lightweight and breathable materials like cotton or linen), functionality (ability to keep the wearer cool and comfortable in hot weather), style (reflecting current fashion trends or personal expression), and overall presentation (fit, color coordination, and accessorizing). Judges may also consider the appropriateness of the outfit for different summer occasions, such as casual gatherings, outdoor events, or beach outings. Ultimately, the winning ensemble should effectively combine these elements to create a stylish and practical summer look.

What are the criteria for judging the oratorical contest?

Depending on the situation and the perspectives one is looking for, the criteria for judging an oratorical contest and their respective weights are as follows:

DELIVERY ………………………….……………………… 50%

CONTENT ………………………………………………….. 40%



TOTAL 100%

DELIVERY - This refers to the outward manifestations of the speaker as follows: posture, gestures, movements, eye contact, facial expression, correct pronunciation and ability to interpret emotions reflected in the oratorical piece by changing the rate, pitch and volume of his/her voice.

CONTENT - This criterion embraces both originality and timeliness of the speech. Depending on the topic given for all the contestants, originality should be taken to mean approach to and development of the topic.

Timeliness, on the other hand, should be taken to mean an awareness of the forces which constantly shape democracy here and abroad. This criterion shall likewise includes clarity of thought, logic of arguments, and the use of language the audience (mostly high school students) can understand.

PERSUASION/AUDIENCE IMPACT - This takes into account the total impact of the entire speech as delivered by the speaker - whether it has moved the audience or not regardless of whatever reaction it may have evoked in the in the judges.

Another criteria for judging oratorical contests which could be used is the following:

Content ……………………………………………………. 40%

- substance or relevance to the theme

- organization

- provocativeness/comprehensiveness

Delivery …………………………………………………… 30%

- voice

- pronunciation/articulation

Craftsmanship ……………………………………………… 15%

- appropriate language

- style/clarity

- stage presence

Personality …………………………………………………..15%

- bodily behavior/eye contact

- posture/gesture

- eye contact

What are the criteria for effective planning?

Criteria for effective planning can vary depending on the availability of resources and budget. However, these below mentioned are the most common that should be taken into consideration when executing any plan

1. Well-defined Goals: Establish quantifiable, precise objectives for the occasion to offer guidance and standards for accomplishment.

2. Detailed Budget: Create a thorough budget that accounts for all projected costs as well as a contingency reserve.

3. Timetable and Milestones: To guarantee that activities are completed on time, create a timetable that includes important deadlines and milestones.

4. Recognizing the Audience: To properly customize the event, ascertain the requirements and preferences of the audience through research.

5. Risk management; is the process of identifying possible hazards and developing backup plans to deal with unforeseen problems.

The large amount of money used for space programmes should be use help poor people and developing countries?

While space programs require substantial funds, they also drive innovation and technological advancements, which can benefit all of humanity in the long run. It's important to find a balance between investing in space exploration and addressing poverty and development issues. Additionally, space programs can inspire future generations and foster international cooperation, which can have positive impacts on global issues.

What is the criteria to be a element?

To be considered an element, a substance must be a pure substance made up of only one type of atom. It cannot be broken down further into simpler substances by chemical means. Elements are organized on the periodic table based on their atomic number and chemical properties.

What is the difference between indirect and direct hot water cylinders?

Direct hot water cylinders are heated directly by an immersion heater within the cylinder, whereas indirect hot water cylinders are heated indirectly by a boiler or other external heat source through a coil or heat exchanger within the cylinder. Indirect cylinders are more efficient as they can be connected to renewable energy sources like solar panels or heat pumps.

Another example of speech choir?

Another example of a speech choir could be a group of students performing a spoken word piece together that incorporates rhythmic elements, repetition, and vocal variations. The piece could be a blending of individual voices to create a powerful, unified delivery that emphasizes the message or theme of the performance.

How Fire can produce electricity?

Fire can produce electricity through thermoelectric generators. These generators convert heat energy from the fire into electricity by utilizing the temperature difference between the hot side (fire) and cold side (surrounding environment) of the generator. As the heat flows through the generator, it generates an electric current due to the Seebeck effect.

Contrast pure science and applied science?

Pure science is focused on gaining knowledge for the sake of understanding concepts and principles, without any immediate practical application. Applied science, on the other hand, is concerned with using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems and develop technologies for specific purposes. While pure science is more theoretical and exploratory, applied science is more practical and result-oriented.

How is sound or speech produced?

Sound or speech is produced when air from the lungs passes through the vocal cords in the larynx, causing them to vibrate. These vibrations create sound waves that are shaped by movements of the tongue, lips, and other articulators in the vocal tract, ultimately forming speech.

What are the different fields of scientific studies and classify them as pure and applied science?

Some fields of scientific studies include physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, psychology, and geology. Pure sciences are focused on understanding fundamental principles and theories, while applied sciences use that knowledge to solve practical problems or develop technologies. Physics and chemistry are examples of pure sciences, while engineering and medicine are examples of applied sciences.

What might cause a loss of all electricity in your garage but not your house without a storm hitting or sudden increase of electricity usage?

A possible cause could be a tripped circuit breaker specific to the garage or a fault in the electrical wiring that serves the garage. It is important to investigate the circuit breaker panel and inspect the wiring for any visible signs of damage. If unable to identify the issue, contacting a professional electrician for further inspection and repairs is recommended.

What happens in manner place of articulation when saying the phrase Queen of Sheba?

In the phrase "Queen of Sheba," the manner of place of articulation involves the movements of the tongue and other articulators to produce sounds such as the alveolar nasal [n] and the labio-dental fricative [f]. The tongue tip may touch the alveolar ridge for the [n] sound, while the bottom lip may come into contact with the upper teeth for the [f].

What is suitable criteria?

Suitable criteria are specific standards or requirements used to evaluate or make decisions about something. They should be clear, relevant, and align with the goals or objectives you are trying to achieve. It is important to choose criteria that are measurable and objective to ensure fair and consistent evaluation.

What does choral movement mean?

Choral movement refers to the physical coordination and arrangement of a choir while performing. It includes how singers enter and exit the stage, the positioning of singers in relation to each other, and any simple choreography or gestures that enhance the musical performance.

Other than to surrender what do you think the purpose of this speech was?

The purpose of this speech may have been to inspire and motivate the audience, instill hope and resilience in the face of adversity, and to rally support for a common cause or belief. It may also seek to strengthen relationships, build trust, and create a sense of unity among listeners.

What prosodic feature of speech shows the duration and tempo in speaking?

The prosodic feature that shows the duration and tempo in speaking is known as rhythm. It relates to the timing and patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables in speech, creating a sense of flow and pace. Rhythm helps convey emotions, emphasis, and overall meaning in communication.

Which activity relates to judging the seriousness or gravity of a given problem?

Assessing the seriousness or gravity of a problem is often done through the process of evaluation. This involves analyzing the problem, considering its impact and potential consequences, and determining the appropriate level of response or intervention needed.

What does identify criteria mean?

Identifying criteria involves defining specific standards or characteristics used to evaluate or assess a particular situation, decision, or problem. It helps establish clear parameters and guidelines for making judgments or choices based on specified requirements.

Criteria for judging for school uniform?

When judging school uniforms, criteria may include overall appearance, adherence to school guidelines, comfort and fit, durability, and appropriateness for the school environment. Judges may also consider factors like quality of materials, ease of maintenance, and how well the uniform reflects the school's values and identity.

What does it mean to conclude a written piece of text or a speech?

To conclude a written piece of text or a speech means to provide a final summary or resolution of the main points discussed. It is a way to wrap up the information presented and leave a lasting impression on the audience. The conclusion should restate the main ideas and leave the audience with a clear understanding of the overall message.

What is the purpose of choral speech and movement?

Choral speech and movement are often used to enhance group cohesion, teamwork, and synchrony among participants. This practice can also be used to emphasize certain words or themes, promote unity, and create a powerful emotional impact on the audience.

What does develop criteria mean?

Developing criteria means establishing a set of standards or requirements that must be met in order to evaluate or make decisions about something. It involves defining what factors are important and how they will be used to measure success or assess performance.

What are Formal criteria?

Formal criteria refer to the established rules or guidelines used to evaluate the quality or correctness of something, such as a project, document, or process. These criteria are typically objective, measurable, and help to ensure consistency in assessment and decision-making.