


Speech Writing

Includes questions on how to write effective and informative speeches.

6,221 Questions

How do you write a truancy speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a truancy speech, consider emphasizing the importance of attendance for academic success and personal development. Address the consequences of skipping school, such as falling behind in class and missed opportunities. Offer support and resources for students who may be struggling with attendance issues.

Five children were taken to the zoo is that passive or active voice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Passive. The subject, "children," is not doing the action. Also, a sentence is passive when a form of the verb "to be" is followed by a past participle- in this sentence it is "were taken."

To make the sentence active, it would have to state "Five children went to the zoo" or "Someone took five children to the zoo."

What is los amigos son como las estrellas aveces no los podemos ver pero sabemos que estan ahi in spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase translates to "Friends are like stars, sometimes we can't see them but we know they are there." It conveys the idea that even if friends are not physically present, their support and presence are still felt.

An animal which communicates by speech but has ears?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech, often learning and repeating words and phrases. They have ears, as they are essential for their sense of hearing which allows them to learn and reproduce sounds.

How do apes communicate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Apes communicate through a variety of vocalizations, gestures, and facial expressions. They also use body language and touch to convey emotions and intentions within their social groups. Some species of apes have been observed using tools and sign language to communicate with humans.

How do you write a school captain speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a school captain speech, start by introducing yourself and sharing why you want to be the school captain. Highlight your leadership qualities, past experiences, and ideas for improving the school. End with a call to action and a positive message to inspire your peers to vote for you.

Do the planets produce their own heat and light?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, planets do not produce their own heat and light. Planets are not stars like the sun, which generate their own heat and light through nuclear fusion. Instead, planets reflect light from the sun and retain heat from various sources such as their formation process and radioactive decay.

Lion body language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lions use body language to communicate various messages such as dominance, submission, aggression, and affection. They may use vocalizations, facial expressions, tail movements, and body postures to convey their feelings and intentions to other lions in their pride. Understanding lion body language can provide valuable insights into their social dynamics and behavior.

What does biological barriers mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biological barriers are mechanisms within the body that prevent harmful microorganisms from entering and causing infection. Examples include the skin acting as a physical barrier and the acidic environment of the stomach killing ingested pathogens.

What is a verbal predictable natural phenomenon?

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Asked by Wiki User

A verbal predictable natural phenomenon is a repeated event or occurrence in nature that can be described or predicted using words or language, such as the changing of seasons, tides, sunrise and sunset, or bird migrations. These phenomena follow certain patterns or sequences that can be communicated verbally.

What would Robert Hooke write in a speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a speech, Robert Hooke, a prominent scientist and thinker of the 17th century, might discuss topics such as his contributions to the fields of physics, biology, and architecture, emphasizing the importance of observation, experimentation, and innovation in scientific inquiry. He may also highlight the significance of his work in the advancement of knowledge and the impact it has had on shaping our understanding of the natural world.

Which are actions most likely to occur in the sagittal plane?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actions like walking, running, jumping, and kicking are most likely to occur in the sagittal plane as they involve movement forwards and backwards in relation to the body's midline. Activities such as bending forward or backward at the waist also predominantly occur in the sagittal plane.

Can you give me a 2 minutes speech about environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Protecting our environment is crucial for the well-being of present and future generations. We must strive to reduce our carbon footprint through sustainable practices like recycling and using renewable energy sources. It is our responsibility to preserve the planet's natural resources and biodiversity for a cleaner and healthier world.

How do reproductive barriers evolve?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reproductive barriers can evolve through processes such as genetic mutations, natural selection, and genetic drift. Over time, these mechanisms can lead to changes in gene flow, mating preferences, or genetic incompatibilities, which create barriers to successful reproduction between different populations or species. This can ultimately drive the divergence and speciation of populations.

What are the cognitive functions measured during a mental status examination?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

During a mental status examination, cognitive functions such as memory, attention, language, executive functioning, and visuospatial skills are typically assessed. These can provide valuable information about an individual's cognition and help in diagnosing various mental health conditions.

How do you write manofesto as discipline prefect?

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Asked by DamoahAlbert

To write a manifesto as a discipline prefect, clearly outline your vision and goals for promoting discipline within the student body. Include specific action plans, rules, and consequences to maintain order and respect. Emphasize the importance of cooperation, responsibility, and a positive learning environment.

Where can you find an oratorical piece about water?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find oratorical pieces about water in sources such as speeches, essays, books, and online platforms that focus on topics related to water conservation, environmental protection, and sustainability. Many public figures, activists, and researchers have delivered speeches on the importance of water and the need to take action to protect this vital resource.

How would you communicate without electricity?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could communicate without electricity by using tools like written letters, sending messages through messengers or carrier pigeons, using signal flags or mirrors, or by making a phone call on a landline telephone that doesn't require power.

What is advantage and disadvatage of liquid so2 as solvent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantage: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a versatile solvent capable of dissolving a wide range of materials, making it useful in various industrial processes. It can also act as a reducing agent and participate in chemical reactions.

Disadvantage: SO2 is toxic, corrosive, and can pose health risks if not handled properly. Additionally, SO2 is a gas under normal conditions, so using it as a solvent may require specific handling and storage considerations.

How a thumbtack is designed so that you do not have to use a lot of force to push it through paper or the surface of a bulletin board.?

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Asked by Wiki User

A thumbtack is designed with a sharp, pointed end and a thin, tapered body to reduce the amount of force required to push it through paper or a bulletin board. The sharp point easily pierces the material, while the thin and tapered body minimizes resistance as it is being pushed in. This design allows for efficient and easy penetration with minimal effort.

What is physical barriers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physical barriers are physical structures or obstacles that prevent or impede access, such as walls, fences, or gates. They can be used to control movement or prevent entry to certain areas. Physical barriers are commonly used for security or safety purposes in various settings, such as buildings, public spaces, or transportation systems.

What element of a speech helps to keep the audience's attention?

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Asked by Wiki User

Engaging storytelling or narratives can help maintain the audience's attention in a speech. Using visual aids, interactive elements, or asking thought-provoking questions can also help keep the audience engaged. Varying tone, pace, and volume can further capture and retain their interest.

Variables that are always different between the experimental and the control groups are?

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Asked by Wiki User

Variables that are specifically manipulated or intentionally different between the experimental and control groups are known as independent variables. These variables are essential for testing the effects of the treatment or intervention being studied.

What is a physical barriers include?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physical barriers can include walls, doors, fences, or screens that physically block or limit access to an area. These barriers provide a tangible obstacle for preventing unauthorized entry or controlling the flow of people.

What are two types of static stretching?

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Asked by Wiki User

Two types of static stretching are active static stretching, where the individual uses their own muscles to hold a stretch position, and passive static stretching, where an external force such as a partner or prop is used to help stretch the muscle.