


Business Communication

Business communication is used to relay information within the business and promote services, products or organisations, as well as deal with legal and other similar issues. It covers several topics including branding, marketing, advertising, customer relations, public relations and consumer behaviour, among others.

2,846 Questions

How direct approach save time?

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Asked by Wiki User

A direct approach saves time by cutting out unnecessary steps or explanations, getting straight to the point, and reducing misunderstandings. It allows for clear communication of expectations or information, leading to more efficient and effective interactions.

What is The fastest communication channel?

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The fastest communication channel currently is fiber optic cables, which use light to transmit data at close to the speed of light. This allows for extremely high data transfer rates with minimal delays.

Advantages and disadvantages of central business district?

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Asked by Wiki User


  1. Central location provides easy access to transportation and amenities for customers and employees.
  2. High density of businesses leads to increased foot traffic and potential for networking and collaboration.


  1. High property costs may be prohibitive for some businesses.
  2. Congestion and limited parking may deter customers and employees from visiting.

What is the interactional model of communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

The interactional model of communication emphasizes the dynamic exchange of messages between sender and receiver. It views communication as a two-way process where feedback is crucial for understanding and interpreting messages accurately. This model recognizes that both parties play an active role in creating meaning through their interactions.

Nature of intrapersonal communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Intrapersonal communication is the process of internally communicating with oneself through thoughts, feelings, and self-reflection. It involves self-talk, self-awareness, and introspection, which can influence our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. This form of communication is essential for self-understanding, decision-making, and personal growth.

What are the Cs of business communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Cs of business communication are clarity, conciseness, coherence, and courtesy. Clarity ensures that the message is easily understood, conciseness eliminates unnecessary information, coherence ensures the message flows logically, and courtesy demonstrates respect and professionalism in communication.

What is the difference between a theory and a model?

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Asked by Wiki User

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence, reasoning, and principles that describe a natural phenomenon. A model is a simplified representation of a system or concept that helps to explain or predict how it works. Theories provide the framework for understanding phenomena, while models are tools used to illustrate or simulate those phenomena.

What is the formal chemistry definition of pH?

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Asked by Wiki User

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, measured on a scale of 0 to 14. It is defined as the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions ([H+]) in the solution. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline.

What is the key to making a successful and dynamic organization?

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The key to a successful and dynamic organization is having strong leadership that fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and open communication. Encouraging employees to continuously learn, adapt, and grow, while also focusing on customer needs and market trends, helps the organization stay ahead of the curve and respond effectively to changes in the industry. Flexibility, agility, and a willingness to embrace change are also essential for keeping the organization relevant and competitive.

What arguments can be made for and against closing the borders of a country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arguments for closing borders include enhancing national security, protecting domestic jobs, and controlling the spread of diseases. Arguments against closing borders include negative impact on international relations, hindering the free flow of ideas and cultures, and potential economic consequences due to disrupted trade and tourism.

Is 'May you explain to me correct grammar'?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. I think this construction (which is bad English) comes from the other form "Might you explain to me" which is also incorrect because might is either asking permission (may I) or asking if something is possible or likely (it might fall/it can fall). "You might have told me" (could have) is another idiomatic form when it suggests something undone rather than possibly done but not recalled.

The possibility verb can/could is also not ideal for "Could you explain this?" because it means "is it possible for you." So "would you (please) explain (this) to me" is probably the best choice.

How can language barrier hamper communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

A language barrier can hamper communication by causing misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and confusion between individuals who do not share a common language. This can lead to ineffective communication, frustration, and a lack of clarity in conveying thoughts and ideas.

Why are listening and speaking called natural skills?

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Listening and speaking are called natural skills because they are skills that humans develop naturally from a very young age through exposure to language in their environment. Unlike reading and writing, which are learned skills, listening and speaking are innate abilities that are essential for communication and social interaction.

What is a good example of body language?

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A good example of body language is maintaining eye contact during a conversation, as it shows attentiveness and engagement. Additionally, leaning in towards the person you are speaking to can convey interest and openness in the interaction. Crossing your arms can signal defensiveness or discomfort.

What is the most important step in prioritizing goals?

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The most important step in prioritizing goals is to clearly define each goal and assess its importance and urgency. By understanding the significance of each goal and identifying priorities based on this evaluation, you can effectively allocate your time, resources, and energy towards accomplishing what matters most.

What does service philosophy mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Service philosophy refers to a set of beliefs or principles that guide how an organization delivers services to its customers. It encompasses the organization's values, goals, and approach to meeting customer needs and exceeding expectations. A strong service philosophy can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Which country are low and high contact culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Low contact cultures, where people prefer to maintain more personal space and limit physical touch, are often seen in countries like Germany, the United States, and Northern European nations. High contact cultures, where people are comfortable with physical touch and close proximity, are more common in countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece.

Can self-help books help with communicating skills?

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Asked by Bballboy317

Yes, self-help books on communication can provide useful tips, strategies, and exercises to improve your communication skills. They can help you become more aware of your communication style, develop empathy, active listening, assertiveness, and resolve conflicts effectively. Applying the techniques and practicing regularly can lead to noticeable improvements in your communication abilities.

When restating a point that was just made by another person is a communication skill which enables us to do what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Restating a point that was just made by another person, also known as reflective listening, enables us to show that we are actively engaged in the conversation and understand the speaker's message. It can help clarify any misunderstandings, build rapport, and demonstrate empathy towards the speaker.

How does non-verbal communication affect the way people react to you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Non-verbal communication can influence how people perceive you and how they respond to you. Your body language, facial expressions, and gestures can convey confidence, interest, trustworthiness, or other emotions that impact the interaction. Paying attention to non-verbal cues can help you better understand others and adjust your own behavior accordingly.

Why is perception important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Perception is important because it influences how we interpret and make sense of the world around us. It shapes our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, impacting our relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being. By understanding our perceptions, we can improve our communication, problem-solving abilities, and empathy towards others.

What are the principles of business communication Psychology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some key principles of business communication psychology include understanding the audience's needs and preferences, utilizing effective listening skills, and being sensitive to nonverbal cues. Additionally, being mindful of one's own communication style and adapting it to suit different situations can greatly enhance communication effectiveness in a business setting.

What are the four factors of body talk?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four factors of body talk are body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures. These elements play a crucial role in effective communication and can convey emotions, intentions, and attitudes without using words. Mastering body talk can help individuals improve their communication skills and better understand others.

What is the explanation for the meaning of intrapersonal communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Intrapersonal communication refers to the internal dialogue and self-talk that individuals engage in with themselves. It involves the process of reflecting on thoughts, feelings, and ideas within one's own mind. This form of communication is important for self-awareness, problem-solving, decision-making, and overall personal growth.

Disadvantage of cross-sectional study?

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Asked by Wiki User

One disadvantage of a cross-sectional study is that it only provides a snapshot of data at a single point in time, which may not capture changes or trends over time. This limits the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships or assess how variables may be related in a dynamic way. Additionally, cross-sectional studies are susceptible to issues such as recall bias and may not account for the influence of confounding variables.