


Supernatural and the Occult

Those things relating to an order of existence beyond the visible, demonstrate-able universe; that which is above and beyond the laws of nature; and/or matters involving the action or influence of the supernatural or paranormal powers and the secret knowledge of them.

2,924 Questions

How a full moon produces so much light at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

A full moon appears bright because it reflects sunlight towards Earth. The Moon does not produce light of its own but rather reflects the light from the Sun, which makes it appear illuminated when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. This reflection is what allows us to see the Moon shining brightly in the night sky.

What are the asphodel meadows in mythology?

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In Greek mythology, the Asphodel Meadows are a section of the Underworld where ordinary souls would reside after death. It was a neutral and peaceful place where neither punishment nor reward was given to the souls. It is described as a field of grey flowers known as asphodel.

How do you charge a crystal?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

To charge a crystal, you can place it in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, or place it on a large crystal cluster, like selenite or amethyst, to absorb their energy. You can also visualize white light or intention going into the crystal to charge it.

Is being Pyrokinetic a sin?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, having pyrokinetic abilities is not a sin. Abilities like pyrokinesis are considered supernatural and not inherently tied to morality or sin. It is how a person chooses to use their abilities that may determine if their actions are considered sinful.

Who were Horus and Anubis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Horus was an ancient Egyptian god of the sky and kingship, often depicted as a falcon or a falcon-headed man. Anubis was another ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife, depicted with the head of a jackal. Both gods played important roles in Egyptian mythology and religious beliefs.

Who is the strongest demon?

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There is no definitive answer as strength can vary depending on the context and mythology. Some powerful demons in mythology and folklore include Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Belial.

What is the mask of anubis?

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The Mask of Anubis is a fictional artifact from "The Mummy" film series. In the movies, it is said to have magical powers and is sought after by the characters for its ability to bring the dead back to life. The mask plays a significant role in the plot of the movies, serving as a source of conflict and danger.

Which plant is hung over doors to bring good luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

The plant commonly hung over doors to bring good luck is a horseshoe plant, also known as a lucky bamboo plant. It is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and positive energy into the home.

Greek myth about pan what is it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pan is a Greek god of shepherds and nature who is often depicted with the legs, horns, and beard of a goat. He is known for his mischievous and playful personality. Pan is also associated with wild music and is said to have invented the pan flute.

Do intelligent people believe in ghosts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Belief in ghosts is not tied to intelligence, as it is a personal belief influenced by cultural, religious, and individual factors. People of varying levels of intelligence may hold beliefs in ghosts based on their experiences, beliefs, and cultural background.

What is chestnuts good for especially in use with the occult?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chestnuts are often associated with protection and grounding in occult practices. They can be used in rituals or spells to create a sense of security, connect with earth energies, and ward off negative influences. Some practitioners use chestnuts to symbolize abundance and prosperity.

What is the logos of earth?

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Asked by Avatarsunite

The logos of Earth is a symbol designed to represent the planet as a whole. It typically includes elements like a globe, the Earth's continents, or symbols for unity and environmental awareness. It is often used by organizations and movements focused on sustainability, peace, and global cooperation.

Is The Sixth Sense scary?

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"The Sixth Sense" is considered a horror-thriller movie with some frightening and suspenseful moments, but the level of scariness can vary for different people depending on their tolerance for suspense and supernatural elements. The film is more known for its twist ending and psychological elements rather than jump scares or intense horror scenes.

Can you get real super powers?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you get toxic waste poured on you

Yes it certainly is do not listen to the person above you their just ignorant actually when a person contains paranormal gifts or unnormal feats they are born with it but you can develop it through meditation look at Stan Lee Super humans that show shall give you the answers you long and prosper \\ //


You could get super powers through surgery :D

Does Kenya have Animist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Kenya has traditional animist beliefs practiced by various ethnic groups. Animism is the belief that everything has a spirit or soul, including animals, plants, and natural elements. These beliefs often coexist with other religions such as Christianity and Islam in Kenya.

Can you think yourself to death?

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No, it is not possible to think yourself to death. Overthinking or experiencing stress and anxiety may negatively impact physical and mental health, but it cannot directly lead to death. It is important to prioritize mental health and seek help if experiencing overwhelming thoughts.

Could zombies exist?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, zombies as traditionally depicted in popular culture - reanimated corpses with a hunger for human flesh - do not exist. The concept of zombies is purely fictional and not supported by scientific evidence.

Holy book of voodoo?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no singular "holy book" of voodoo. Voodoo practices are often passed down orally through generations, with rituals and beliefs varying among different voodoo traditions and practitioners. Books on voodoo may offer insights into its practices and beliefs, but there is no central text equivalent to a holy book.

What is Anubis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anubis is an ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife. He is commonly depicted with the head of a jackal and was believed to guide souls to the underworld and preside over the weighing of the heart ceremony.

What does pegasus eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to Greek mythology, Pegasus is said to eat nectar and ambrosia, the food of the gods.

Is levitation possible for humans?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the sense of magic,no because there is no magic in reality. But, there are also of unexplained mysterys in reality. Levitation is possible through science. I'm not sure how but one theory regards our brains. As of today,it is known that we onlyuse 10percent of our brains. Some people use twelve and can bend spoons by starug at them and some can levitat smler objects while others can predict future situations. These talents are not due to suoerstitions and magic like Harry potter but reality and science,though it may seem hard to believe.

How do you use telekinisis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Telekinesis refers to the ability to move objects with the mind. While some people claim to possess this ability, there is no scientific evidence to support its existence. If you are interested in exploring telekinesis, you could try to focus your mind on an object and imagine it moving, but it is important to approach it with skepticism.

What is the significance of laurel leaves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laurel leaves are a symbol of victory and achievement in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. They were used to crown victorious athletes and scholars, as well as military commanders. Today, laurel leaves are often used as a symbol of honor and accomplishment.

Where would you find a bezoar?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bezoar is typically found in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, particularly in herbivores like goats and llamas. It forms in the stomach or intestines by accumulating indigestible material such as hair, fibers, or seeds. In traditional medicine, bezoars were once believed to have medicinal properties.

How get super powers?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can, just imagine energy flowing through you from a common source (earth, water, fire, air), and filter it in your chakras. Then, vision the energy flowing through your hands into the the hollow shape of whatever you want it to be (a ball is recommended for beginners). Fill it with more energy of your choice, and imaging it solidifying. Throw it at a target.