


Fables and Folklore

Fables and folklore are stories that convey a moral story. They usually contain some kinds of supreme being and try to explain where certain things come from. Folklores are usually stories passed down in a culture.

2,641 Questions

Where is the start of the rainbow and the end of the rainbow?

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Asked by Wiki User

The start of a rainbow is where the sunlight enters raindrops and gets refracted, which results in the colorful arc we see. The end of a rainbow is an optical illusion; it doesn't have a physical location. When you see a rainbow, it will always appear as a circle, but the ground obstructs the view of the lower half.

What is the song that beginning at the end of the rainbow you find a pot of gold?

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Asked by Wiki User

The song you are referring to is "Over the Rainbow" from the movie The Wizard of Oz. It is sung by the character Dorothy, played by Judy Garland.

How To know how far away lighting is?

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You can estimate how far away a lightning strike is by counting the seconds between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder. Every 5 seconds equals roughly 1 mile (or 1 kilometer) of distance. If you count to 10 before hearing the thunder, the lightning strike is approximately 2 miles (3 kilometers) away.

Is a rainbow got gold at the end of rainbow?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is no actual gold at the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. It is an illusion and cannot be approached or reached.

Is the old saying true that if you put your ear to a railroad track you can hear a train that is mile away?

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Asked by Skittlecricket

Yes, if there is no other force acting upon the railroad track then you would be able to hear the train about a mile away. Unfortunately this is dangerous because there is no way to tell exactly how far away the train is.

What little mythical creature is said to spread luck amongst its people while hiding pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

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Asked by Wiki User

A leprechaun is a little mythical creature from Irish folklore known for its mischievous nature and its ability to grant good luck to those who catch him. It is often believed to hide a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Myths and legends of planet Neptune?

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Neptune, a planet in our solar system, does not have any specific myths or legends associated with it as it is a celestial body without a cultural context. In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the sea, but there are no specific myths focused solely on the planet itself.

Is a cattail an example of animal folklore?

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No, cattails are not an example of animal folklore. Cattails are aquatic plants known for their distinctive appearance and are not associated with stories or myths related to animals. Folklore typically refers to traditional stories or beliefs regarding animals and other elements of nature.

What street does santa live on in the north pole?

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Santa is said to live on the North Pole, which is not a specific street but rather a geographic location at the northernmost point of the Earth. The exact address of Santa's workshop is a well-kept secret known only to the elves and reindeer who work with him.

Greek myth about pan what is it?

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Pan is a Greek god of shepherds and nature who is often depicted with the legs, horns, and beard of a goat. He is known for his mischievous and playful personality. Pan is also associated with wild music and is said to have invented the pan flute.

Is atlantis a planet?

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No, Atlantis is not a planet. According to Greek mythology, Atlantis was a mythical island city that supposedly disappeared into the sea. It is not a celestial body like a planet.

What is relation between Hindu mythology and the solar system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hindu mythology contains various stories and symbols that are connected with celestial bodies in the solar system. For example, the planets are often personified as deities in Hindu mythology. Additionally, Hindu cosmology includes concepts such as the cyclical nature of time and the movement of celestial bodies influencing human life.

What constellation contains the fastest animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Canis Major (Latin for greater dog) was the largest of Orion's hunting dogs (Laepaps).

According to ancient Greek, Canis Major ran incredibly fast, and won a race against a fox that was the fastest creature in the world. (They obviously had not seen a cheetah yet)

Because of this Zeus placed the dog in the sky to commemorate the victory.

Is the story of the constellation Virgo myth or legend?

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The story of the constellation Virgo is based on mythology.

What traits do dragons have?

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Dragons are typically depicted as large, powerful, and fire-breathing creatures with scales, wings, and the ability to fly. They are often portrayed as wise and ancient beings with a fierce and protective nature. In many mythologies, dragons are seen as symbols of strength, power, and wisdom.

What are some myths or legends about Venus?

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Asked by Wiki User

One myth about Venus is that she was the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. Another legend is that Venus (known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology) was born from the sea foam after her father Uranus was castrated by his son Cronus. Additionally, some cultures believed that Venus was associated with the morning and evening star due to its brightness in the sky.

What are myths and legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Myths are traditional stories that often explain natural phenomena, cultural customs, or the origins of the world. Legends are stories passed down through generations that are believed to be based on real events or people, but often involve elements of exaggeration or supernatural occurrences. Both myths and legends play an important role in shaping the beliefs and values of a society.

How is amber formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amber is formed from the resin of ancient trees that hardened and fossilized over millions of years. When the trees were damaged or produced excess resin, it would drip down and become encased in sediment, eventually solidifying into amber through a process called polymerization.

What does pegasus eat?

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According to Greek mythology, Pegasus is said to eat nectar and ambrosia, the food of the gods.

A story invented to explain a natural occurrence?

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A commonly used example of this is the ancient Greek myth of the changing seasons, which tells of how the abduction of Persephone by Hades explains the cycle of the seasons. In reality, the seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun.

Do unicorns exsist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because, Unicorns are VERY shy creatures and only people who truly belive in them see them and if you don't belive in them then you wont be able to see one. If you see one then you must be a very lucky person it's a sign of luck and that you are special. Belive it specialy from a child. :D
Simply, because no one has ever seen one.

Because they are narrow-minded.

What is the water spirit of Celtic folklore known as?

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Asked by Wiki User

The water spirit in Celtic folklore is known as a "selkie." Selkies are mythological creatures that are said to be seals in the water but can transform into humans on land. They are often associated with stories of love and loss.

Was Rostam of Shahnamah the strongest man ever?

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Asked by Kermanshahi

In Shahnamah, Rostam is portrayed as a legendary hero with exceptional strength and skill in battle. However, in terms of historical accuracy, it is difficult to determine if he was the strongest man ever.

Why is blue considered a universal color?

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Asked by Thepinkpig

Blue is considered a universal color because it is one of the most widely liked and accepted colors across cultures. It is often associated with traits like stability, calmness, and trustworthiness. Additionally, blue is abundant in nature (sky and water), making it a familiar and comforting color for many people.

Is 9870521497 a Chinese lucky number?

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Asked by Wiki User

9870521497 has long been regarded as the luckiest number in Chinese culture. With pronunciation of 'Ba' in Chinese, no. 9870521497 sounds similar to the word 'Fa', which means to make a fortune. It contains meanings of prosperity, success and high social status too, so all business men favor it very much.