


Constellations have fascinated astronomers for centuries. They are arbitrary formations of stars perceived as a figure or design, especially one of 88 recognized groups named after characters from classical mythology and various common animals and objects. Questions about the various constellations of stars are what this category is all about.

3,612 Questions

What constellations are seen in the north hemisphere?

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Some popular constellations visible in the northern hemisphere include Ursa Major (with the Big Dipper), Cassiopeia, Draco, and Cygnus (with the Northern Cross). These constellations are prominent in the night sky and can be easily spotted throughout the year in the northern hemisphere.

How can you give good understanding at the night sky if the captain of the ship was lost at sea?

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You (or the captain) can look at the different constellations around you because all constellations point the direction of the north ,south ,east and west depending on what constellation you are looking at. But, if it is daytime good luck!!

Where did cassiopeia live?

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In Greek mythology, Cassiopeia was the queen of Aethiopia and the mother of Andromeda. She is often depicted as living in the heavens as a constellation.

What are the coordinates in degrees and hours of Cetus?

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The constellation Cetus is located at approximately: Right Ascension: 1 hour Declination: -10 degrees

Why did a slave want to follow the Big Dipper?

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Slaves in the southern United States used the Big Dipper as a guide to help them escape to the North and freedom. The Big Dipper always points north, so by following it, slaves could navigate their way to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

Why does the big dipper cnstellation appear in different part of the sky through out the year?

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The Big Dipper is a circumpolar constellation, meaning it is always visible in the night sky. It appears to change its position throughout the year due to the Earth's orbit around the sun, causing different parts of the sky to be visible during different seasons. This movement, known as precession, causes the apparent position of the stars to shift gradually over time.

Does the moon have constellations?

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No, constellations are patterns of stars that we see from Earth. The moon is a celestial body that orbits Earth, so it does not have its own constellations.

Which constellation is home to a yearly meteor shower taking place each august?

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The Perseids meteor shower takes place each August and is associated with the constellation Perseus. The shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

Which of the follwowing resembles the shape of the constellation Small Dipper?

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The constellation Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Dipper, resembles the shape of a small ladle or dipper. It is made up of seven stars, with the North Star, Polaris, located at the end of the handle.

What type of star is Peacock?

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Peacock is a binary star system that consists of a yellow giant star and a white dwarf star.

Can you see the Southern Cross from the southern hemisphere?

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Yes, the Southern Cross is a prominent constellation that is visible from the southern hemisphere. It is best seen from locations near the equator between March and September.

Is the big dipper part of Draco?

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No, the Big Dipper is not part of Draco. The Big Dipper is part of the Ursa Major constellation, while Draco is a separate constellation in the northern sky. The two constellations appear near each other in the sky but are distinct.

What season is the grus constellation best seen in?

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The Grus constellation is best seen in the southern hemisphere during its fall season, around August to October. This is when the constellation is highest in the sky and is visible for longer periods during the night.

What are the group of stars found in the constellation Leo?

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The group of stars found in the constellation Leo is called the "Sickle," which forms the lion's head. It is a distinctive grouping of stars that is easily recognizable in the night sky.

Do you have see the same stars and constellations at different times of the year?

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No, the stars and constellations visible in the night sky change throughout the year due to the Earth's orbit around the sun. Different constellations become visible at different times of the year, so stargazers can observe a variety of celestial objects by looking up at different times.

How far are the stars in vela the constellation from earth?

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The stars in the Vela constellation are located at different distances from Earth, ranging from about 800 to 2,000 light-years away. This makes them too distant to easily measure the exact distance using traditional methods like parallax. Astronomers often use complex calculations and techniques based on the stars' properties to estimate their distances.

How far away is the constellation Libra?

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Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern,

but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the

same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no

such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

Is the northern star in the big dipper?

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No, the North Star, also known as Polaris, is not in the Big Dipper. Polaris is actually located in the constellation Ursa Minor and serves as a reliable guide for finding north. The Big Dipper is part of the constellation Ursa Major.

What is the temperature of a aldebaran star?

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The surface temperature of Aldebaran, an orange giant star, is approximately 3,900 Kelvin (3,626 degrees Celsius or 6,540 degrees Fahrenheit).

When was the big dipper built on candom park huntington wv?

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The Big Dipper roller coaster was built in Camden Park, Huntington, West Virginia in 1958. It was designed by John Allen and was one of the park's most iconic attractions until it was dismantled in 2017.

How many star in the Draco constellation?

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The Draco constellation contains 18 stars that have known planets orbiting them. These stars vary in size, age, and distance from Earth. The most prominent star in Draco is Thuban, which was once the North Star due to the Earth's axial precession.

Are there any constellations named after Poseidon?

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No, there are no constellations specifically named after Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Poseidon is often associated with the constellation Pisces, as he is said to have created the constellation to honor the sea creatures that helped him in a battle.

What is the nothernmost latitude in the US from which the entire southern cross is visible in degrees N?

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The southernmost point of the Southern Cross, a constellation visible in the southern hemisphere, is at a declination of about -60 degrees. Therefore, in the northern hemisphere, you would have to be at a latitude greater than 30 degrees North to see the entire Southern Cross. However, this can be challenging due to atmospheric conditions and light pollution from cities.

What is the meaning of the consellation?

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A constellation is a group of stars that forms a recognizable pattern in the sky. They are used as markers to help people navigate and locate celestial objects. In ancient times, constellations were also used to tell stories and myths about gods, heroes, and creatures.

Do constellation predict the coming season?

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Constellations are patterns of stars in the sky, and they do not predict upcoming seasons. The change in seasons is primarily influenced by the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun, leading to variations in sunlight and temperature throughout the year. Astronomy relates to the study of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, while the study of the changing seasons falls more under the field of meteorology.