


Georgia (US State)

Georgia is a state located in the southeast of the United States. It ranks 24th in terms of total land area and ninth in terms of population. Georgia participated in the American Revolution.

6,701 Questions

What is the time distance between Augusta GA to Charlotte NC?

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The driving distance between Augusta, GA and Charlotte, NC is approximately 150 miles, which would take around 2.5-3 hours under normal traffic conditions.

Is Georgia in southeast or southwest?

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Georgia is located in the southeastern part of the United States.

When is the hurricane season in Georgia?

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Hurricane season in Georgia typically runs from June 1 to November 30. During this time, it's important for residents to be prepared for potential storms and follow safety guidelines from local authorities.

Does it snow in thomasville georgia?

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Snow in Thomasville, Georgia is rare and usually only occurs during the winter months. The average annual snowfall is less than an inch, making it a relatively uncommon occurrence in the area.

How much snow did rome ga get in 1993?

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Rome, GA experienced a historic snowstorm in March 1993, known as the "Storm of the Century." The storm brought over 10 inches of snow to the area, causing significant disruptions and setting records for snowfall in the region.

When was the last time it snowed on Christmas day in north Georgia?

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Early morning Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25, 2010, was not much of a surprise to those who live in Atlanta, Georgia and points north, east and west of the major metropolitan city. Santa had come and gone with his reindeer and sleigh and the presents were under the trees and the stockings that were hanging over the fireplaces were full of candy and other nice little "stuffers."

Once the kids came running into their parents rooms early in the morning, they were ready to do whatever they could to stir them awake so that they can head for the Christmas tree and start tearing up the beautiful Christmas wrapping and find out what Santa did bring them for this greatest time of year of joy, smiles and reflections and more. Speaking of more, the Atlanta area did get much more than it bargained for on this Christmas day, Saturday, December 25, 2010. The last time that Christmas Day became a white event in Atlanta was nearly 130 years before, in 1881.

No, it was not a white sale at a local retail store. It was actually the white, wet stuff that falls gracefully from the skies above. It was snow and there was plenty of it from the mountains of North Georgia to the City of Atlanta. Some areas, like the mountains got close to or more than a half a foot of snow while other areas closer to the City of Atlanta got a couple of inches or more.

The temperatures after the noon hour and nearing 4pm hovered closed to freezing while the moisture met the cold temperatures. Sometime around 1pm, it began as rain and then there were small amounts of snow mixed in before it turned completely over to all snow. The snow itself began to accumulate first on the trees and the grass and rooftops but there was no immediate sign that there was going to be accumulation on the streets. Then, before sundown, the snow began to get heavier and began to accumulate on the streets.

This snow event was nothing short of being extremely beautiful and making children of all ages feel all warm and cozy inside. That is until they decided that it was time to get out the sleds and the toboggans and the plastic bags and then head out to any hills they could find to slide down.

There was one area in particular where some children and their accompanying parents could be seen sliding down the hills and this was off of Henderson Mill Road in Atlanta. In the front of Henderson Middle School there are some steep grassy hills and they were covered with snow. This made for some great sledding.

There was still some lingering snow showers on Sunday, December 26, 2010 and the temperatures remained well below freezing so much of the snow that had already fallen lingered.

What was nice about this early winter surprise was that the roads themselves did not get too bad around the Atlanta area. However, some of the roads north did stay snowed over and some even had some hidden black ice. It was heard that there were areas in Loganville, Georgia where the side roads were not so easy to navigate.

The Georgia State Patrol and the Georgia Department of Transportation did not expect the major highways like I-75, I-85 and I-285 to get too bad; yet, they were ready well before this snow event with dump trucks full of sand and ice melt chemicals.

Some Sunday events were cancelled early, especially some church services. The temperatures were expected to be in the high 20s to low 30s for the next couple of days and the lows were going to be somewhere in the mid-teens. There might even be a wintry mix sometime on Thursday, December 30, 2010 according to some forecasts.

It has not been discovered yet, but like the recent lunar eclipse, no one knows when Atlanta will have a White Christmas again. Some will probably say, hopefully not for another 130 years, some might say, maybe again next Christmas.

When was the last time it snowed in Ga on Christmas?

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Snowfall in Georgia on Christmas is rare, but it last happened in 2010, particularly in the northern parts of the state around the Atlanta area. Snow on Christmas Day in Georgia is a magical and memorable event for those fortunate enough to experience it.

How deep is the Okefenokee swamp?

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The Okefenokee Swamp can range in depth from several inches to a few feet deep in most areas, with the deepest parts reaching up to 15 feet. The depth can fluctuate depending on weather conditions such as heavy rainfall or dry spells.

How many major sinkholes have there been in Atlanta Georgia?

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There have been three major sinkholes in Atlanta, Georgia: one in 2012 that swallowed a portion of a street and some parked cars, one in 2016 that caused a road to collapse, and another in 2020 that formed on a highway.

What are Georgia state colors?

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Georgia does not currently have any official state colors. The flag for the state is red, blue, white, and yellow.

Is it really cold in Georgia?

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Georgia experiences varying temperatures depending on the time of year. Winters can be cold, especially in the northern part of the state, with occasional snowfall. Summers are typically hot and humid throughout the state.

What are the landforms of the coastal plain region of Georgia?

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The coastal plain region of Georgia features flat terrain with low-lying landforms such as marshes, swamps, and barrier islands along the coast. The region also includes sandy beaches, estuaries, and tidal wetlands. Additionally, the presence of rivers and creeks flowing through the area contributes to its unique topography.

What is the natural resources for the ridge and valley?

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The natural resources found in the Ridge and Valley region include forests, fertile agricultural land, and mineral deposits such as limestone, iron, and coal. Additionally, rivers and streams in this region provide water resources for irrigation and hydroelectric power.

Have F5 tornadoes touched down in Georgia?

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Yes, F5 tornadoes have touched down in Georgia. One notable F5 tornado occurred in 1977 in the city of Albany, causing widespread destruction and multiple fatalities. These violent tornadoes are extremely rare, but can occur in any state that is prone to severe weather outbreaks.

It is 2 00 pm in Atlanta Georgia it is also 2 00 pm in Phoenix Arizona?

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Yes, that is correct. Both Atlanta, Georgia and Phoenix, Arizona are in the same time zone, which is Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) depending on the time of year.

What are facts about the blue ridge region in Georgia?

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The Blue Ridge region in Georgia is part of the larger Appalachian Mountains range. It is known for its stunning mountain scenery, including the highest peak in Georgia, Brasstown Bald. The region is also home to the Chattahoochee National Forest, offering opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing.

What time is it in Afghanistan if it is three pm in Atlanta Georgia?

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If it is 3 pm in Atlanta, Georgia, it would be 11:30 pm on the same day in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is 8.5 hours ahead of Atlanta, Georgia.

How deep will Providence Canyon be in 2050?

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It is difficult to predict the exact depth of Providence Canyon in 2050 due to various factors such as erosion rates, weather patterns, and human interventions. However, based on current trends, it is likely that the canyon will continue to deepen gradually over time.

Does Atlanta Georgia have wildfires floods droughts or any other climate effects?

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Atlanta, Georgia can experience a range of climate effects including droughts, which can occur during the hot summer months, and occasional flooding due to heavy rainfall or severe storms. While wildfires are less common in the Atlanta area compared to other parts of Georgia, they can still pose a risk, especially during dry periods. Overall, Atlanta is subject to a variety of weather and climate-related events, although the frequency and intensity may vary.

Which state border Georgia?

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Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.

What is Georgias state fossil?

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The state fossil of Georgia is the shark tooth. This fossil represents the state's rich history and connection to the ocean. Georgia designated the shark tooth as its state fossil in 1976.

What is the time difference between Punta Cana Dominican Republic and Atlanta Georgia?

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The Dominican Republic (UTC-4) is 1 hour ahead of Illinois (UTC-6/UTC-5) from the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of November and 2 hours ahead during the rest of the year.

What is the worst weather problem in Georgia?

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In Georgia, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are among the most significant weather problems. These weather events can bring damaging winds, hail, and heavy rainfall, leading to property damage and threats to public safety. Floods and hurricanes are also concerns in certain areas of Georgia.

When was the last time it snowed in Statesboro GA?

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It last snowed in Statesboro, GA on December 8, 2017. Snow is a rare occurrence in this region.