



Stars are balls of luminous plasma, held together by gravity. They can be seen twinkling overhead from our planet each night. They are enjoyable to look at, but also have been used as navigation tools for centuries.

8,859 Questions

Does the Sun move in the sky from north to south each day?

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The Sun does move from North to South in the sky (or the other way) just a little bit each day. This is caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis combined with the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun each day.

So, in the winter the Sun is lower in the sky than in the summer. In the Northern Hemisphere that means the Sun is further South in the sky.

What cause the apparent movement of the sun across the sky during the day on?

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The apparent movement of the sun across the sky during the day is due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the planet are exposed to the sun, giving the illusion of the sun moving across the sky from east to west.

What does a star's color tell you about that star?

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A star's color indicates its temperature. Hotter stars emit more blue light and appear blue or white, while cooler stars emit more red light and appear red or orange. By studying a star's color, astronomers can determine its temperature and infer other properties like its age and size.

Which is what star would be the brightest magnitude 1st 2nd 3rd?

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A star with a magnitude of 1 is the brightest, followed by a magnitude of 2 and then a magnitude of 3. The lower the magnitude, the brighter the star appears in the sky.

Is the sun a larger star than all other stars?

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No, the Sun is an average-sized star compared to other stars in the universe. There are much larger stars, known as supergiants, which can be hundreds of times larger than the Sun.

Which stars can live for about 10 billion years?

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Main sequence stars with masses similar to that of the Sun can live for about 10 billion years. These stars fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores, maintaining stable energy production for a long time. Examples include G-type stars like our Sun.

What is the color of a main sequence star?

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The color of a main sequence star can vary depending on its temperature. The hottest main sequence stars appear blue, while cooler ones tend to be more red.

What is the parts of the star?

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It depends on how massive the star is and what part of its life its at. Most of the time the core is the hottest, but after a star runs out of its current fuel it will start fusing elements in a shell around its core out to the surface or photosphere. While these shells are burning they are the temporary hotspots of the star, while the core gets hotter and hotter.

How long do dwarf stars live?

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How long stars live depends primarily on their mass. Low mass stars live longer.

A yellow dwarf star like the Sun has an expected lifetime of about 10 billion years on the main sequence, followed by a "red giant" phase that is considerably shorter, followed by a "white dwarf" (Type VII) phase lasting a very, very, very long time before the star eventually cools to the point it no longer emits light in the visible range, becoming a "black dwarf".

Low-mass red dwarfs (below, say, 0.25 stellar masses) could conceivably live trillions of years. We don't really know exactly what will happen to them or how long they will live, because the universe itself is only about 14 billion years old, not nearly long enough for any red dwarfs to have died.

What is the nearest red giant?

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Gamma Crucis (Gacrux) is the closest red giant to us, at a distance of about 88 light years.

However, semantics aside, Arcturus is probably the closest red giant to us at a distance of about 36 light years. Although it has a spectral class of K1 putting it as an upper limit orange giant, some texts do refer to it as a red giant.

What color is a hyper giant star?

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A hypergiant star appears red to the human eye due to its low surface temperature and high luminosity. However, some hypergiant stars can exhibit other colors such as orange or yellow depending on their age and chemical composition.

Which constellation is home to a yearly meteor shower taking place each august?

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The Perseids meteor shower takes place each August and is associated with the constellation Perseus. The shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

How the sunspot affect the earth?

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The primary affect on the Earth is on our ionosphere

What the color of coolest stars?

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Orange is the coolest color of stars

What type of star is Peacock?

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Peacock is a binary star system that consists of a yellow giant star and a white dwarf star.

Why are sun and stars are the same?

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Sun is a type of star specifically called a G-type main-sequence star. Both the Sun and other stars are massive, luminous spheres of plasma that produce energy through nuclear fusion in their cores. While the Sun is the closest star to Earth, all stars in the universe follow similar physical principles.

How many Suns can fit into Sirius?

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Sirius is actually a binary system, consisting of two stars. Sirius A and Sirius B.

  • Sirius A: Is almost twice as big as our Sun, so about 5 Suns.
  • Sirius B: Is minute, about 0.000000592704 Suns.

When Will Atlas The Star Die?

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Atlas, also known as 27 Tauri, is a binary star system in the Taurus constellation. The primary star, Atlas A, is a white giant star in the later stages of its life cycle. It is expected to evolve into a red giant before eventually shedding its outer layers to become a planetary nebula, leaving behind a white dwarf core. The exact timeline for this process is difficult to predict with precision, but it is estimated to occur within the next few million years.

Which star produces the most light?

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The star that produces the most light is the Sun. It is classified as a main-sequence star, and its luminosity is about 3.8 x 10^26 watts.

What is the best answer for the temperature of the sun?

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The temperature of the sun's surface is about 5,500 degrees Celsius, and its core temperature is estimated to be around 15 million degrees Celsius.

How hot is a sunspot on the sun?

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Sunspots are cooler regions on the Sun's surface, with temperatures ranging from about 3,500 to 4,500 degrees Celsius (6,332 to 8,132 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to the surrounding areas that can reach temperatures of around 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit).

What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun in both meters and feet?

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The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 149.6 million kilometers, which is approximately 93 million miles. In meters, this distance is about 149.6 billion meters, and in feet, it is about 490 million feet.

What are the group of stars found in the constellation Leo?

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The group of stars found in the constellation Leo is called the "Sickle," which forms the lion's head. It is a distinctive grouping of stars that is easily recognizable in the night sky.

What is the color and size of altair star?

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Altair is a white star with a diameter about 1.8 times that of the Sun.

What are the five medium stars?

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The five medium stars are the Sun, Alpha Centauri A, Sirius A, Vega, and Capella. These stars have masses and luminosities greater than average stars like our Sun, but are not as massive or luminous as giant stars.