



The scientific study of celestial bodies. Find questions on Constellations, Planets and more.

23,160 Questions

What is the estimated size of the universe?

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Asked by Wiki User

The estimated size of the observable universe is about 93 billion light-years in diameter. This is based on the current age of the universe and the speed of light. However, beyond the observable universe, the full extent of the universe is not known.

Substances that can be transformed to a gas at relatively low temperatures are termed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Substances that can be transformed into a gas at relatively low temperatures are called volatile substances. These substances have weak intermolecular forces that allow them to readily transition from a liquid or solid state to a gas at lower temperatures compared to non-volatile substances.

Is seeing a falling star lucky?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many cultures, seeing a falling star is considered lucky and a symbol of good fortune. It is believed that making a wish on a falling star will bring that wish to fruition. The rarity and beauty of a falling star can also bring a sense of wonder and appreciation for the mysteries of the universe.

What evidence do you have for the anthropic universe theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

The anthropic universe theory suggests that the universe shows evidence of being fine-tuned to support life. Some evidence for this theory includes constants and laws of nature being finely tuned to allow for the existence of life, the rare occurrence of conditions needed for life on Earth, and the presence of the so-called Goldilocks Zone in which planets can support life.

How long does it take to travel from earth to IO?

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Asked by Wiki User

The time it takes to travel from Earth to Jupiter's moon Io varies based on spacecraft speed and trajectory. Generally, it can take anywhere from several months to over a year for a spacecraft to reach Io, depending on the mission design and launch window.

What states that are between 15 and 20 billion years ago the universe began expanding out of an enormous explosion?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Big Bang theory states that approximately 13.8 billion years ago, the universe began expanding out of a dense and hot state, rather than 15-20 billion years ago. This theory is supported by observations such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the redshift of distant galaxies.

How many orders of magnitude bigger is the Solar System than the Sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

First, you would have to clarify what you want to include in the "Solar System":

  • Up to the farthest planet (Neptune): about 30 astronomical units.
  • To the farthest known object (Sedna): About 3-4 times that distance.
  • To the Oort cloud: about 1 light-year.

Just convert any of those numbers to kilometers, then divide by the Sun's radius (also in kilometers).

What are the roles of theory and experiment or observation in science?

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Asked by Wiki User

Theory and experiment/observation are both essential components of the scientific process. Theoretical frameworks provide explanations and predictions based on existing knowledge, guiding the design of experiments. Experimentation and observation generate empirical data that can either support or challenge existing theories, leading to refinement and advancement in scientific understanding. By working together, theory and experiment or observation drive the progress of science.

Which planet has a large solid core?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earth is the planet with a large solid core consisting mainly of iron and nickel. This core is divided into a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, which is responsible for generating the Earth's magnetic field.

When Will Atlas The Star Die?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atlas, also known as 27 Tauri, is a binary star system in the Taurus constellation. The primary star, Atlas A, is a white giant star in the later stages of its life cycle. It is expected to evolve into a red giant before eventually shedding its outer layers to become a planetary nebula, leaving behind a white dwarf core. The exact timeline for this process is difficult to predict with precision, but it is estimated to occur within the next few million years.

What is the loud whizzing stones?

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Asked by FabPrincessRuwaida

The loud whizzing sound produced by stones or rocks could be due to their movement through the air at high speeds. This can happen when stones are thrown, skipped across water, or collide with other objects, creating a distinctive noise.

Is it true that the moon always keeps the same side to face the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is true. This is a phenomenon known as synchronous rotation, where the moon's rotation period is the same as its orbital period around the Earth, causing the same side of the moon to always face Earth.

What 2 astronomers belived in the heliocentric model?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two astronomers who believed in the heliocentric model. Copernicus proposed the model in the 16th century, while Galileo provided further evidence for it in the 17th century through his observations with a telescope.

What is the force that keep a main sequence star from blowing apart?

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Asked by Wiki User

The force that keeps a main sequence star from blowing apart is the balance between the outward pressure generated by nuclear fusion in the core and the inward gravitational force pulling matter towards the center. This equilibrium maintains the stability and structure of the star.

How did Tycho Brahe contribute Kepler's laws?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tycho Brahe's precise astronomical observations provided data for Johannes Kepler to develop his laws of planetary motion. Kepler used Brahe's observations of Mars to formulate his three laws, which describe the motion of planets in elliptical orbits and the relationship between a planet's orbital speed and its distance from the sun.

What branch of earth science studies the position of earth in the solor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Astronomy is the branch of science that studies the position of Earth in the solar system. It involves observing and understanding the movements and interactions of celestial bodies, including Earth, within the solar system.

Who was the person to start a newespaper called The North Star?

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Frederick Douglass, the African American abolitionist and social reformer, established The North Star newspaper in 1847. It was an influential publication that advocated for the abolition of slavery and civil rights for all people.

Why there is no sound year like light year?

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Asked by Naharsv

Sound requires a medium to travel through like air, water, or solid materials, so it cannot travel through the vacuum of space. Light, on the other hand, can travel through the vacuum of space, which is why we can measure distance using light years to describe how far light travels in a year.

What is implied with the phrase shrouded in dark clothes and the darkness of the cloudy sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

The phrase suggests that the person is wearing dark clothing that blends in with the gloomy, overcast environment. This could imply a sense of mystery, camouflage, or a desire to remain hidden or unnoticed.

Is it possible to see a full moon setting at about the same time the sun is rising?

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New Moon ... and maybe a day before and after ... is the only time when

the moon is not in the sky during any part of the night.

Full Moon is the only time when the moon is not in the sky during any part

of the day.

What is the relative angle between two celestial bodies?

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The relative angle between two celestial bodies is the angular separation between them as seen from a specific point of observation. This angle is measured in degrees or radians, and it helps astronomers determine the position and movement of celestial objects in the sky.

What is consoleation?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe you may have meant "consolation." Consolation refers to providing comfort or solace to someone who is experiencing sadness or disappointment. It is a way to help ease someone's pain or suffering by offering sympathy and support.

What is the total mass of a uniform layer of water covering the entire Martian surface to a depth of 5m?

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Asked by Wiki User

To calculate the total mass of the water, we need to know the surface area of Mars. The surface area of Mars is approximately 145 million square kilometers. Given the depth of water as 5m, we can multiply the surface area by the depth to find the volume of water. Water has a density of 1000 kg/m^3, so we can then multiply the volume by the density to find the total mass of the water on Mars.

What can be use to observe the earth's spin?

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A Foucault pendulum is often used to observe the Earth's spin. It consists of a long pendulum that swings in a fixed plane, showing how the Earth rotates underneath it. Astrolobes and sextants can also be used to observe the Earth's spin by measuring the position of celestial objects in the sky.