

Fairies and Pixies

Fairies are supernatural beings in folklore, which resemble humans and possess magical powers.

882 Questions

Does fairies live in the meadow?

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In mythology and folklore, fairies are often associated with nature, including meadows. They are believed to inhabit natural spaces like meadows, forests, and gardens. However, the existence of fairies is a part of mythology and storytelling rather than reality.

What is the ugliest part of your body?

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Asked by Rockoftheages

I don't possess a physical body, so I don't have any parts to define as ugly.

Is there any Fairies in Pluto?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of fairies on Pluto or any other celestial body in our solar system. Fairies are mythological creatures typically associated with folklore and are not recognized as real beings by the scientific community.

How is ephelides pronounced?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ephelides, the plural of ephelis is pronounced eh-FEL-i-DEEZ, but should be pronounced FREH-kls.

What is the name of the black fairy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fiona, is the name of black fairy.

What is the scientific name for alien?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are referring to the taxonomic classification of an organism not of Earth, there is no specific name for all organisms not originating from Earth, just as there is no specific name for all organisms originating from Earth. There are, as of yet, no confirmed organisms from other planets*, so none have yet been given nomenclatures.

If you are asking for a more technical term or definition for alien, the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary defines alien as:

1. 1. adj a. Belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing: strange. b. Relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government: foreign. 2. adjDiffering in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility. 1. 1. noun A person of another family, race, or nationality. 2. noun A foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized, and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country; broadly: a foreign-born citizen. 3. noun An extraterrestrial. 3. 1. verb Alienate, estrange. 2. verb To make over (as property).

How do you write Love You Mom Dad Anu in elvish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Do you mean in the Elvish script or the Elvish language? 'Cause unfortunately for the script, you'll have to look it up in the appendices to the Return of the King.

If you want to know how to say it in the language, you know of course that there were a number of Elven languages, the most prominent of which are Quenyz, the language of Valinor and Sindarin, the language of the Grey-elves of Doriath. In Sindarin the verb root for "love" was "mel-" and the word for "father" was "adar"

In folklore who is the king of the elves and fairies?

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Oberon is a powerful fairy king in folklore, often associated with the realm of elves and fairies. He is a prominent figure in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

What happens if a human enters a fairy ring and why should you never enter them?

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In folklore, it is believed that if a human enters a fairy ring, they may be transported to the realm of the fairies or face misfortune. It is advised not to enter them out of respect for the fairies and to avoid potential consequences.

What are old names for elves?

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Some old names for elves include álfar (Old Norse), ælf (Old English), and alp (Old High German). These names have been used in various cultures throughout history to refer to mythical beings known for their beauty and magical abilities.

What size are fairies?

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Fairies are typically depicted as small humanoid creatures ranging in size from a few inches to a few feet tall. This size can vary depending on the folklore, culture, and artistic interpretation.

Do Fairies live in your yard?

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Asked by Wiki User

They can. A good way to discover whether you already have fairies/faeries is to walk outside after a rain. If you see what is commonly known as a "faery ring" (a large circle defined by mushrooms), then it is likely that they have been celebrating in your yard.

How do faeries reproduce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Faeries are mythical creatures, so their method of reproduction is not clearly defined in folklore. In some stories, they are said to procreate through traditional means, while in others, they may emerge from certain plants or even be born from the elements themselves.

What is a changeling?

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A changeling is a creature from folklore, often believed to be a fairy or elf, that is left in place of a human baby that has been stolen. It is said to have characteristics that give away its non-human nature, such as unusual behaviors or physical features.

What angers fairies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fairies can be angered by disrespecting nature, harming animals or plants, or trespassing in their sacred spaces. They also do not take kindly to greed, dishonesty, or cruelty towards others. Fairies are deeply connected to the natural world and value harmony and respect above all else.

What is head fairy name?

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The head fairy is known as the Fairy Queen or Queen Titania in the realm of fairies and folklore.

What is a name for a fairy castle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neverland (just like in Peter Pan)

If you're trying to come up with a name for your own fairy tale, consider this: what makes this place distinctive? Are there giants and dwarfs there? Lots of winged fairies? Glaciars and frozen lakes? Is it a happy, lovely place, or a dark one? Ice or fire? Dragons or rainbows?

mythica, arithica, rithia,rithica,wonderland,

What is the name for a Persian fairy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peri: A Persian færie. Peris are descended from fallen angels who have been denied paradise until they have done penance. In earlier sources they are described as agents of evil; later, they are benevolent. They are beautiful, exquisite winged, færie-like creature ranking between angels and evil spirits who sometimes visit the realm of mortals. In Indian Mythology Pari is the equivalent of a færie. Evil peris are called "Deevs"

Can a fairy trick you?

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Asked by Caramelcream

Yes, fairies are known for their mischievous nature and love of playing tricks on humans. They are clever and cunning creatures, so it's important to be cautious when dealing with them to avoid being tricked.

Who are Titania's fairies?

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In William Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Titania's fairies are a group of magical and mischievous creatures that serve Queen Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. They include characters like Puck (also known as Robin Goodfellow) and Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed. They play a significant role in the events of the play, creating chaos and confusion with their magical interventions.

What are different words for fairy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The terms all mean the same thing. Faeries are creatures of the folk lore of many different countries, and over the centuries have gone by different names, such as fairy, faerie, fey, etc. There are many different types of faeries too, such as nymphs, pixies, brownies, dwarfs, etc. Irish folk lore seems to have the widest variety of faerie species.

What is the difference between pre-Shakespearean fairies and post-Shakespearean fairies?

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Asked by Dawsonb3

Pre-Shakespearean fairies were typically portrayed as malevolent beings associated with nature and mischievous behavior, while post-Shakespearean fairies, as depicted in Shakespeare's works, took on more human-like qualities, such as beauty and magical abilities. Post-Shakespearean fairies became more benevolent and enchanting figures in folklore and literature.

What are names of fairy dwellings?

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Asked by Wiki User

well i may not be able to answer that but try different ways to ask a fairy her or him self build them a home or a shelter of flowers and sticks they may leave little clues or such and such it worked for me they left me a hair deckle and a ring with lead me to clues of fairy dwellings

What is another name for a fairy king?

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Asked by Wiki User

Another name for a fairy king is "elf king." Elves are mythical creatures often associated with forests and nature, and have been depicted as kings or rulers in various folktales and fantasy stories.