


Dragons are legendary creatures which have huge reptilian bodies. Western dragons are depicted as fire-breathing, winged, evil creatures who have gold and jewels hidden. Eastern dragons are said to have body parts of many animals, no wings, and often are not fire-breathing.

1,281 Questions

Is a fly without wings called a walk?

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If an orange isn't ripe, is it called a green?

Is Ernest Drake the only Dragonologist?

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Ernest Drake is a fictional character created by author Dugald A. Steer for the "Dragonology" series of books. In the context of the book series, Ernest Drake is portrayed as a prominent dragonologist who is well-known in the field. However, in real life, there are many individuals who study or have studied dragons in various capacities, both scientifically and mythologically.

According to Chinese mythology a white hare is believed to live on the moon which is carried by a dragon what is a explanation for this myth?

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The myth of the white hare on the moon comes from the folklore of the Mid-Autumn Festival, where the hare is seen pounding the elixir of immortality. The dragon represents the legendary guardian of the elixir and the moon itself. This tale symbolizes unity, peace, and the pursuit of eternal life in Chinese culture.

Where does the leafy sea dragon live on endless ocean?

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The leafy sea dragon can be found in the Zahhab Region Depths area in Endless Ocean. This area is part of the game’s main map and is where players can encounter various marine life, including the leafy sea dragon.

How can a genetic scientist create a dragon?

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As of current scientific knowledge, it is not possible to create a dragon as they are mythical creatures. Genetic scientists work within the realm of existing biological species and do not have the ability to create entirely new organisms with fantastical features like dragons.

Is there such thing as a dracologist?

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There is no recognized academic or scientific field of study called "dracology." However, some individuals may refer to themselves as dracologists if they have a personal interest or hobby related to dragons and dragon mythology.

What would happen if you put dragon blood into a human?

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Dragon blood is fictional and does not exist in real life. However, in a hypothetical scenario, if you were to introduce dragon blood into a human body, it could potentially lead to severe allergic reactions, poisoning, or even death due to the possible presence of toxins or foreign substances that are incompatible with human physiology.

How do you say Earth Dragon in Chinese?

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Earth Dragon in Chinese is written as 地龙 (dì lóng).

What is the smelliest thing on the planet?

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The smelliest substance on the planet is said to be thioacetone, a molecule that is so potent that it has been known to cause people to vomit and faint from its odor.

What is frost?

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Frost is a coating or layer of ice that forms on surfaces due to the freezing of water vapor in the air when temperatures drop below freezing. It often appears as delicate, feathery patterns on objects like grass, leaves, or car windows.

Is the weedy sea dragon a delicacy?

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No, the weedy sea dragon is not considered a delicacy. It is a protected species native to the southern and western coasts of Australia, and is not harvested for consumption.

Where can you find real dragons?

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Dragons have never existed in real life. They belong in the realm of unicorns and mermaids. So, you will never find a real dragon. The closest thing to one is at the National History Museum with the dinosaur bones.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence, they are out there, maybe even in disquise all around you

Do weedy sea dragons live in the myall river?

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Yes, weedy sea dragons can be found in the Myall River in Australia. They are known to inhabit the shallow coastal waters and seagrass beds along the eastern coast of Australia, including rivers and estuaries like the Myall River.

What does the Weedy Sea Dragon Eat?

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Weedy sea dragons primarily feed on tiny crustaceans like mysid shrimp and small fish. They use their long, tube-like snouts to suck up their prey and do not have teeth, so they rely on their camouflaging ability to ambush and capture food.

How do weedy sea dragons move?

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Weedy sea dragons move by using their small fins to propel themselves through the water. They have a unique way of moving that involves mimicking the swaying motion of seaweed to camouflage themselves in their environment. They are not strong swimmers and rely on their ability to blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators.

What are the predators of the weedy sea dragon?

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The main predators of weedy sea dragons are larger fish, sharks, and sea birds. They are also at risk from human activities, such as habitat destruction and pollution.

Why do dragons often live in volcanoes?

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Dragons are often associated with volcanoes because of their powerful and fiery nature, which aligns with the image of volcanic activity. The idea of dragons living in volcanoes adds to their mystique and portrays them as beings of immense power and danger. Additionally, the heat and harsh conditions of a volcano may be seen as a suitable environment for a creature as strong and resilient as a dragon.

What traits do dragons have?

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Dragons are typically depicted as large, powerful, and fire-breathing creatures with scales, wings, and the ability to fly. They are often portrayed as wise and ancient beings with a fierce and protective nature. In many mythologies, dragons are seen as symbols of strength, power, and wisdom.

What is repulsion gas?

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Repulsion gas is a fictional substance often found in science fiction stories or video games. It is typically portrayed as a gas that causes objects or individuals to be repelled or pushed away from its source. It is used as a plot device for creating barriers or obstacles in the storyline.

What phenomenon would be considered supernatural?

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Phenomena such as ghosts, psychic abilities, and miracles are often considered supernatural. These events are typically not explainable by natural laws or science.

What is the oldest existing organisation?

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The Roman Catholic Church is the oldest continuously operating entity with an identifiable structure. Verifiably, the first pope was Linus (after Peter, anyway), who took office in AD 64 or 67, depending upon the source. The office of the papacy as the head of the church has not been left vacant since that time. I mention the Roman Catholic Church because there is dispute concerning the role of the leadership in Rome during the early church, particularly among the Orthodox. However, the Roman bishop, or pope, was unquestionably the patriarch of the western church. Thus, disputes over Peter's papacy aside, the central structure of the Roman church has existed for about 1950 years at this point. Orthodox churches cannot lay claim to this age, if only because their episcopates have been overrun at times, particularly due to Muslim conquest. More specifically, the more ancient sees that were on par with Rome (Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Constantinople), either did not exist as early as Rome (Constantinople), or disappeared before the turn of the millennium (all of the rest).

No secular institution can come even close to such longevity (governmental or otherwise). The U.S. presently has the oldest continuously operating government at about 225 years, though some claim that Iceland has had a continuously operating parliament for about 1100 years. As for other religions, Hinduism, the world's oldest known religion, has no institutional structure, as such. Judaism, another of the world's oldest religions, has had its institutional structure destroyed at several points in time, notably during the Babylonian exile, and again after the Roman destruction of the temple in 67 AD. Modern Judaism is divided (as it has been for over 2000 years), and does not share a common institutional structure with its historical predecessors.

How does angel from forged by fire look like?

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In "Forged by Fire" by Sharon Draper, Angel is described as having short black curly hair, dark eyes, and a thin face. She is often depicted as shy and reserved, with a fragile appearance that hides her inner strength. She is caring and protective of others, especially her brother Gerald.

I have a pet baby Chinese dragon and its tail is sometimes straight... What does it mean when a Chinese dragons tail is straight... and what does it mean when a Chinese dragons tail is curled?

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A straight tail on a Chinese dragon is a sign of aggression or alertness, showing that the dragon is ready to defend itself or its territory. A curled tail indicates relaxation, contentment, or playfulness, suggesting that the dragon feels safe and at ease in its environment.

How do you you say dragon in Gaulish?

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i think you mean galician in dragon it means dragón

What are the answers to the story River Dragon Justice?

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"River Dragon Justice" is a short story by Henry Chang that was published in 2012. The story follows Detective Jack Yu as he investigates a murder in New York City's Chinatown. It explores themes of Chinese mythology, family loyalty, and justice. As a digital assistant, I don't have access to the full content of the story to provide specific answers or details.