


The suspense and thrills of danger and the unknown are greatly leveraged in this genre of literature. Frankenstein is one of the earliest novels to set the stage and many of these literary classics have been adapted for the screen.

1,182 Questions

What is a vapanese?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's where a vampire drinks the blood of something and kills it. The word comes from the movie Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. A vampire drinks the blood of something but makes sure that he or she doesn't kill it.

What's the name of the movie where students are trapped in the bus because of a flying creature?

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The movie is called "The Mist" (2007). It follows a group of townspeople, including students, who become trapped in a supermarket by a mist that contains deadly creatures.

What is zalgo?

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Asked by Bawlsamerica

Zalgo is a style of text editing that involves adding layers of diacritical marks, Unicode combining characters, and other symbols to create a chaotic and corrupted appearance. This can make the text difficult to read and is often associated with a creepy or unsettling aesthetic.

What is the problem and solution in a corner of the universe by ann m martin?

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Asked by Wiki User

"In a Corner of the Universe" by Ann M. Martin follows the story of a teenage boy named Hattie, who struggles with feeling invisible and disconnected from his family. The problem in the story is Hattie's internal struggle with finding his place in the world and connecting with his family. The solution comes through Hattie's interactions with his eccentric Uncle Adam, who helps him see the world in a new light and find acceptance within his family.

What does Jonathan think the Count intends to do with all his boxes of earth?

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Jonathan believes that the Count intends to use the boxes of earth to create a safe and familiar environment for himself wherever he travels. He suspects that the Count may need the earth to maintain his strength and powers while away from his homeland.

Was Ichabod Crane the teacher in Sleepy Hollow?

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Yes, Ichabod Crane is depicted as a school teacher in the classic "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" story by Washington Irving. In the story, he is described as a superstitious and nervous schoolmaster who encounters the Headless Horseman.

Why do people enjoy reading gothic fiction?

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People enjoy reading gothic fiction because it offers a thrilling and darkly atmospheric experience that can evoke feelings of fear, suspense, and intrigue. The genre often explores themes of the supernatural, the macabre, and the psychological, providing readers with an escape into a world of mystery and suspense. Additionally, gothic fiction frequently delves into the complexities of human nature and emotions, offering an exploration of the darker aspects of the human psyche.

What is psychological horror?

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Psychological horror is a subgenre of horror that focuses on creating fear and unease through psychological elements such as suspense, tension, and psychological disturbances rather than relying on graphic violence or jump scares. It often explores themes of the mind, perception, and the human psyche to create an unsettling and disturbing atmosphere for the audience.

Would you say Shelley and me or Shelly and I?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Shelley and I" is the correct way to phrase it. Use "I" when it is the subject of the sentence.

Whwt is the scientific name for horror?

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The scientific term for fear is "phobia". When fear becomes intense and lasting, it can be diagnosed as a phobia.

How would you use clumsily in a sentence?

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She fumbled clumsily with the keys, struggling to unlock the door in the dark.

Did the author Katherine Paterson die or is she still living?

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Katherine Paterson is still living as of September 2021. She was born on October 31, 1932, and is known for writing popular books for children and teens.

Why does dick get charged with three counts of murder and perry four counts?

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Dick is charged with three counts of murder because he was directly involved in killing three people. Perry is charged with four counts because he not only participated in those three murders but also committed another murder on his own. This difference in the number of charges reflects their respective roles in the crimes.

Why is Crane a suitable name for Sleepy Hollow's schoolmaster?

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The name "Crane" is suitable for Sleepy Hollow's schoolmaster because it evokes an image of elegance and fragility, similar to a bird. It also plays into the character's tall and slender appearance, as cranes are known for their slender necks. Lastly, the name Crane ties in with the mysterious and eerie atmosphere of Sleepy Hollow, adding to the schoolmaster's enigmatic persona.

What are some true horror stories?

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There are countless true horror stories that people have experienced, ranging from encounters with supernatural entities, sinister urban legends, and chilling mysteries that remain unsolved. These stories often evoke fear and unease in those who hear them, making them popular subjects in folklore and popular culture. It is important to remember that these stories are often passed down through generations and may evolve over time, blurring the line between fact and fiction.

What is the introduction of the storry of the legend of sleepy hollow?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving that tells the tale of Ichabod Crane, a superstitious schoolteacher who encounters a headless horseman in the fictional town of Sleepy Hollow. The story introduces the setting of Sleepy Hollow, its inhabitants, and the mysterious events that unfold in the area.

Why did Mary Shelley chose the cold arctic?

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Mary Shelley chose the cold arctic setting in "Frankenstein" to emphasize the isolation and harshness of Victor Frankenstein's pursuit of his creature, mirroring his emotional and psychological turmoil. The frigid environment also symbolizes the desolation and danger of unchecked scientific ambition.

Did Mary Shelley marry Lord Byron?

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No, Mary Shelley did not marry Lord Byron. She was married to Percy Bysshe Shelley, another prominent poet of the Romantic era. Lord Byron was a close friend of the Shelleys and spent time with them in Switzerland, where the idea for Mary Shelley's famous novel "Frankenstein" was conceived.

Which statement best describes Mary Shelley as a child?

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Asked by JuanRodriguezgp1610

during her childhood, Shelley entertained herself by writing stories and making up characters. -ENGLISH12 APEX

Why did Stephen King write books as Richard Bachman?

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Asked by Ganderton

Stephen King wrote books as Richard Bachman to experiment with writing different genres and styles outside of his typical horror genre. He also wanted to see if his work would be successful based on its own merit rather than his established name as Stephen King.

Was Mary Shelley left handed?

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There is no definitive historical evidence confirming whether Mary Shelley was left-handed or right-handed. Therefore, her handedness remains unknown.

What was the significance of the 1818 book frankenstine by Mary Shelley?

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"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is significant as one of the earliest science fiction novels and a pioneering work in the horror genre. It explores themes such as the consequences of unchecked scientific ambition, the nature of humanity, and the dangers of playing god. The story has had a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing numerous adaptations and interpretations.

Why does Mary Shelley write about victors childhood?

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Mary Shelley includes details about Victor's childhood to help the reader understand his character development and motivations. By exploring his upbringing, we can see how certain experiences and relationships shaped his personality and influenced his actions later in the story. Additionally, understanding Victor's background adds depth to his character and provides insight into the themes of the novel.

Why does Mary Shelley writer about victors childhood?

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Mary Shelley includes Victor's childhood in "Frankenstein" to provide context and insight into his character development and motivations as an adult. By exploring his upbringing and experiences as a child, Shelley gives readers a deeper understanding of why Victor makes certain decisions and the impact of his early life on his later actions. It helps to humanize Victor and adds complexity to his character.

Why do people get scared after reading gothic horror?

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People can get scared after reading gothic horror because the genre often involves themes of death, darkness, the supernatural, and the unknown, which can tap into deep-seated fears and invoke feelings of dread or suspense. The chilling atmosphere, eerie settings, and suspenseful narratives in gothic horror stories can create a sense of unease or fear in readers.