


Sentence and Word Structure

All sentences have a subject and a verb but their structures can vary widely. Use the right words and active verbs to create powerful sentences for your prose.

37,442 Questions

What is the longest sentence that you can make starting with each word?

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Sentences can be as long as you want, but the longer that sentences get, the less likely that they contain a single thought, and the more likely that they should be broken up into shorter sentences for clarity. Particularly unclear are sentences that start a thought, diverge to a number of possibilities, and then return to the original thought at the end.

Do you have a sample sentences using the idiomatic expression behind the times?

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Asked by Wiki User

Behind the times means that the person uses outdated methods of doing something, or does not seem to know common current information.

Mr. Smith always seems to be behind the times.

You're behind the times if you think that cellphone is the best.

What is a sentence with the word profuse?

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Asked by Wiki User

you ate a profuse amount of food, then you took a nap.

Can you start a sentence with the word my?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can start a sentence with the word "my." Here are a few examples:

  1. My favorite color is blue.

  2. My dog always greets me at the door when I come home.

  3. My goal for this year is to learn a new language.

  4. My parents are coming to visit us next weekend.

  5. My car broke down on the way to work this morning.

Starting a sentence with "my" is perfectly grammatical and common in everyday writing and speech.

Use the word savanna in a sentence?

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Elephants roam freely in the vast savanna, grazing on the tall grasses under the expansive African sky.

Can you give a sentence using the word Arachnid?

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The arachnid crawled across the ceiling with its eight hairy legs.

Use the word furry in a sentence?

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1. Furry is a word that the person asking this question doesn't know how to use in a sentence.

Yeah, maybe not what you're looking for.

2. I went to the pet store and got to hold a furry kitten.

3. I think Krystal from Star Fox is attractive. Am I a furry?

Put the word predator in a sentence?

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The predator stalked his prey.

We have found and arrested the predator, you can all sleep well tonight.

Predator is a good film.

But Predator Versus Alien was a bit over the top.

How do you write a sentence about amazement?

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You can write a sentence about amazement by describing the feeling of admiration, surprise, or wonder that someone experiences when encountering something extraordinary or unexpected. For example, "She looked on in amazement as the magician made the rabbit disappear in a puff of smoke."

A The dog Simple sentence?

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What is the sentence fragments to in a huge spaceship?

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Sentence fragments can disrupt the flow of a text or conversation, making it difficult for the reader or listener to understand the intended message. In a huge spaceship, sentence fragments may create confusion or miscommunication among the crew or passengers. It's important to use complete sentences to ensure clear and effective communication in such a complex and potentially high-stakes environment.

Can you give a sentence with the word macrocosm in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of ecology examines how individual organisms interact with the macrocosm of the environment.

Can you give a sentence with the word aeronautics in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

The field of aeronautics involves the study and practice of designing, building, and operating aircraft and spacecraft.

How do you use scampering in a sentence?

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Scamper is a verb that means to run very quickly, usually with light steps, as an animal might: A squirrel accidentally got into our living room, after falling down the chimney; it was obviously scared, and as soon as we opened the door, the squirrel scampered outside.

Is it grammatically correct to say 'a darkness'?

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Yes, darkness is a noun and the indefinite article 'a' is grammatically correct. It would also be correct to use the definite article 'the', depending on how the word darkness is used. Examples:

A darkness invaded my thoughts. A darkness dominated the story.

The darkness made it difficult to read the text. The darkness of the stairwell made it necessary to take care.

Can you give a sentence for the word awed?

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Example sentence - They were awed by the vastness of the cavern.

How would you use omnivorous in a sentence?

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Bears are omnivorous animals that eat both plants and animals to meet their nutritional needs.

What is a large elephant like animal now extinct word has come to be synonomous with the word gigantic?

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Asked by Vonvon741

The animal you are referring to is the mammoth. They were large, elephant-like creatures that lived during the Ice Age, but are now extinct. The term "mammoth" has become synonymous with anything that is huge or gigantic.

What is a good sentence for the word nightmear?

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The word "nightmear" does not exist in the English language. Did you mean "nightmare"? If so, a sentence could be: "She woke up screaming from a terrifying nightmare."

What is the possessive form of a word ending in z?

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Nouns ending with -z form the possessive by adding apostrophe -s ('s) to the end of the word.


  • Buzz; Buzz's bicycle
  • jazz; jazz's greats
  • quiz; the quiz's difficulty
  • waltz; the waltz's end

What is a good sentence for asteroid?

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The asteroid sped through the night sky, leaving a trail of fiery debris in its wake.

What is wrong in this sentence The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from Earth without a telescope?

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Asked by Wiki User

The better phrasing would be: "The rings of Saturn are so distant that they cannot be seen from Earth without a telescope." The original sentence has a misplaced preposition "to" that should be replaced with "that" for clarity and correct grammar.

How do you use vivisection in a sentence?

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"Vivisection is a cruel way of testing drugs on animals."

A sentence using the word dog?

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The family went for a walk with their playful dog in the park.