


Pearl Harbor

The Japanese attack on the US Military bases in the Hawaiian Territory particularly the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor brought the US into World War 2.

3,608 Questions

Do works bombs work in cold weather?

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Works bombs, which are made by combining works toilet bowl cleaner and aluminum foil, can still work in cold weather, but the reaction may be slower due to the lower temperature. It is important to follow safety precautions and local laws when using works bombs.

What is the expansion of PEARL?

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The expansion of PEARL is "Process and Experiment Adaptive Resource Limited" or "Practical Extraction and Report Language" depending on the context.

How do Japanese people prepare food?

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Japanese people often prepare food by using fresh and high-quality ingredients like seafood, rice, vegetables, and seasonal fruits. They often emphasize the presentation of the dish, aiming to create visually appealing and balanced meals. Traditional Japanese cooking methods include grilling, simmering, steaming, and raw preparations like sashimi or sushi.

What is Japan's capital resources?

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Japan's capital resources include a highly skilled and educated workforce, advanced technology and innovation, strong infrastructure and transportation networks, and access to financial markets. These resources have contributed to Japan's economic success and global competitiveness.

What is a harbor site?

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A harbor site is a location where vessels can anchor and find shelter from the open sea. It typically includes facilities for loading and unloading cargo, as well as amenities for the crew and passengers. Harbors are key hubs for maritime activities and transportation.

How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect abiotic and biotic factors?

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The attack on Pearl Harbor had immediate impacts on abiotic factors such as physical infrastructure damage, oil spills affecting water quality, and air pollution from explosions. Biotic factors were also affected with loss of human life, destruction of habitats causing disruption to local wildlife, and contamination affecting marine organisms. The event had lasting environmental repercussions on both abiotic and biotic factors.

How did Isolationism effect in World War 2?

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Isolationism in World War 2, particularly in the United States, delayed intervention in the conflict and hindered efforts to support allies against Axis powers. This stance changed after the attack on Pearl Harbor, leading the U.S. to fully engage in the war. In contrast, isolationist policies in countries like Japan and Italy contributed to their increasingly aggressive actions in the lead-up to the war.

What is the most effective response to aggression?

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The most effective response to aggression often involves staying calm, setting boundaries, and seeking help if needed. It's important to prioritize your safety and well-being while trying to defuse the situation as peacefully as possible.

What did the government propaganda and war films portray the Japanese as during World War 2?

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Government propaganda and war films portrayed the Japanese as ruthless and inhumane, often depicting them as aggressors seeking world domination. They were often dehumanized and depicted as a threatening enemy that needed to be defeated at all costs. This propaganda aimed to rally support for the war effort and justify the conflict against Japan.

How many Mexican Americans are enrolled in the military?

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As of 2018, 15,196 active-duty military personnel in the U.S. identified as Mexican American. This number may have changed since then, but it provides a general idea of the representation of Mexican Americans in the military.

How do you preserve newspaper clippings?

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To preserve newspaper clippings, store them in a cool, dark, and dry environment away from sunlight and humidity. Place the clippings between acid-free paper or in clear plastic sleeves to protect them from damage. Avoid using adhesive or tape directly on the clippings, as they can cause discoloration and deterioration over time.

What was Helen kellers 1st pet?

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Helen Keller's first pet was a dog named Belle. Belle was a lively and affectionate companion to Helen during her childhood.

Which day is a day that will live in infamy?

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December 7, 1941, is known as the day that will live in infamy, marking the surprise attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, leading to the United States' entry into World War II.

How many books has gertrude chandler warner written?

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Gertrude Chandler Warner wrote 19 books in "The Boxcar Children" series, which was initially published between 1924 and 1979. Additionally, she wrote a few standalone books and other works.

After World War 2 what countries were communist?

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After World War II, several countries adopted communist governments or came under the influence of communist parties. The most prominent ones include:

Soviet Union (USSR): The Soviet Union was the first and largest communist state, led by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), under the leadership of Joseph Stalin.

People's Republic of China: The Chinese Communist Party, led by Mao Zedong, established the People's Republic of China in 1949, following a civil war against the Nationalist government.

Eastern Bloc countries: After World War II, several countries in Eastern Europe came under Soviet influence and established communist governments. These countries included:

  • East Germany
  • Poland
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Albania (although it later distanced itself from the Soviet Union)

North Korea: Following the end of World War II and the subsequent division of Korea, the northern part came under the influence of the Soviet Union, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) was established in 1948, led by Kim Il-sung.

Cuba: The Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara succeeded in overthrowing the Batista regime in 1959, establishing a communist government in Cuba.

Vietnam: After defeating French colonial forces in the First Indochina War and later resisting American intervention in the Vietnam War, North Vietnam became a communist state under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh. In 1976, Vietnam was reunified under communist rule.

Laos: The Pathet Lao, a communist political movement, took control of Laos in 1975.

Mongolia: The Mongolian People's Republic, under the influence of the Soviet Union, became a satellite state with a communist government.

How many Pearl Harbor ships are still in service?

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As of my knowledge cutoff date in October 2021, none of the ships that were present at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, are still in service. The last remaining active duty ship that served during World War II, the USS Constitution, is a three-masted frigate that dates back to the early 19th century.

What was the major turning point of pearl harbor?

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The major turning point of Pearl Harbor was the surprise attack on the US naval base by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. This attack led to the United States' entry into World War II, as it prompted a declaration of war against Japan by the US. It also marked a significant shift in public opinion in the US, rallying support for the war effort.

Were the Japanese Americans trusted after pearl harbor?

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No, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were widely viewed with suspicion and fear. They were subjected to widespread discrimination, forced relocation, and internment in camps during World War II based solely on their Japanese ancestry. It was not until decades later that these actions were acknowledged as a grave injustice.

In 1941 who attaked pear harbor?

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The attack on Pearl Harbor was carried out by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941. This surprise military strike on the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, led to the United States' entry into World War II.

Why are harbor unlikely be spotted in the midocean?

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Harbors are typically located along coastlines, near land masses, and are designed to provide shelter for ships. They are unlikely to be found in the middle of the ocean because there is no natural or geographical feature to provide the necessary protection and infrastructure for a harbor. Additionally, the lack of nearby land makes it impractical and expensive to construct and maintain a harbor in the mid-ocean.

Why was the success of the attack on Pearl Harbor considered great but not total?

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The attack on Pearl Harbor was considered great because it dealt a severe blow to the United States' Pacific Fleet, destroying or damaging numerous warships and aircraft. However, it was not considered total because the attack did not completely destroy the United States' naval capabilities or infrastructure at Pearl Harbor. The U.S. aircraft carriers, which were the primary target of the attack, were out at sea and therefore survived unharmed, allowing the U.S. to rebuild and retaliate in the Pacific War.

What 3 u.s. ships never sailed after pearl harbor?

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Three U.S. ships that never sailed after the attack on Pearl Harbor include the USS Arizona, USS Oklahoma, and USS Utah. These ships were heavily damaged or sunk during the attack and were never repaired or put back into active service. They ultimately became memorials to the lives lost during the attack.

Why was it that Japan's natural resources were taken away from them before Pearl Harbor Were they stepping in to defend china?

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Japan's natural resources were not taken away from them before Pearl Harbor. However, due to their aggressive expansionist policies, Japan faced economic sanctions from Western countries, limiting their access to vital resources like oil, rubber, and metals. These sanctions were in response to Japan's invasion of China and its subsequent brutal actions in the region.

What did the Japanese attack on Dec 7?

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The Japanese attack on December 7, 1941, was an aerial assault on the U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. It was a surprise attack that severely damaged the American naval fleet and led to the United States joining World War II.

Is Pearl Harbor haunted?

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There have been reports of paranormal activity and ghost sightings at Pearl Harbor, but the extent and veracity of these claims are subjective and remain a topic of debate. Some people believe that the spirits of those who perished during the attack may still linger in the area.