Why is kendo important in Japan?
Kendo is a Japanese martial art which means "way of the sword." Although several different martial arts utilized swordsmanship, this unique style of fencing made an appearance in the 20th century. It was recognized after the introduction of shina (bamboo swords) and bogu (body armor) created by Japanese master Naganuma Sirozaemon Kunisato. Kendo has adopted a concept of disciplining an individual�s character through the principles of Katana, which is a sword.
The history of Kendo is very much associated with samurai during the Kamakura period (1185-1233). This period also marked the strong influence of Zen Buddhism on the development of Kendo.
Those who practice Kendo are called kendoka or kenshi, which means swordsman. Kendoka practice the martial art with loud shouts, or kiai, which are said to express the spirit of fighting. In Kendo, strikes are only allowed to be made to seven target areas of the human body. All of these body parts are covered by armor, to protect the opponent from severe injuries. These target areas are the top of the head, left and right side of the head, both wrists (while they are held in different positions), the torso, and the throat. Because many attacks against these targets can result in fatality, certain body parts are off-limits to practitioners who are not senior experts.
In competitions, points are only awarded to Kendo practitioners who earn them. Attacks must be performed firmly and adequately and must hit a specified target with precise accuracy. During a tournament, a referee will hold up a flag to announce when points are awarded. The flag's color will correspond to the color ribbon worn by the practitioner awarded the point. The first competitor to achieve a total of two points is considered to be the winner.
Since the founding of the International Kendo Federation (IKF) in 1970, approximately 8 million people worldwide practice Kendo. Its popularity is widespread throughout North America, Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.
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Smokers keep smoking for three main reasons. First and probably most importantly, nicotine. Nicotine causes surges of dopamine in the brain which is a feel good neurotransmitter in the brain. Within seconds of the first puff, dopamine is released and a smoker is calmed or given a short boost of energy. Secondly, the hand-to-mouth habit becomes a relaxing movement in itself. They associate smoking with enjoying things more, such as coffee or alcohol drinking. The final reason would be the social aspect, of smokers around them which encourage the social habit.
What is the capital of medieval japan?
The capital of Japan was Kyoto actually I'm learning about Kyoto in history:D
God bless Gracie
Why doesn't japan want to surrender?
Japan Did surrender to the USA, and President Harry Truman, after two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, (and after Russia declared war on Japan). Japan did not want to surrender, because their samurai code said it was better to die instead of to surrender. It was after they were bombed with nuclear weapons (and after Russia attacked the Japanese forces in Manchuria), that Japan finally decided to surrender.
What does japan import from China?
Your question needs clarifying.
Countries do not import 'to' other countries they import 'from' other countries.
The export 'to' other countries.
Imports are goods bought elsewhere and brought inwards. Exports are goods manufactured in the home country and sold abroad.
Who accepted the surrender of japan in 1945?
General McArthur and several Admirals in the Navy accepted the surrender of Japan and they signed the surrender documents with the Japanese officials on one of the US naval ships.
Is Tokyo on the main island of Japan?
No. Tokyo is the capital city of Japan. Tokyo is located on one of Japan's main islands called Honshu.
Why were Italy and japan on germany's side during World War 2?
Italy's leader Benito Mussolini was a fascist the same as Hitler. Italy had a very anti-allied European view due to the events of WWI and the economic downturn following it. So they took a stance against The European powers in 1940. Japan was an imperial country with a constitutional monarchy (just like Britain) so it was almost natural for two imperial nations to decide to fight each other. Although there were many other complex political, economic, and territorial issues between Japan and Britain that also compelled them to become enemies.
What was the relationship between Japan and Germany in 1941?
Before Pearl Harbor Japan relations with the US were good. In World War One, they were actually an ally of the US. They were part of the group called the Allies. Also, Japan gave the US a peace medal a VERY short time before the Pearl Harbor bombings. However, the peace medal was clearly an act of deceitfulness, designed to catch the US off guard. Later, at the end of World War Two, we strapped the peace medal to the atomic bomb and dropped it right on Hiroshima.
What is Southeast Asia also called?
Asia has been called many things over the course of history. Two of the most popular names for Asia have been the Orient, the Far East.
What countries are friends of japan?
The United States, western Europe, South Korea, Taiwan. Japanese relations with the west are mostly economic, as many American corporations generate important revenue from Japan.
Where is the country Japan located?
Japan is an archipelago, a collection of more than 6000 islands, including 4 large ones, in the Pacific Ocean off the NE coast of Asia. They are south and southeast of western Russia, and east of North and South Korea, across the Sea of Japan. The chain of smaller islands extends farther south, off the east coast of China.
How is japan geographically isolated?
As an archipelago, Japan is an island chain and is surrounded by water. The water acts as a natural and geographical barrier, separating the country from its nearest land neighbor (Manchuria and Russia on the Asian continent) by 100-200 miles at the closest points. For the most part, Japan is separated from other islands and large land masses by thousands of miles of ocean.
What were the main reason us dropped the atomic bomb in the two city of japan?
reason-1. USA (and its allied forces) wanted to punish Japan and Japan to be capitulized; reason-2 to show USA has acheived a real explodable atomic bomb
reason-3 USA to see the after effects of bomb blast
2nd Answer:
None of the above is true. The two bombs were dropped to prevent mass death when the allies invaded Japan (because she would not surrender). In other words, to force Japan to surrender. They did not surrender after the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
At this point a huge allied invasion force was within two weeks of invading Japan. Huge numbers of allied and Japanese military would have died had the invasion taken place, along with millions of Japanese citizens. Secondly, a number of Japanese cities had endured thousands of incendiary bombs being dropped. This was called fire bombing. Tokyo was the main target, and it was nearly destroyed from the ensuing fires. Many more military and civilians were killed and injured than by the two bombs.
After the war ended, a number of Japanese Navy higher-ups stated that the dropping of the two bombs saved millions of lives, and they were happy that their country was never invaded militarily.
What country in Asia is the richest in natural resources?
china because people in china are gaining more business
Emperor of Ethiopia World War 2?
The leader of Ethiopia during World War II was Haile Selassie who reigned from November 2, 1930 - September 12, 1974.
How wide is the mainland of the US?
The United States is third in size among the world's continents, lying for the most part
between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer. It extends for
more than 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometres) to within 500 miles of both
the North Pole and the Equator and has an east-west extent of 5,000
miles. It covers an area of 9,355,000 square miles (24,230,000 square