



The Russian participation in World War 2, in both the European and Pacific theaters of the war.

3,003 Questions

What is the second largest country in the USSR?

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The second largest country in the USSR was Ukraine, both in terms of land area and population. It was a significant republic within the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in 1991.

What is involved in bloody typing and screening?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Blood typing and screening involves testing a person's blood to determine their blood type (A, B, AB, or O) and Rh factor (positive or negative). This information is important for blood transfusions and maternal-fetal compatibility. The screening also checks for the presence of unexpected antibodies in the blood that could cause transfusion reactions.

What are steel springs made out of?

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Steel springs are typically made from high carbon steel or stainless steel. High carbon steel offers good strength and durability, while stainless steel is corrosion-resistant and suitable for applications where rust prevention is important. Other materials such as chrome silicon or chrome vanadium can also be used to make springs with specific properties.

Does 90 degrees west pass through the soviet union?

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No, 90 degrees west does not pass through the Soviet Union. This line of longitude runs through parts of North and South America, including countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Ecuador.

What happened to leningrad?

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Leningrad was the former name of St. Petersburg in Russia. In 1991, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city's name was officially changed back to St. Petersburg. The change was part of a broader effort to distance the city from its Soviet past and embrace its historical and cultural heritage.

What was the name of Stalingrad before?

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Petrograd. It was originally St Petersburg but it was changed to Petrograd as St Petersburg was believed to be more German.

Is a computer a solid?

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Asked by Tori333

Yes, a computer is considered a solid object as it is a physical device made of various components such as a motherboard, processor, memory, and storage housed in a rigid case.

What do all solids have what in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Solids have a definite shape and volume because their particles are tightly packed and have strong intermolecular forces holding them in place. They also have a fixed melting point at which they change into a liquid state.

What is the new name of Leningrad?

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Stalingrad, an industrial city located on the western bank of the lower Volga River in Russia, earned great fame during World War II as the site of the 1942/43 battle between German and Soviet troops which resulted in a decisive Soviet victory. In 1961, the city was renamed Volgograd, and this name still stands; however, 2013, the decision was made to return the name of the city to "Stalingrad" at honorary occasions during each year, with the possibility of returning to the older name permanently.

Who was first shleiden or virchow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Matthias Schleiden was the first to propose the cell theory in 1838, stating that all plants are composed of cells. Rudolf Virchow later expanded on this theory in 1858 by adding that all cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Why do mountains often occur thousands of km long?

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Mountains form over millions of years due to tectonic plate movement and collisions. When two plates converge, the pressure and stress cause the crust to buckle and fold, creating mountain ranges that can extend for thousands of kilometers. The length of mountains is determined by the duration and intensity of tectonic activity in the region.

What is a demographic disaster?

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A demographic disaster refers to a situation where a population experiences a significant decline in numbers or faces imbalances in age, gender, or other key demographic characteristics that can have negative social, economic, and political consequences. This can be due to factors like high mortality rates, low birth rates, wars, diseases, or other catastrophic events.

Who first discovered cuso4?

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Copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4, was discovered by German chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber in the 17th century.

What effect did world war 1 have on USSR?

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World War 1 contributed to the fall of the Russian Empire and the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922. The war also created economic strain and further discontent among the Russian populace, which fueled the revolutionary movement.

Why are communists called Reds?

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Communists are called "Reds" because the color red has historically been associated with revolutionary movements and socialist ideologies. The term gained popularity during the Russian Revolution of 1917, where the Bolsheviks, who established the first communist state, used the color red as a symbol of their movement.

How did Stalin use censorship and propaganda?

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Stalin used censorship to control the flow of information and suppress dissenting voices. Propaganda was used to create a cult of personality around him, promote his ideology, and maintain control over the population by shaping their beliefs and perceptions.

What do you call the war of propaganda between the U.S and the soviet union after world war2?

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Asked by Wiki User

The war of propaganda between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after World War II is often referred to as the Cold War. It was a period of geopolitical tension and ideological rivalry between the two superpowers, marked by propaganda, military build-up, and espionage, without direct military conflict.

What is the existentialist concept of human nature?

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Existentialism posits that human nature is defined by individual freedom, choice, and responsibility. It emphasizes the idea that individuals create their own essence through their choices and actions, rather than being defined by external factors. Existentialists believe that humans must confront the inherent meaninglessness and absurdity of existence and create their own values and meanings in a world without inherent purpose.

How do you have charisma?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charisma can be developed through genuine confidence, active listening, and positive body language. By showing interest in others, being authentic in interactions, and having a positive mindset, you can enhance your charisma and make a lasting impression on people. Practice empathy, share your passion, and stay present in conversations to naturally exude charisma.

What are the Legal aspects of communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Legal aspects of communication pertain to laws and regulations governing communication practices, such as privacy laws (like GDPR or HIPAA), intellectual property rights (like copyrights or trademarks), defamation laws, advertising regulations, and compliance with industry-specific regulations (such as FCC rules for broadcasting). It is important to adhere to these laws to avoid legal consequences and ensure ethical communication practices.

What species was the first to use fire?

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Homo erectus is believed to have been the first species to control and use fire. Evidence from archaeological sites suggests that they were using fire as far back as 1.5 million years ago.

Whom did Karl Marx say would be the ruler in a communist government?

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Karl Marx believed that in a communist society, the government would be ruled by the working class, also known as the proletariat. He argued that the proletarians would own the means of production collectively and establish a classless society without private property or social distinctions.

Did Karl Marx believe in heaven?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Karl Marx viewed religion, including the idea of heaven, as a social construct used to control the working class. He believed that religion was used to maintain the status quo and prevent people from seeking change in the material world. Marx famously referred to religion as the "opium of the people."

Which was first communism or marxism. Was communism conceived from marx's ideas or was it the other way rround?

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Marxism came first, as it was a socio-political theory developed by Karl Marx. Communism, as a political and economic ideology, is based on Marxist principles and was inspired by Marx's ideas. Marx's works, such as the Communist Manifesto, laid the foundation for the concept of communism as a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.

Marx helped to write The Communist Manifesto which stated that all men were born free but that society had got to such a state that the majority were?

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exploited by a small elite. He argued for a classless society where resources were shared equally among all members, rather than being held privately by a few. Marx believed that this would create a more just and equitable society for all individuals.