


Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was a Nazi German totalitarian dictator during World War 2. He oversaw the genocide of millions of Jews.

10,638 Questions

Why is the increase of co2 making sea levels rise?

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The increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere leads to higher global temperatures through the greenhouse effect. This causes ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans and causing sea levels to rise. Additionally, warmer water expands, further contributing to the rise in sea levels.

Would Hitler kill you if you had brown hair blue eyes?

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Hitler's regime targeted groups based on religion, ethnicity, and political beliefs rather than just physical appearance like hair and eye color. However, if you were part of a targeted group, such as Jewish, Romani, or disabled, you would have been at risk regardless of your hair and eye color.

What age was Jane Goodall when Hitler started fighting England United Kingdom?

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Jane Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, so she would have been around 5 years old when Hitler started fighting England during World War II.

Why would the aryan race pick a leader with brown hair and eyes?

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Physical appearance does not determine leadership qualities or abilities. The concept of the "Aryan race" is a social construct that has been used historically to promote a false ideology of racial superiority. It is more important to focus on a leader's skills, values, and vision rather than their physical attributes.

Where did Adolf butenandt grow up?

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Adolf Butenandt grew up in Tailfingen, a town in southern Germany.

What is heavy water and why did Hitler want some?

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Heavy water is a form of water that contains an extra neutron in its nucleus, making it heavier than regular water. Hitler's interest in heavy water was due to its potential use in nuclear reactors to produce nuclear weapons during World War II.

Do most Amish people have blonde hair?

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No, not all Amish people have blonde hair. Hair color among the Amish population varies, just like in any other population. While some may have blonde hair, others have brown, black, or red hair.

What was Hitler's country of origin?

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Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau in Austria on the 20th April 1889 So Austria Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau in Austria on the 20th April 1889 So Austria

What countries did Hitler take-over?

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Hitler took over Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and parts of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union during World War II.

Who said the driving force of history was race?

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Historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler believed that the driving force of history was race, emphasizing the importance of biological and cultural differences among civilizations.

What causes day?

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The Earth's rotation on its axis causes day and night. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the planet are exposed to sunlight, causing day and darkness causing night.

Who invaded most of Europe?

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The Nazi regime from Germany invaded most of Europe during World War II. They conquered many countries and sought to establish control over the continent.

Was Sir Roger Casement 1864-1916 ever married?

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No, Sir Roger Casement was never married. He dedicated his life to various humanitarian causes and political activities, which likely kept him occupied and prevented him from marrying.

How many people did mt vesuvius kill?

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The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD is estimated to have killed thousands of people, with some estimates ranging from 16,000 to 25,000. Many residents of the nearby cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum perished in the disaster.

Approximately how much older are prokaryotes than eukaryotes?

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Prokaryotes are estimated to have been around for about 3.8 billion years, while eukaryotes are thought to have evolved around 1.6 billion years ago. Therefore, prokaryotes are approximately 2.2 billion years older than eukaryotes.

What can mothballs do to your body?

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Inhaling mothball fumes can cause respiratory irritation, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Ingesting mothballs can lead to symptoms like headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and vomiting. Mothballs contain toxic chemicals like naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, which can be harmful if ingested or inhaled in large amounts.

What is 3 to the power of 0?

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Any number raised to the power of 0 is always equal to 1. Therefore, 3 to the power of 0 is 1.

How old would President Lincoln be if he were still alive?

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If President Lincoln were still alive today, he would be 213 years old. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.

Which 2 ways can i represent 729 in powers?

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There are three ways:

Either 27 raised to the power of 2

or 9 raised to the power of 3

or 3 raised to the power of 6

Smallest person alive?

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As of September 2021, the title of the world's smallest living woman is held by Jyoti Amge, who is 24 years old and stands at 2 feet 0.7 inches tall (62.8 cm). The title of the world's smallest man is held by Junrey Balawing, who stands at 23.5 inches (59.93 cm) tall.

Who is the smallest person alive?

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As of October 2021, Jyoti Amge holds the title of the world's smallest living woman, measuring 2 feet 0.7 inches (62.8 cm) tall. In terms of men, Edward Niño Hernández from Colombia is recognized as the world's shortest living man, standing at 27 inches (70 cm) tall.

Will inland rivers such as those in northern Mississippi flood if sea levels rise?

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Inland rivers in northern Mississippi are influenced by precipitation and local topography more than by sea level rise. However, sea level rise may lead to increased storm surge along the coast, potentially impacting nearby river systems through increased flooding during storms.

What makes Hitler so powerful?

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Hitler's rise to power was fueled by his charisma, ability to manipulate public sentiment, and strategic political tactics. He appealed to the frustrations and desires of the German people during a time of economic hardship and political instability, which helped him consolidate power and form a totalitarian regime. His use of propaganda, control of the media, and effective public speaking skills also contributed to his influence and control over the population.

Who were the Aryans?

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The Aryans were historically an ancient people from central Asia around the Caspian Sea, and they had a profound influence on the formation of ancient India and Persia/Iran- in fact, the Iranian name for their own country means "land of the Aryans", and goes back over two thousand years. Because the real Aryans lived in a time before writing was commonplace, we don't know a lot about their early history, except that thousands of years ago a group of them invaded India; later a second group invaded Persia (modern Iran). The Vedas, ancient Hindu holy texts, were written in the language of the Aryans, which is now commonly called "Vedic Sanskrit".

However, the problem is that in the late 1800s, certain racist crackpots in France (Arthur de Gobineau) and England (Houston Stewart Chamberlain) began conflating our limited knowledge of the Aryans with Darwinian concepts, and mushed in some occult mumbo jumbo. They came up with the kernel of the idea of a "master race"- that certain people from Europe were ultimately descended from the Aryans, and that these Europeans were inherently better than all other people. It's all nonsense based on inaccurate reading of history.

Adolf Hitler and his Nazi stooges latched onto these "theories" and used them as a basis of their ridiculous racist ideology, claiming that Germanic peoples (Germans, Scandinavians, even some French and English) were "Aryan" and thus better than other peoples. They also decided that Jews and other Semitic peoples were inferior and parasitic, so it was ok for "Aryans" to enslave or kill them. There's no scientific or historical basis behind any of it, and it's utter nonsense. Sadly, a lot of people still believe in it anyway.