


World War 1

A global conflict also known as the War to End All Wars, World War I took place from 1914 to 1918 and resulted in 15 million deaths.

28,823 Questions

What is enthusiansm?

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It's like when you are excited to do something if Marie was enthusiastic to get a dog she couldn't wait

What role might space continue to play in achieving world peace?

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Space can contribute to achieving world peace by fostering international collaboration on space missions, which can build diplomatic relations and trust between countries. Additionally, satellite technology can be used for monitoring global events, promoting transparency, and aiding in conflict resolution by providing accurate information to all parties involved. Overall, space can serve as a platform for peaceful cooperation and communication among nations.

What was the most amount of lice found on a body in world war 1?

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There is no specific documented record of the exact number of lice found on a body during World War 1 as lice infestations were prevalent among soldiers in unsanitary conditions. It is known that soldiers often suffered from severe lice infestations leading to discomfort, skin infections, and disease.

They can hear extraordinarily well. They were kept on the Eiffel Tower in Paris during World War 1 to warn of approaching planes long before they could be seen or heard by human watchers.What are the?

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Bats are known for their exceptional hearing abilities, utilizing echolocation to navigate and hunt in the dark. They were utilized during World War 1 on the Eiffel Tower in Paris for their keen ability to detect incoming planes before they were visible or audible to human observers, serving as an early warning system.

Two countries which were originally part of German East Africa but were given to the Belgians after World War 1 are?

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Rwanda and Burundi were originally part of German East Africa but were allocated to Belgium as mandated territories by the League of Nations after World War I. They were known as Ruanda-Urundi during this period.

What type of energy is a gas-powered generator used to convert?

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It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Will the world sink in 2012?

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No, there is no scientific basis for the belief that the world will sink or end in 2012. It was a misconception based on misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar. The world continues to exist without any such catastrophic events occurring in 2012.

What conditions must be met for a crime to have occurred?

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For a crime to have occurred, there must be an identifiable criminal act (actus reus) committed by the perpetrator with criminal intent (mens rea). Additionally, there must be a causal connection between the act and the harm caused, and the act must be prohibited by law.

How are dolphins used in war?

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Dolphins have been trained by some militaries for tasks such as locating mines, guarding ships, and assisting with underwater surveillance. They are known for their echolocation abilities and are able to navigate complex underwater environments with ease. However, the use of dolphins in warfare is controversial due to animal welfare concerns.

The main power source for global weather is?

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The main power source for global weather is the sun. The uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun drives atmospheric circulation, which in turn creates different weather patterns around the world.

What did lice cause in WW1?

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During World War I, lice infestations were common among soldiers living in crowded and unsanitary conditions in the trenches. This led to a condition known as trench fever, which caused high fever, severe joint pain, and skin rash, resulting in significant discomfort and debilitation among the troops.

Which gas is used in tear gas and which gas is used in laughing gas?

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Tear gas contains chemicals such as chloroacetophenone or CS gas. Laughing gas is nitrous oxide.

How did the geography affect WW1?

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The geography of WW1 influenced the war in several ways. The trench warfare on the Western Front was made possible by the flat and open terrain, while the mountainous regions of the Alps and Carpathians impacted military strategies. The presence of seas and oceans created naval blockades and influenced supply lines. Additionally, geographic features such as rivers and forests affected troop movements and combat tactics.

What happened after many nations wanted to promote global cooperation after seeing the devastation of war?

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After the devastation of World War II, many nations came together to establish the United Nations in 1945, with the goal of promoting global cooperation, peace, and security. This led to the creation of various international organizations and agreements aimed at fostering collaboration, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Efforts were made to prevent future conflicts through diplomacy, aid, and collective action.

What Australian city was bombed during World War 1?

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Darwin in the northern territory.

other citys , such as Newcastle (nsw) and sydney (NSW) faced submarine attacks also but Darwin was the only one bombed.

Did Arizona have any wars?

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Yes, Arizona has been involved in several conflicts and wars throughout its history. Some of the notable ones include the Apache Wars in the late 19th century, the Mexican-American War in the mid-19th century, and various skirmishes with Native American tribes during the American westward expansion.

Is chlorine gas still used today?

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Chlorine gas is primarily used today in the manufacturing of various chemicals and products, such as PVC, solvents, and pesticides. It is also used in water treatment to disinfect drinking water and swimming pools. However, its use is highly regulated due to its toxic and hazardous nature.

What is This colourless gas is deadly?

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Hydrogen cyanide is a colourless gas that is deadly when inhaled. It interferes with the body's ability to use oxygen, leading to suffocation and death. It has a faint bitter almond smell but not everyone can detect it, making it even more dangerous.

What methods could you use to protect yourself against poison gas?

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Some methods to protect yourself against poison gas include wearing a gas mask or respirator, staying indoors and sealing off windows and doors, evacuating the area if possible, and following emergency protocols advised by authorities. It is also important to have a well-thought-out emergency plan in place in case of such incidents.

What is xylyl Bromide?

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Xylyl bromide is a chemical compound that is commonly used as a tear gas agent. It is a colorless liquid that can cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system upon exposure. Xylyl bromide is primarily used for riot control and crowd dispersal.

What did Marie curie do to help out in World War I?

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Marie Curie established mobile radiography units to provide X-ray services to diagnose injuries of soldiers in World War I. She trained women as radiographers and used her knowledge of radiation to assist with medical treatments in the battlefield. Additionally, she raised funds and awareness for her mobile units to support the war effort.

Why would chlorine gas need particular weather conditions to be effective in battle?

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Chlorine gas is denser than air, so it needs calm wind conditions to stay low to the ground and create a more concentrated toxic cloud. In windy conditions, the gas can disperse widely and become less effective as a weapon of warfare.

Is chemical warfare effective today?

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Chemical warfare is considered a serious violation of international law and ethical standards, resulting in widespread condemnation. However, some nations still possess and deploy chemical weapons, using them as a deterrent or in conflict. The impact of chemical warfare can be devastating, causing mass casualties and long-term environmental damage.

How has chemist affected our world for good Apex?

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Chemists have had a significant impact on our world by developing new materials, medicines, and technologies that have improved quality of life, advanced scientific research, and revolutionized industries. They have played a key role in addressing environmental challenges, developing sustainable energy sources, and ensuring safe food and water supplies.

Which is a false statement about the US in the years after World War 1?

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A false statement about the US in the years after World War 1 could be: "The US did not experience any economic growth or prosperity during this time." This statement is inaccurate, as the US experienced a period of economic growth and prosperity known as the "Roaring Twenties" following World War 1.