

Conception Dates

Questions pertaining to the date a baby was conceived by the mother and father

674 Questions

Why do X sperm live longer?

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X sperm live longer than Y sperm because they contain more genetic material and have a denser molecular structure, making them more resilient in the acidic environment of the female reproductive tract. This allows them to have a longer lifespan and potentially increase the chances of fertilizing an egg.

What does conception mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

CONCEPTION : the beginning or imagining of an object or idea Generally, the term is used to designate the initial stages of a plan or project, when its parameters are created. More specifically, it is used in society and medicine to designate the formation of a human embryo by the combination of a sperm cell and an egg cell. It is the first stage in creating a new person. ( French concevoir, to create)

What sex will a person be if the father contributes an X chromosome?

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Asked by Wiki User

Type your answer here... Male,if the mothe contributes a Y

If you got pregnant January 27 when is your due date?

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Asked by Wiki User

the 3rd of November if u was to get pregnant 2011 in January ok :)

Could you possibly gotten pregnant in late nov if you have a due date for sept 3 2014?

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"Due dates" are not an exact science. Late November - September 3 is plausible.

If your husband deployed on Nov 2 of last year, though, you've got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy.

When did you get pregnant if your due date is January 2 2010?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are 17 weeks and two days on January 14th, then I assume you are due roughly on June 22nd (to be at 40 weeks). If this is the case then your dates of conception are from September 25th to October 3rd of 2009.

Can an estimated date of conception be wrong?

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Asked by Wiki User

EDC stands for Estimated Date of CONFINEMENT, not conception. Of course it could be wrong. It is just an estimate. If it is from a doctor, be sure to take it into consideration, though. It may not be perfect, but a medical expert's advice is always best to follow. An ultrasound will give you a more accurate date if you are unsure of your last period.

If my due date is April 26Th 2010 when did I conceive?

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The first day of your last menses was 20/07/2009, so you conceived during first days of August, if your cycle is 26-30 days.

When did you conceive if your due date is May 17?

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Within 3 days either side of August 24th 2005

I'm due on January 22nd when did I conceive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.

Will females lose their ability to conceive a child due to age?

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Asked by Wiki User

A woman's age can be a major issue for reproduction because women never generate new eggs after they are born. All the eggs that a woman will possess for life are already present in her ovaries at birth. Due to the normal aging process, potentially unfavorable cellular and chromosomal changes occur within the eggs, resulting in Down Syndrome, miscarriages and overall lower pregnancy rates. There's your answer. Why don't you consult a gynac before taking the plunge of pregnancy. Even e-consultation from a second opinion site won't be that bad idea.

Baby was delivered August 29 when did i conceive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Do you mean August 8th 2010? This makes your conception date roughly November 14th, give or take a few days. However, it is difficult to accurately say when a conception date is. Therefore, I suggest talking to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician about it.

Am due on the 11th of July 2011 when did you get pregnant?

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you conceived around march 18. so if you had sex that day, or the few days prior, the sperm could have lived long enough to fertilize the egg when you ovulated on march 18.

When did you get pregnant if your due date is February eighth?

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Asked by Wiki User

That makes your conception date roughly May 17th 2011. However, this date could be out by a couple of days. It depends on when you actually ovulated.

When did you conceive if your due date is November 4?

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I will assume you are talking about November 5th 2011. If so, this makes your estimated conception date February 11th 2011. However, this date could give a couple of days out. It should also not be relied upon to determine paternity.

If you conceived on 2nd June when is baby due?

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The best would be to ask your pharmacist. If your periods are regular, you can take the test the day after that when your period would normally start. But just to make sure and not waste your money, wait for another two or three days - then do the test.

How many weeks pregnant are you if you conceived on Feb 10th?

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Today (14th November) you are roughly 31 weeks and 6 days pregnant

How do you figure out the date of conception to know if you are the father?

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Asked by Wiki User

Conception usually occurs around the 14th day from the first day of your period.

For a current pregnancy, the related link below may be helpful in calculating the approximate date at which conception occurred.

Can you conceive one day after intercourse?

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Asked by Wiki User

That all depends on what day in your cycle you are ovulating on and what day you had sex on. Check out this article to find out more information about trying to conceive:

What are the chances of having your baby on your due date?

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Asked by Wiki User

I had 4 children. Only one of them was born on due date. So I say 1 in 4.

A due date is an average, or a window of time.

Just as 98.6 is considered a "normal" temp, it is really an average. Take a 100 healthy persons. Some never have a temperature over 97.9. Others might always run 99.2. Put them all together, and you get 98.6

In some families women never carry more than 38 weeks, other always "cook" their babies 41 weeks. There are always those exceptions to the rule babies who are born a couple of weeks before their due date, (or after).

The important thing to remember is most of these babies are just fine. Since babies in the womb don't come equipped with calenders, it is usually best to let them come when ready, and not be in a hurry, because of a given date.