


Ask questions here about when ultrasounds will be done and what you can expect to see at your next ultrasound/sonogram appointment during pregnancy.

1,669 Questions

What property of ultrasound waves allows them to penetrate inside the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ultrasound waves have a high frequency which allows them to penetrate deep into the body tissues. This enables them to produce detailed images of internal organs and structures. Additionally, ultrasound waves are non-ionizing and considered safe for medical imaging purposes.

Why have you used non-electrolytic liquid in ultrasonic interferometer experiment?

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Non-electrolytic liquids are often used in ultrasonic interferometer experiments because they do not conduct electricity, ensuring accurate measurements of sound velocity without interference from electrical conductivity. This allows for precise determination of properties like density and compressibility of the liquid being studied.

What filter can be used to filter sound waves of 50hertz from a signal?

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Asked by VidhyaShylu

A notch filter can be used to filter out specific frequencies, such as 50 Hz, from a signal. This type of filter is designed to attenuate a specific narrow band of frequencies while allowing other frequencies to pass through unaffected.

How should patients be prepared for a transvaginal ultrasound?

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Asked by Wiki User

Patients should empty their bladder before the procedure and wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. They may be asked to undress from the waist down and will be provided with a drape for privacy during the exam. It's important for patients to communicate any concerns or discomfort to the medical staff during the procedure.

What is the ultrasound gel called?

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The ultrasound gel used during ultrasound imaging is typically referred to as ultrasound gel, coupling gel, or sonography gel. It is a water-based gel that helps transmit sound waves between the skin and the ultrasound probe to produce clear images.

What is ultrasound radiation?

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Ultrasound uses sound waves, not radiation, to create images of structures inside the body. It is a safe and noninvasive imaging technique commonly used in medical settings to visualize organs and tissues. Ultrasound does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation like X-rays or CT scans.

How can you determine who the babys father is at 8 weeks?

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Asked by Wiki User

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the most accurate way to determine paternity is through a prenatal paternity test. This involves collecting a blood sample from the mother and potential fathers to analyze fetal DNA in the mother's bloodstream. It is important to consult with a medical professional or genetic counselor to discuss the options and reliability of the testing method.

Can you determine a persons gender in DNA?

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Asked by Megahead

In general, DNA does not determine a person's gender, as gender is typically assigned based on biological and social factors. However, certain genetic variations on sex chromosomes can be used to infer biological sex. For example, individuals with two X chromosomes are typically female, while individuals with one X and one Y chromosome are typically male.

Why can't humans hear plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants do not have the physical structures or biological processes necessary to produce sound waves that can be detected by human ears. While research has shown that plants emit sounds at frequencies outside the range of human hearing, the sounds are too faint and high-pitched for us to perceive.

What does a nineteen week old fetus look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

At nineteen weeks, a fetus is about the size of a mango, measuring around 6 inches long and weighing approximately 8.5 ounces. It has developed more defined facial features, including eyebrows and eyelashes, and its body is covered in fine hair called lanugo. The fetus is active, moving around and kicking, although these movements might not be felt by the mother yet.

Is it odd to not see a fetal pole at 5 weeks?

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It is not uncommon to not see a fetal pole at 5 weeks as it may be too early to detect on an ultrasound. The fetal pole typically appears around 6 weeks of pregnancy, so it's possible that it may be too early for it to be visible. It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider for a follow-up ultrasound if needed.

How long does nausea usually last?

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Nausea can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the cause. It may resolve on its own or with home remedies like rest, ginger tea, or over-the-counter medications. If nausea persists for more than 24 hours or is associated with severe symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.

According to your LMP you were 7 weeks pregnant but the dr said that according to the size of the sac you were only 5.4 but the sac was empty is this possible?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to have a discrepancy between gestational age calculated by last menstrual period and ultrasound measurements. This could be due to variations in individual cycles or delayed ovulation. An empty gestational sac may indicate a blighted ovum or early pregnancy loss, which would need further evaluation by your doctor.

Is an ultrasound more accurate in dating of pregnancy especially if you do not know your LMP?

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Yes, an ultrasound is more accurate for dating a pregnancy when the last menstrual period (LMP) is unknown. The ultrasound will measure the size of the fetus and provide a more accurate estimate of gestational age. It is typically done early in pregnancy for this purpose.

What would be the most logical reason that a baby would measure 4 weeks ahead on an ultrasound and can a scan be that much off?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most logical reason for a baby measuring 4 weeks ahead on an ultrasound is inaccurate dating of the pregnancy. Ultrasounds are typically most accurate in the first trimester for dating purposes, but errors can still occur due to factors such as fetal growth spurts or positioning. It is uncommon for ultrasounds to be off by 4 weeks, but it is possible in certain circumstances. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and clarification.

Is measuring the femur bone in an ultrasound an accurate way to give you an estimated time of conception?

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Asked by Wiki User

Measuring the femur bone in an ultrasound can provide an estimated gestational age of the fetus, but it is not typically used to determine the exact time of conception. Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, so it can give a rough estimate of when conception likely occurred, but it is not definitive.

Is it okay to undergo face facial if you have menstruation?

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It is generally safe to have a facial during menstruation, but some people may experience increased sensitivity or skin reactions due to hormonal changes. It is always a good idea to inform your esthetician about your menstrual cycle so they can adjust the treatment if needed.

Is it possible that during the pregnancy that gestational is not appear in ultrasound?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for gestational diabetes to not appear on an ultrasound during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is typically diagnosed through blood tests that measure blood glucose levels. Ultrasound is primarily used during pregnancy to monitor the growth and development of the baby.

What is clinical correlation requested after an MRI?

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Clinical correlation requested after an MRI means that the medical professional interpreting the MRI results is seeking additional information from the patient's symptoms, medical history, and other diagnostic tests to better understand the significance of the findings on the MRI scan. This helps in making a more accurate diagnosis and developing an appropriate treatment plan.

When does spotting start if you are pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

you should not have any spotting if you are pregnant, although some women do and are ok you should see a doctor if you bleed at all you should not have any spotting if you are pregnant, although some women do and are ok you should see a doctor if you bleed at all

How many years of college do you need to become a ultra sound radiographer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer4 years Undergraduate College

4 years Medical School

5 year internship and residency


How do you know that bats and cats can hear ultra sound?

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Asked by Wiki User

experiments, i would think that scientist would put them in a room and emit sounds at different wave lenghs to see if they respond or if there is a change in their behaviour. but that's just a guess :) also, bats are completely blind and rely on their hearing to navigate. that's where the phrase "blind as a bat" came from.

What is the meaning of cephalic?

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Asked by Wiki User

cephalic means relating to the head usually regarding birth of a baby and the 'heads presentation