



Earthquakes are caused by the movement of Tectonic Plates beneath the Earth's surface. It will result in the vibration of Earth's surface depending on the intensity, causing damage.

13,135 Questions

What provinces are near along fault line in Philippines?

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The Philippines is situated along the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes due to several fault lines. Some provinces near significant fault lines include:

• Metro Manila - Located near the West Valley Fault.

• Rizal - Also near the West Valley Fault.

• Laguna - Close to the West Valley Fault.

• Cavite - Near the West Valley Fault.

• Batangas - Close to the West Valley Fault and other minor faults.

• Quezon - Near the Philippine Fault Zone.

• Leyte - Along the Leyte segment of the Philippine Fault Zone.

• Bohol - Near the East Bohol Fault.

• Negros - Near the Negros Trench and other minor faults.

• Davao - Close to the Central Davao Fault System.

• Cotabato - Near the Cotabato Trench.

These provinces experience frequent seismic activities due to their proximity to these fault lines.

Is Iraq on the fault line?

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Yes, Iraq is located on several fault lines. These are zones of weakness in the Earth's crust where plates are moving against each other. In Iraq's case, the Arabian Plate is colliding with the Eurasian Plate. This ongoing collision creates pressure that can cause earthquakes and other geological activity. Some of the major fault zones in Iraq include:

  • The Najd Fault System

  • The Euphrates Boundary Fault Zone

  • The North Arabian Fault Zone

  • The Zagros Thrust System

  • The Bitlis-Zagros suture Zone

Why do scientist try to predict natural disasters?

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Scientists try to predict natural disasters in order to minimize their impact on human lives, property, and the environment. By providing early warnings and evacuation procedures, scientists aim to help communities prepare and respond more effectively to natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

Do seismographs really work?

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Yes, seismographs work by detecting and recording vibrations of the ground caused by seismic waves generated by earthquakes or other sources. They consist of a mass suspended on a spring that moves as the ground shakes, producing a record called a seismogram. These instruments are vital for monitoring and studying seismic activity worldwide.

What is a primary scale?

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A primary scale is a scale that serves as the foundation or starting point for a particular measurement system. It is often used as a reference standard against which other measurements can be compared or calibrated.

Areas not prone to sea fog?

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Inland locations, areas with high elevation, and regions with a dry climate are generally less prone to sea fog. Additionally, areas located far from large bodies of water or with consistent wind patterns may also experience less sea fog.

Why did the 2010 Canterbury earthquake happen?

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The 2010 Canterbury earthquake in New Zealand was caused by the rupture of a previously unidentified fault line. New Zealand sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a seismically active area, making it prone to earthquakes.

Why did liquefaction cause so much damage in some areas of the Christchurch earthquake?

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Liquefaction occurred in some areas of Christchurch during the 2011 earthquake due to the loose, water-saturated soil in those locations. When the ground shakes violently during an earthquake, the water-saturated soil loses its strength and behaves like a liquid, causing buildings, roads, and utility services to sink or tilt, resulting in extensive damage.

Why do you need food during or after an earthquake?

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Having access to food during or after an earthquake is important because it provides necessary nutrients to sustain your energy and health. During emergencies, it may not be possible to access food immediately, so having a supply of non-perishable items can help ensure you have the necessary sustenance until regular food sources become available again.

What one of these is the most powerful volcano or blizzard or hurricane or earthquake or tornado or plague or sandstorm?

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It is difficult to compare the power of different natural disasters because they vary in destructive force depending on various factors. However, in terms of sheer intensity, hurricanes can have some of the highest wind speeds and most widespread impact, making them one of the most powerful natural disasters.

Why does koroneihana happen?

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Koroneihana is a traditional Maori event in New Zealand that commemorates the anniversary of King Tawhiao's coronation. It is celebrated to honor the Maori King movement and strengthen the bonds of the Maori people. The event includes cultural performances, speeches, and discussions on issues facing the Maori community.

What is the solution for the natural disasters?

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The solution for natural disasters involves a combination of disaster preparedness, early warning systems, sustainable urban planning, and climate change mitigation strategies. Investment in resilient infrastructure, community education, and international cooperation are also key components in reducing the impact of natural disasters. Additionally, addressing root causes such as deforestation and climate change can help prevent the occurrence and severity of natural disasters.

Why do earthquakes often happen before volcanoes erupt?

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Earthquakes often occur before a volcano erupts because the movement of magma beneath the surface can generate pressure and stress on the surrounding rocks, leading to fracturing and causing earthquakes. As the magma moves and rises towards the surface, it can trigger seismic activity due to the release of built-up pressure. This seismic activity can serve as a warning sign that a volcanic eruption may be imminent.

What was the depth of the 1960 Chile earthquake?

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The focus of the 9.5 (moment magnitud scale) eartquake of Valdivia 1960 was shallow, 33 km deep.

Can droughts cause earthquakes?

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There is no direct link between droughts and earthquakes. However, studies show that prolonged droughts can alter the stress distribution within the Earth's crust, potentially influencing fault lines. This could increase the likelihood of pre-existing faults slipping and causing earthquakes.

How does pauropoda move's?

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Pauropods move using their numerous legs that are small and located on the underside of their body. They use their legs to crawl and navigate through their environment, similar to other myriapods like millipedes and centipedes. Movement in pauropods is usually slow and deliberate due to their small size and delicate body structure.

What year did first earthquake start?

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The first recorded earthquake dates back to 1769 in the state of California, USA. However, earthquakes have been occurring for billions of years, with the earliest ones going undocumented.

What is scale dependent phenomena you study at one scale?

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One scale-dependent phenomena that can be studied at a microscopic scale is the behavior of individual molecules in a chemical reaction. By focusing on molecular interactions, researchers can gain insights into reaction mechanisms and the factors that influence reaction rates and product formation.

How long is the greendale fault?

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The Greendale Fault in New Zealand is approximately 30 kilometers long. It runs through the suburbs of Christchurch and is considered capable of producing significant earthquakes.

Do technological applications often occur by accident?

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Yes, technological applications can sometimes occur by accident, such as when a new use or functionality is discovered while developing a product for a different purpose. This phenomenon is known as serendipity in technology and has led to innovations in various fields, including medicine and materials science.

What property of ultrasound waves allows them to penetrate inside the body?

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Ultrasound waves have a high frequency which allows them to penetrate deep into the body tissues. This enables them to produce detailed images of internal organs and structures. Additionally, ultrasound waves are non-ionizing and considered safe for medical imaging purposes.

What problems did people face after the earthquake?

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People faced a range of problems after the earthquake, including lack of access to clean water, food shortages, displacement from their homes, injuries requiring medical attention, and infrastructure damage leading to issues with transportation and communication. Recovery efforts often focused on addressing these immediate needs to assist those affected by the earthquake.

How long did the christchurch 22 February 2011 earthquake last?

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The Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 had a duration of around 10-15 seconds, but its impact was devastating, causing significant damage and loss of life.

Why does queefing occur?

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Queefing occurs when air becomes trapped in the vagina and is subsequently released, often during or after strenuous physical activity or sexual intercourse. This is a normal and natural process and usually isn't a cause for concern.

Where was the epicenter of the SARS outbreak?

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The epicenter of the SARS outbreak in 2003 was identified as Guangdong province in southern China. The virus is believed to have originated in animals before spreading to humans.