


Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is a vocabulary or word listing used to describe medical words and terms in a scientific manner. It is used in the nursing and medical fields. This methodical approach to word building is based on the concept of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

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What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of meiosis?

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The medical term for an abnormal condition of meiosis is meiotic non-disjunction, which refers to the failure of chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis, resulting in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the resulting gametes. This can lead to conditions such as Down syndrome.

What is the medical term meaning liver inflammation and fibrosis?

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The medical term for liver inflammation and fibrosis is "hepatitis." This condition can lead to scarring of the liver, known as fibrosis, and if left untreated, can progress to cirrhosis, where the liver becomes severely scarred and may eventually fail.

What is the medical term meaning any irregularity in the shape of red blood cells?

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The medical term for any irregularity in the shape of red blood cells is "poikilocytosis." This condition can be seen in various blood disorders and can affect the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen efficiently.

What is the medical term meaning compression of surrounding cells by the tumor cells?

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The medical term for compression of surrounding cells by tumor cells is "mass effect." This occurs when a tumor grows and displaces nearby tissues or organs, causing them to become compressed or distorted. It can lead to various symptoms depending on the location and size of the tumor.

What is the medical term meaning increase in clotting cells?

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The medical term for an increase in clotting cells is thrombocytosis. This condition involves an elevated platelet count in the blood, which can potentially lead to blood clot formation and other complications. It is important to monitor and manage thrombocytosis to prevent adverse health effects.

What is the medical term meaning to cut around?

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Excise means to cut out or remove; literally, circumcise means to cut around, but that word in practice is used to mean removal of the foreskin.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of hair follicles?

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The medical term for inflammation of hair follicles is folliculitis. This condition can cause redness, itching, and sometimes pus-filled bumps around the hair follicles. Treatment usually involves good hygiene practices and, in some cases, antibiotics or antifungal medications.

What is the medical term meaning an increase in all types of blood cells?

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Polycythemia is the medical term meaning an increase in all types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This condition can be either primary (due to a bone marrow disorder) or secondary (due to another medical condition or external factors). Treatment may involve medications, phlebotomy (removing blood), or addressing the underlying cause.

What is the medical term meaning study of fungus?

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Mycology is the medical term that refers to the study of fungus.

What is the medical term meaning highly contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by skin pus?

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The medical term for a highly contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by skin pus is "impetigo." It is commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria and is more common in children. Treatment typically involves antibiotics and keeping the affected area clean.

What is the medical term meaning suture of the bladder?

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The medical term for the suture of the bladder is cystorrhaphy.

What is the medical term meaning white blood cell phagocyte and precursor of a macrophage?

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The medical term for a white blood cell phagocyte and precursor of a macrophage is a monocyte. Monocytes circulate in the bloodstream before migrating to tissues, where they can mature into macrophages to help with immune responses and clearing infections.

What is the medical term meaning surgical incision into the bladder?

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The medical term for a surgical incision into the bladder is cystotomy.

What type of measurement system is gtt?

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"Gtt" typically stands for "drops," which is a unit of volume commonly used in the context of medications or liquid solutions. It is not part of the metric or imperial measurement systems.

What is the medical term meaning granular cell?

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The medical term for granular cells is "granulocytes." These cells are a type of white blood cell containing granules in their cytoplasm that help fight infection and inflammation.

What is the medical term meaning floating kidney?

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The technical term for a floating kidney is nephroptosis. The nethro- means kidney and the -ptosis means "droop or sag." Most docs would probably just use the informal name. A floating kidney is when a kidney drops down into the pelvic area when a person stands up. This event is called a prolapse, which is a word that means something has slipped or fallen out of place.

What is the medical term meaning bent backward?

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The medical term for bent backward is "hyperextension." This occurs when a joint is extended beyond its normal range of motion, leading to potential injury or strain.

What is the medical term meaning kidney disease that causes red blood cells and proteins to leak into the urine?

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The medical term for kidney disease that causes red blood cells and proteins to leak into the urine is called glomerulonephritis. This condition involves inflammation of the kidney's filtering units, known as glomeruli, which can lead to impaired kidney function and leakage of blood and proteins into the urine. Treatment aims to reduce inflammation and preserve kidney function.

What is the medical term meaning occupation and dwelling of parasites on the external skin surface?

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The medical term for the occupation and dwelling of parasites on the external skin surface is "ectoparasitism". Ectoparasites are organisms that live on the surface of a host's body, such as fleas, lice, and ticks.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the kneecap?

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The medical term for the surgical removal of the kneecap is patellectomy. This procedure is typically performed to treat severe knee conditions or injuries that have not responded to conservative treatments. After a patellectomy, patients may experience changes in knee function and may require rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility.

What is the medical term meaning kidney infection?

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The medical term for kidney infection is "pyelonephritis." This condition is usually caused by a bacterial infection affecting the kidneys and can lead to symptoms such as fever, flank pain, and urinary symptoms. Prompt treatment with antibiotics is important to prevent complications.

What is humoral stimulus?

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Humoral stimulus is a type of hormonal regulation in which the concentration of a particular substance in the blood triggers a response from a target cell or organ. This can involve hormones or other signaling molecules circulating in the bloodstream to control various physiological processes in the body.

What directional term refers to the closest anatomical point of a limb to the body?

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The term you are looking for is "proximal." It describes a point that is situated near the center of the body or the point of attachment.

What is the difference between a solvent and concentration?

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A solvent is a substance capable of dissolving other substances, while concentration refers to the amount of a substance (solute) present in a given volume of solvent. Solvent plays a role in determining the concentration of a solution as it affects how much solute can dissolve.