

Sound Waves

Sound waves are a mechanical oscillation of pressure. It is a series of vibrations that can be heard.

604 Questions

What another word for a sound's volume?

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loudness, number of decibels, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, pitch

What is an instrument that is used for amplifying sound waves?

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Asked by SharonMurray

An amplifier is a device that increases the amplitude of sound waves, making them louder. This is commonly used in audio systems to boost the volume of instruments, microphones, or speakers. Amplifiers can vary in size and power output depending on the application.

What is the formula for xrays?

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The formula for X-rays is a type of electromagnetic radiation produced when high-energy electrons collide with a target material. X-rays are typically represented by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the X-ray, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the X-ray.

How is the pressure variation in a sound wave amplified in human ear?

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The pressure variation in a sound wave is amplified in the human ear through the mechanism of the middle ear. When sound waves hit the eardrum, they cause it to vibrate. These vibrations are then transferred through the bones of the middle ear, which act as a lever system to amplify the pressure variations before reaching the inner ear.

What process is energy transferred when sound waves travel through the air?

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Energy transfer in sound waves traveling through air occurs through the compression and rarefaction of air molecules. The sound source creates vibrations that cause these molecules to compress and expand, transferring energy as a wave through the air. This transfer of energy is what allows us to hear the sound.

Why presence of moisture increases speed of sound in air?

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Moisture, in the form of water vapor, increases the speed of sound in air because water molecules are lighter than nitrogen and oxygen molecules present in dry air. This decrease in average molecular weight results in faster sound propagation. Additionally, water vapor has a higher specific heat capacity compared to dry air, which affects the speed of sound as well.

Does a sonic boom occur only when passing the speed of sound?

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Yes, a sonic boom occurs when an object travels through the air faster than the speed of sound (approximately 343 meters per second or 761 mph). The shock waves produced due to the compression of air create the loud noise associated with a sonic boom.

What is meaning of deep-toned?

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In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

In colors, deep-toned means a dark or rich version of the color rather than the pastel or light version.

What is the dimension of force if density and frequency and acceleration due to gravity are the bare quantities?

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The dimension of force can be written using the Buckingham Pi Theorem as:

force = density * frequency^2 * (acceleration due to gravity)

This expression indicates that force has dimensions of mass per unit volume times inverse time squared, multiplied by acceleration due to gravity.

How far would you have to be to get a reading of 60 dB when standing outside 15 m away from a boombox the intensity level was measured at 80 db?

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To achieve a reading of 60 dB, you would need to be roughly 30 meters away from the boombox. Sound intensity decreases with the square of the distance from the source, so increasing the distance by a factor of √(80 dB - 60 dB) = √20 results in the required change in distance (15 m x √20 ≈ 30 m).

What name is given to the form of sound whose pitch is too low for humans to hear?

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Infrasound is the name given to sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of human audibility, around 20 Hz or less. These low-frequency sound waves can be generated by natural events like earthquakes or by man-made sources such as wind turbines.

Can silence exist in a vacuum?

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In a vacuum where there is no air or matter to transmit sound waves, traditional forms of sound as we perceive them would not exist. However, silence can be understood as the absence of auditory stimuli, so the concept of silence could still apply in a vacuum.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Doppler effect in medical field?

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Advantages of Doppler effect in the medical field include non-invasive monitoring of blood flow and detection of abnormalities. However, limitations include possible operator dependency and accuracy issues with certain variables like angle of incidence.

Can sound waves be polarized like electromagnetic waves can?

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No, sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate, such as air or water, and cannot be polarized like electromagnetic waves. Sound waves travel by compressing and rarefying the medium particles in the direction of wave propagation.

If an A is 440 hz how many hz is an e?

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12 half-tones = 1 octave = double the frequency

1 half tone = multiply frequency by the 12th root of 2 = 1.0594631 (rounded)

'E' above 'A' is 7 half tones above 'A'.

Frequency of 'E' above = (440) x (2)7/12 = 659.3 Hz.(rounded)

'E' below 'A' is 5 half tones below 'A'.

Frequency of 'E' below = (440) divided by (2)5/12 = 329.6 Hz . (rounded)

Notice that, by golly, the frequencies we calculated for 'E' above and 'E' below

are in the ratio of 2 to 1 . . . they're an octave apart, just as we would hope.

What is the example problem of sound waves?

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One example problem involving sound waves could be calculating the frequency of a sound wave given its wavelength and the speed of sound in a medium. This can be done using the formula: frequency = speed of sound / wavelength.

A 340 Hz sound wave travels at 340 meter per second with a wavelength of A. 100m B. 1000m C. 10m D. 1m E. none of the above?

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The speed of a wave is given by the equation speed = frequency x wavelength. If a 340 Hz sound wave travels at 340 meters per second, then its wavelength is 1 meter (Option D) because 340 Hz x 1 m = 340 m/s.

What is mostly likely to transmit sound the best that include Water in a swimming pool Steel in a bridge Water in the ocean Air in your classroom and Wood in a cabinet?

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Steel in a bridge is most likely to transmit sound the best due to its denser and firmer structure. Water in a swimming pool would also transmit sound well due to its density and lack of air pockets. Water in the ocean can transmit sound effectively due to its consistency and depth, although it can also be influenced by temperature and salinity. Wood in a cabinet may absorb some sound due to its porous nature, while air in a classroom is the least effective medium for transmitting sound due to its low density and compressibility.

Can ocean waves move faster than wind?

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No, ocean waves cannot move faster than the wind that generates them. Waves are a result of the energy transferred from the wind to the water's surface, so they generally travel at a speed proportional to the wind speed.

Can humans hear the sounds from elephants under normal circumstances. Why or why not?

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No, humans cannot hear the sounds made by elephants under normal circumstances. Elephants produce low-frequency infrasound vocalizations that are below the range of human hearing. However, elephants can communicate with each other over long distances using these infrasound frequencies.

Find the frequency of a sound wave that has a wavelength of 1.5 meter. Could you hear this sound?

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To find the frequency, use the formula: frequency = speed of sound / wavelength. Assuming the speed of sound is 343 m/s, the frequency of the sound wave would be approximately 229 Hz. Yes, this frequency is within the audible range for humans, so you would be able to hear this sound.

What is 4567890 minus 98765?

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4567890 minus 98765 equals 4479125.

When a steadily flowing gas flows from a larger diameter pipe to a smaller diameter pipe what happens to its speed its pressure and the spacing between its streamlines?

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As the gas flows from a larger diameter pipe to a smaller one, its speed increases due to the conservation of mass principle. The pressure of the gas decreases as per the Bernoulli's principle. The spacing between the streamlines decreases since the velocity increases in the smaller diameter pipe.

When a gong vibrates the air particles next to athe gong do not reach your ears yet you hear the sound of the gong explain?

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When a gong is struck, it produces sound waves that travel through the air. These sound waves reach your ears before the air particles directly next to the gong do. Your ears detect the sound waves, which are disturbances in the air pressure, and convert them into the sensation of hearing the sound of the gong.