


Medical Definitions and Word Differences

Having knowledge of the common medical terms is important to avoid confusion. There are cases when some medical terms are considered synonymous with another, when in fact there is a difference between them. An example of this is tumor and cancer.

2,181 Questions

What is anencephalitis?

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Anencephalitis is a rare condition characterized by the absence of a major part of the brain, specifically the cerebral hemispheres. This condition is typically detected during prenatal ultrasounds and results in severe neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with life beyond the immediate neonatal period.

What type of interventions may be useful for patients with Megalencephaly?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Interventions for patients with Megalencephaly may include regular monitoring of head growth, physical therapy to address motor delays, speech therapy for communication challenges, and medications to manage seizures or other associated conditions. In some cases, surgical interventions may also be considered to address specific complications related to Megalencephaly.

What is a hypoechoic heterogenous area in the breast?

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A hypoechoic heterogeneous area in the breast represents an area that appears darker on ultrasound compared to surrounding tissue and has a mixed internal texture. It may indicate a variety of conditions, from benign cysts or fibroadenomas to more concerning findings like malignancies or areas of inflammation. Further imaging and possibly a biopsy are often warranted to determine the cause of this finding.

Resistance to disease or poison?

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Resistance to disease or poison refers to an organism's ability to withstand the harmful effects of pathogens or toxins. This resistance can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, immunity, and detoxification mechanisms. Strong resistance can help prevent illness or death in the face of exposure to harmful agents.

What does wbc and epithelial cells in sputum mean?

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White blood cells (WBC) in sputum indicate inflammation or infection in the respiratory tract. Epithelial cells in sputum are cells from the lining of the respiratory tract shed during illness or inflammation. Both can provide valuable information to healthcare providers about the underlying condition causing respiratory symptoms.

What is the combining form for vomit?

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The medical term for vomiting is emesis, so the combination is -emesis. For example, hemetemesis is vomiting up blood (heme).

Where can you find examples of meiosis?

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You can find examples of meiosis in sexual reproduction processes in plants, animals, and single-celled organisms. These examples can be observed in the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells) in animals and the production of spores in plants and fungi. Cell division during meiosis leads to genetic variation through crossing over and independent assortment.

What is the function of the heterocyst?

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Heterocysts are specialized cells found in some cyanobacteria that are responsible for nitrogen fixation, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the cell. This process is essential for the growth and survival of the cyanobacteria, as nitrogen is a critical component of proteins and nucleic acids.

What is the scientific name for crying?

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The scientific name for crying is lacrimation. It is the process of tears being produced and released from the lacrimal glands in response to emotions or irritants.

Top 100 medical terminology words?

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Asked by Kenya2j

Some common medical terminology words are: carcinoma, diabetes, hypertension, metastasis, and pneumonia.

What is difference between LOQ and LOD?

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Asked by Wiki User

LOQ (Limit of Quantification) is the lowest concentration of an analyte that can be reliably quantified, while LOD (Limit of Detection) is the lowest concentration that can be reliably detected but not necessarily quantified. LOQ usually has a higher value than LOD because it involves quantification, which requires a higher level of accuracy.

What does phase mean?

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In general, a phase refers to a distinct stage or step in a process. In the scientific context, it can also refer to the state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) or the position of a wave in relation to a fixed point.

What is the standard human anatomical position?

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The standard human anatomical position is standing upright with arms at the sides, palms facing forward, and feet flat on the ground. This position is used as a reference point for describing the location of body structures and movements.

What is the chemical name for plain gut suture?

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The chemical name for plain gut suture is purified collagen derived from the submucosa of sheep intestines. It is a type of absorbable surgical suture that is usually made from purified connective tissue of bovine or sheep intestines.

Is cadaveric dissection crucial to the study of medicine?

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Cadaveric dissection is an essential tool in medical education as it provides hands-on understanding of human anatomy that cannot be replicated through other methods like textbooks or computer simulations. It allows students to study the intricate structures of the human body in their actual form, helping them develop a deeper appreciation and knowledge of anatomy that is crucial for medical practice.

What is a mutagen?

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an environmental angent that changes DNA. APEX

How do I find the root word suffix and prefix of dermatologist?

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The root word in "dermatologist" is "dermato-", which comes from the Greek word for skin. The suffix is "-ologist," which means one who studies or specializes in a particular field. There is no prefix in this word.

What would be the root word of agonize?

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The root word of "agonize" is "agon," which comes from the Greek word "agonizesthai," meaning to struggle or wrestle.

What does the medical terminology combining form iatro- mean?

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Iatro- means treatment. A word that uses the combining form is iatrogenic, meaning caused by treatment. This term usually refers to a bad outcome of treatment. A common example is the iatrogenic yeast infection that some women get from antibiotic use.

Should the word mammogram be capitalized within a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the word "mammogram" should not be capitalized within a sentence unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

What word means pertaining to above the kidney?

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The word you are looking for is "suprarenal," which means above the kidney.

Is the word ulcer a prefix?

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No, the word "ulcer" is not a prefix. It is a noun that refers to a sore on the skin or mucous membrane. A prefix is a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.

What does beneficence and nonmaleficence mean?

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Beneficence refers to the obligation to do good and promote the well-being of individuals. Nonmaleficence means to do no harm and not cause injury or suffering to others. Both principles are key aspects of medical ethics and guide healthcare professionals in providing care to patients.

What does the medical terminology combining form ambulo- mean?

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The medical terminology combining form "ambulo-" refers to walking or movement. It is derived from the Latin word "ambulare," which means to walk.