


Medical Technologies

This topic covers various diagnostic tests and procedures. The types of questions it should include are: 'What illness does a Myelogram detect?' 'What do the letters CT stand for?' 'What are the potential risks in having frequent X-rays?' 'What is an IVP?' and 'How long does it take to do an MRI?'

3,764 Questions

What was determined about DNA from X ray diffraction?

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Asked by Wiki User

X-ray diffraction studies on DNA by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins revealed the helical structure of DNA, as well as its dimensions and the distance between base pairs. This data was later used by James Watson and Francis Crick to propose the double helix model of DNA.

When was Madame Curie's X ray invention invented?

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Madame Curie did not invent the X-ray machine. The discovery of X-rays is credited to Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Madame Curie was a pioneer in the field of nuclear physics and won the Nobel Prize in both Physics and Chemistry for her work on radioactivity.

Which is the most penetrating rays x-rays or gamma rays?

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Gamma rays are more penetrating than X-rays. This is because gamma rays have higher energy levels and shorter wavelengths, allowing them to penetrate deeper into materials.

How does a x ray tech use chemistry?

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Asked by Wiki User

X-ray techs use chemistry to understand the properties and interactions of contrast agents used to highlight specific areas of the body in X-ray imaging. They need to ensure proper mixing and administration of these agents to enhance the clarity of the X-ray images. Understanding the chemical composition and reactions of these contrast agents is crucial for accurate diagnostic imaging.

What is the strongest natural antibiotic known to man and it is also antiviral and antifungal?

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Asked by A1Epistemologist

Manuka honey is known for its potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It contains high levels of methylglyoxal, a compound that gives it its strong antimicrobial effects. Manuka honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various infections and skin conditions.

How long did it take Marie curie to make the X-ray?

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Asked by Wiki User

Marie Curie did not invent the X-ray. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Marie Curie was a pioneering scientist in the field of radioactivity and won Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry for her research on radioactivity and the discovery of the elements polonium and radium.

What research and who by has been done into Swine Flu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Swine flu, also known as the H1N1 influenza virus, has been extensively researched by various scientists and health organizations. Studies have been conducted to understand its transmission, evolution, treatment, and prevention. Some notable researchers who have contributed to this field include Dr. Alexander Klimov from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

What is red light therapy?

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Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red light wavelengths to promote skin healing, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation. It is commonly used for conditions such as acne, wrinkles, and muscle pain.

What kind of waves are used in magnetic resonance imaging to map body tissues?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radio waves are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to map body tissues. The radio waves are emitted and absorbed by hydrogen atoms in the body, creating a signal that is used to generate detailed images of different tissues based on their water content and density.

What does light therapy do?

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Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, uses exposure to specific wavelengths of light to treat conditions such as seasonal affective disorder, insomnia, and certain skin disorders like psoriasis. The light exposure can help regulate the body's circadian rhythms, improve mood, and reduce inflammation in the skin. It is a non-invasive and generally safe treatment option.

What gas shows the greatest difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air?

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) typically shows the greatest difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air. When we inhale, the air we breathe in contains around 0.04% CO2, while the air we exhale can contain around 4-5% CO2 due to the waste gas produced by our body's cellular respiration process.

What is retrograde urethrography?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Retrograde urethrography is a diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize the urethra. It involves injecting a contrast dye into the urethra and taking X-ray images to detect any abnormalities, such as strictures or blockages, in the urethra.

Why x-ray have preferred a shorter shovel?

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Asked by Wiki User

X-rays have shorter wavelengths that are better suited to interacting with smaller atomic structures and providing detailed images of tissues and bones. A shorter wavelength allows for higher resolution and clearer images, making them ideal for medical imaging applications.

How did actinium improved society?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actinium has several practical uses, including in nuclear reactors, medicine (cancer treatment), and scientific research. Its isotopes are used in radiation therapy to target and destroy cancer cells. Therefore, actinium has contributed to improving society by advancing medical treatments and scientific research.

Is blood heart infusion agar a defined or a complex medium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blood heart infusion agar is a complex medium because it contains a combination of components, such as nutrients from blood, heart infusion, and agar, whose exact composition may vary.

Is the X-ray machine at the airport checking the physical or chemical properties of the substances in your luggage?

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The X-ray machine at the airport is primarily used to check the physical properties of the substances in your luggage, such as density and shape. It does not analyze the chemical properties of the substances.

What is the use of x ray machines in medicine?

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X-ray machines are used in medicine to produce detailed images of the inside of the body, such as bones, organs, and tissues. These images can help healthcare professionals diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, injuries, and diseases. X-rays are a valuable tool in medical imaging for their ability to reveal internal structures without invasive procedures.

Why doesn't the iron get pulled out of your blood when you get an MRI?

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Asked by Wiki User

The iron in your blood is part of hemoglobin, which is a stable molecule and not affected by the magnetic field in an MRI. The iron atoms in hemoglobin are tightly bound within the molecule and not free to move, so they are not pulled out of the blood.

What are black areas on a hip x-ray?

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Black areas on a hip x-ray typically represent areas where X-rays can easily pass through, indicating less dense structures like air or cartilage. These areas show up as black due to their low absorption of X-ray radiation, allowing clearer visualization of denser bones and tissues surrounding them.

Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce ultraviolet rays infrared waves x rays or cosmic rays?

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Exposure to radiation in the ultraviolet region is the most common way of causing fluorescence, but not the only way. Exposure to enough radiation for one electron to absorb two photons can cause fluorescence.

Why the temperature inside an autoclave can be higher than 100 Celsius?

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Asked by Wiki User

The temperature inside an autoclave can be higher than 100 degrees Celsius because of the pressure applied inside the autoclave. When water is pressurized, its boiling point increases, allowing it to reach temperatures higher than 100 degrees Celsius without turning into steam. This increased temperature and pressure help in achieving sterilization of the items inside the autoclave.

X-rays damage DNA in organisms Rosalind Franklin died of cancer at an early age How might her work with X-ray diffraction have led to her death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rosalind Franklin's work with X-ray diffraction involved exposure to high levels of radiation, which can damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. This prolonged exposure to X-rays likely contributed to her development of cancer at an early age.

Why do some x-ray crystallographic protein structures omit some amino acids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some amino acids may be omitted from X-ray crystallographic protein structures due to high flexibility or disorder in those regions, making them difficult to resolve and model accurately. Additionally, if the electron density for certain amino acids is weak or ambiguous, they may be omitted to avoid introducing errors or inaccuracies in the final structure.

How would you compare and contrast X-ray bursts and gamma ray bursts?

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Asked by Wiki User

X-ray bursts are sudden increases in X-ray emission from compact objects like neutron stars, while gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic explosions in the universe, thought to originate from black hole formations or neutron star mergers. Both events release high-energy radiation, but gamma-ray bursts are significantly more powerful and can originate from more catastrophic astrophysical events.