

Black Holes

Black holes are regions in space created by the death of stars. Their gravitational field is so strong that even light cannot escape from it.

2,031 Questions

How are black holes and quasars related?

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Quasars are extremely bright objects found at the centers of some galaxies. They are powered by supermassive black holes that are actively accreting matter. The infalling matter heats up and emits intense radiation, making quasars some of the brightest objects in the universe.

Who formulated theories on black holes?

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The concept of black holes was first proposed by John Michell in 1783 and later expanded upon by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity in 1916. Subsequent key contributions to our understanding of black holes were made by scientists like Karl Schwarzschild, Roy Kerr, and Stephen Hawking.

Why do some vans have 4 holes and some 5?

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Vans with 4 holes typically have a 4-lug bolt pattern, while vans with 5 holes have a 5-lug bolt pattern. The number of holes on the wheel hub corresponds to the number of lug nuts needed to secure the wheel to the vehicle. This difference in lug patterns is dictated by the vehicle's design and weight capacity.

What happens if you put a x pill in your booty hole?

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Taking a pill rectally can lead to faster absorption and potentially stronger effects compared to swallowing it. However, inserting pills in the rectum can lead to irritation, damage to the tissue, and potentially introduce harmful bacteria. It is not a recommended or safe method of administration.

Can mercury be absorbed by a black hole?

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No, mercury cannot be absorbed by a black hole. Black holes are massive objects that can absorb anything that crosses their event horizon, but mercury is a chemical element and cannot be absorbed in the literal sense.

Why don't the weight of a black hole tear space time?

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The weight of a black hole doesn't tear spacetime because the black hole's mass warps spacetime only around its immediate vicinity, following the curvature of general relativity. This warping allows objects to enter and exit without spacetime tearing.

What could a black hole on your skin be?

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A black hole on your skin could be a mole or a freckle. It is important to monitor any changes in size, shape, or color of the black hole, as it could be a sign of skin cancer and should be checked by a healthcare professional.

Is god stronger than a black hole?

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The strength of a black hole comes from its immense gravitational force, while the concept of God's power is more spiritual and philosophical. It's not possible to directly compare the two since they operate in different realms of existence.

What were Stepen Hawking's challenges while researching black holes?

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Stephen Hawking faced challenges such as communication difficulties due to his motor neuron disease, limited physical mobility which affected his ability to conduct traditional experiments, and the mathematical complexities involved in understanding black holes. Despite these challenges, he made significant contributions to our understanding of black holes through his theoretical work.

Is black hole celestial body or not?

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Yes, black holes are celestial bodies. They are regions in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from them. They are formed when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle.

How were the holes made?

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The holes were made using various tools such as drills, saws, or other cutting instruments depending on the material being worked on. The choice of tool depends on the material, the size and shape of the hole, and the precision needed for the task.

What would happen to your solar system if the sun collapsed in a black hole?

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If the sun were to collapse into a black hole, the entire solar system would be destabilized. Planets would no longer have the sun's gravitational pull to orbit around, likely leading them to drift off into space. The sudden loss of heat and light would also have catastrophic effects on the Earth's ecosystem.

What is mass gravity and black holes?

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Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it.

What should you do before you do before actually drilling a hole?

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Before drilling a hole, you should ensure that you have the right drill bit for the material you are drilling into, measure and mark the drilling spot accurately, and wear appropriate safety gear such as goggles and gloves. It is also important to check for any hidden pipes or wires behind the surface you are drilling into to avoid damaging them.

What logo has a black star in a black circle?

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The logo that matches this description is the logo of Converse, the shoe and clothing brand. It features a black star inside a black circle as part of its iconic design.

How much holes do girl turtes have?

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Female turtles have one single opening called a cloaca, which is used for excretion, reproduction, and laying eggs. This opening serves as the common opening for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts in female turtles.

What would the mass of a primordial black hole need to have been for it to be just disappearing now due to the loss of Hawking radiation?

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A primordial black hole would need to have an initial mass of about 2.2 x 10^11 kilograms in order to be just disappearing now due to Hawking radiation. This is based on the time it takes for a black hole to evaporate completely through Hawking radiation, which is about 2.1 x 10^66 years for a black hole of this mass.

Can a black hole collapse a galaxy?

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While black holes can have a significant influence on their surrounding galaxies through their gravitational pull, a single black hole alone is not likely to collapse an entire galaxy. Galaxies are massive structures with billions of stars and other components that collectively contribute to their stability. However, interactions between supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies and the surrounding material can affect the evolution of galaxies over long timescales.

Can energy be produce from a black hole?

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Yes, a black hole can produce energy through various processes such as accretion, where matter falling into the black hole releases energy in the form of radiation and powerful jets. Additionally, black holes can also release energy through the process of Hawking radiation, where they emit thermal radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon.

What will happen if sun become black hole?

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If the Sun were to become a black hole, its mass would remain the same but it would be compressed into a much smaller volume. This would result in a black hole with a mass equal to the Sun's but with a very tiny event horizon. However, Earth's orbit around the black hole would remain unchanged.

Does a black hole have positive or negative charge?

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A black hole can have either positive, negative, or neutral charge. The charge of a black hole can be acquired through the consumption of charged particles, but the overall effect of the charge on the black hole's properties is not significant compared to its mass.

Is face in hole for free?

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Many online face-in-hole services offer free basic features, such as uploading photos and placing them in pre-designed templates. However, some services may offer premium features or templates for a fee. It's best to check the specific service you're interested in for details on pricing and features.

Why do black American suck?

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It is not true or respectful to make generalizations about any group of people based on race. It is important to treat everyone with equality and respect, regardless of their race or background.

What is a shape with a hole in it?

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A shape with a hole in it is called a "torus." It resembles a donut-shaped figure, with a hole in the middle that runs through the center.

How stars turn into a black hole?

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When a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel, it collapses under its own gravity. If the core mass is greater than about three times the Sun's mass, it will implode to form a black hole. This process triggers a supernova explosion and leaves behind a highly concentrated mass with an intense gravitational pull that not even light can escape, creating a black hole.