


First Aid

First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a lay person to a sick or injured casualty until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.

3,959 Questions

Are blue eyes mutated eyes?

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Blue eyes are not mutated eyes; they are simply a result of a genetic variation that affects how melanin is distributed in the iris. This variation causes less melanin to be present, making the eyes appear blue.

What is the strongest natural antibiotic known to man and it is also antiviral and antifungal?

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Asked by A1Epistemologist

Manuka honey is known for its potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It contains high levels of methylglyoxal, a compound that gives it its strong antimicrobial effects. Manuka honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various infections and skin conditions.

Why you cannot establish whether you are running high temperature by touching your own forehead?

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Touching your own forehead may not accurately determine if you have a high temperature because your body quickly adapts to its own temperature. It is better to use a thermometer to get a more accurate reading.

What is the importance of the saline solution in a hysterosonography?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Saline solution is used in hysterosonography to distend the uterine cavity, providing better visualization of the uterine lining and any abnormalities. It helps to improve image quality and allows the healthcare provider to assess the structure of the uterus and detect any potential issues such as polyps or fibroids.

What medicines fight microbes?

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Antibiotics are medicines that are used to fight against bacteria, while antifungals are used to combat fungal infections. Antivirals are medications that are used to treat viral infections. Each of these categories of drugs is specifically designed to target and fight against microbes based on their type.

What percent of oxygen do mouth to mouth ventilation provide?

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Mouth-to-mouth ventilation provides approximately 16-17% oxygen to the person receiving assistance.

How could epinephrine be used for someone bleeding from an injury?

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Epinephrine can be used to constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure, which may help slow down bleeding from an injury. However, it should only be used in severe cases where other methods have failed, as it can have side effects and complications. Immediate medical attention should be sought for any significant bleeding.

Whats really going to happen if you brush or rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide?

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Brushing or rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide can help to kill bacteria and whiten teeth, but it must be done with caution as it can also cause irritation to the mouth and gums. Overuse can lead to damage to the enamel on your teeth and an increased risk of developing sores in your mouth. It's important to follow the instructions carefully and consult with a dentist before using hydrogen peroxide for oral care.

If a child accidentally drunk a denatured alcohol what will be the first - aid?

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If a child accidentally ingests denatured alcohol, seek immediate medical help by calling poison control or emergency services. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by medical professionals. Keep the child calm and monitor them closely until help arrives.

What do you do when you have had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing what feels like a gallbladder attack?

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If you've had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing symptoms similar to a gallbladder attack, it could be due to other underlying issues such as bile reflux or post-cholecystectomy syndrome. It's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the cause of the symptoms and to receive appropriate treatment. Keep track of your symptoms and any triggers that may aggravate them.

What describes one of the way that the demographics of an area affect the price of housing in that area?

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One way demographics affect housing prices is through income levels. Areas with higher average incomes tend to have higher housing prices due to increased demand and ability to pay. Additionally, population growth and age distribution can also influence housing prices by impacting supply and demand dynamics.

How do you treat ice burn?

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To treat an ice burn, remove the cold source immediately and gently warm the affected area with lukewarm water or a clean towel. Do not rub or massage the area. Protect the burn with a sterile dressing and seek medical attention if necessary for severe pain or blistering.

What are the first phagocytes to migrate into an injured area during the inflammatory response?

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Neutrophils are the first phagocytes to migrate into an injured area during the inflammatory response. They help to eliminate pathogens and remove debris, playing a crucial role in the early stages of the immune response.

Are cross-linked polyacrylamide crystals poisonous?

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Cross-linked polyacrylamide crystals used in products like diapers are generally considered non-toxic and safe for use. However, ingestion of these crystals can cause gastrointestinal blockages or irritation. It's important to seek medical attention if ingestion occurs.

Survivors of disasters will have many immediate needs select a need not addressed by psychological first aid in a disaster environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

A need not addressed by psychological first aid in a disaster environment could be access to basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and medical assistance. These are essential for physical well-being and may take precedence over psychological support in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

Why the blood carbon dioxide levels increased in a person who breath into paper bag or cupped hand during hyperventilation?

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Breathing into a paper bag or cupped hand during hyperventilation can cause a build-up of carbon dioxide in the blood because it traps exhaled carbon dioxide, leading to rebreathing of the same air. This results in an increase in blood carbon dioxide levels, helping to restore the acid-base balance disrupted by hyperventilation. However, this technique should be used cautiously under medical supervision to avoid potential complications.

Is basic life support and first aid the same thing?

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No, basic life support (BLS) and first aid differ in their focus and training. BLS is primarily centered on providing immediate care to individuals experiencing life-threatening emergencies, such as cardiac arrest or choking. First aid encompasses a broader range of skills and techniques to address various injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions.

True or false The inflammatory response slows healing?

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False. While the inflammatory response may cause temporary symptoms like redness and swelling, it is actually an important part of the healing process. Inflammation helps to remove pathogens and debris, promote tissue repair, and initiate the healing cascade.

What to do if you get battery acid on your skin?

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Don't panic. Wash it off quickly with clean water. You should be fine-acid does not directly attack the skin, and you probably won't be working with anything concentrated enough to cause immediate damage. Even 6M H2SO4 will not have any immediate effects except a bit of stinging.

What kind of fracture does slate have?

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Slate typically fractures along flat, thin planes due to its foliated structure, creating smooth surfaces. This type of fracture is known as "conchoidal fracture," which results in thin, sharp fragments when the slate is broken.

What are self dissolving stiches made of?

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Self-dissolving stitches, also known as absorbable sutures, are typically made from materials such as polyglycolic acid, polylactic acid, or polydioxanone. These materials are designed to break down in the body over time, allowing the wound to heal without the need for suture removal.

How can you remember what happened while you blacked out?

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It is not possible to remember events that occurred during a blackout, as the brain is unable to form memories during that time due to alcohol affecting its ability to function properly. If you experience frequent blackouts, it is essential to seek help from a healthcare professional.

I accidentally drank a whole bottle of coke what should I do?

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If you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms, it's best to seek medical advice immediately. Drinking water can help dilute the caffeine and sugar in the coke and may help alleviate any discomfort. Try to avoid consuming large amounts of caffeine and sugar in the future to prevent similar incidents.

What is first aid for unconsciousness?

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If someone is unconscious, the first steps are to check for breathing and pulse, then call emergency services. If the person is breathing, place them in the recovery position to ensure their airway remains clear. Do not attempt to give food or drink to the person.

What does scientific skills mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientific skills refer to a set of abilities that enable individuals to conduct experiments, analyze data, and draw logical conclusions based on evidence. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, hypothesis testing, data interpretation, and knowledge of scientific methodologies.