


Acids and Bases

An acid is any substance whose aqueous solution is characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. A Base is any substance whose aqueous solution is characterized by a bitter taste, a slippery feel, the ability to turn red litmus blue, and the ability to react with acids to form salts. Questions about the acidity and alkalinity of solutions and different types of acids and bases are found n our Acids and Bases category.

24,097 Questions

Is coconut juice an acid or a base?

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Coconut water is actually slightly acidic. It has a pH of between 5 and 5.4, which falls on the acidic side of the neutral range (7 being neutral). So while it might taste refreshing, it has some mild acidity.

Vinegar contains acetic acid the formula for acetic is ch3cooh one mole of acetic acid has a mass of?

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The fomula for Ethanoic (Acetic) Acid is CH3COOH ; Note the use of capital letters for the elemental symbols. This is the recognised international standard.

Refer to the Periodic Table for Relative Atomic Masses.

C x 2 = 12 x 2 = 24

H x 4 = 1 x 4 = 4

O x 2 = 16 x 2 = 32

24 + 4 + 32 = 60 (The Mr ( Relative molcular Mass).

Remember the equation

Moles = mass (g) / Mr

Algebraicaally rearranging

mass(g) = Moles X Mr

Substitute values

mass(g) 1 x 60

Mass = 60 grams.

What is the acidic name for HF?

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HF = Hydrofluoric Acid

HCl =- Hydrochloric Acid

HBr = Hydrobromic Acid

HI = Hydroiodic Acid .

Do acids and bases react to form water and salt in a neutralization reaction?

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Here are the general reactions for acids.

Acid + Base = Salt + Water

Acid + Alkali = Salt + Water

Acid + Metal = Salt + Hydrogen

Acid + Carbonate = Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide.


An ALKALI is a soluble BASE.

What are amino acids and how many are there?

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Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are the molecules that all living things need to make protein, and we have twenty (20) amino acids to help build the body. kindly subscribe to my channel on YouTube channel/UCSkT4bzBlR9cE8gSIQvN-Nw

What is HONO2 NAME?

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HONO2 is usually written as HNO3 , which is Nitric Acid.

Is acetic acid a strong acid?

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It is a weak acid, because when dissolved in water only a few of the hydrogen ions dissociate from the 'parent' molecule.

It is represented by the equation

CH3COOH(aq) CH3COO^-(aq) + H^(+)(aq)

The equilbrium arrow '' indicate that most of the molecules remain undissociated.

NB All Carboxylic(Fatty) Acids are weak acids.

Which has the highest concentration of H plus ions?

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Generally the mineral acids , such as hydrochloric acid.

The carboxylic acids do not fully dissociate, hence for equal concentrations and volumes , there are less hydrogen ions (H^(+)).

What are the ions present in nitrous acid?

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HNO2 => H^(+) & NO2^(-) are the ions present.

NOTE Nitrous acid is ' HNO2' ; Nitric Acid is HNO3 .

What color will blue litmus paper turn in presence of iron II sulfide?

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Blue litmus paper would turn red in the presence of iron II sulfide, due to the acidic nature of iron II sulfide which causes a change in the pH of the litmus paper.

Why is the red litmus paper reaction is irreversible?

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The red litmus paper reaction is irreversible because the change in color from red to blue when exposed to a base is due to a chemical reaction rather than a physical change. The red litmus paper contains a dye that permanently reacts with the base, leading to a permanent color change. Once the dye molecules in the litmus paper have reacted with the base, they cannot easily revert back to their original state.

Will cu replace H from H2SO4?

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No, copper (Cu) will not replace hydrogen (H) from sulfuric acid (H2SO4) since copper is less reactive than hydrogen. Only metals higher in the reactivity series can displace hydrogen from acids.

What important function do nucleic acids have in a cell?

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Nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, serve as the genetic material in cells, carrying the instructions for the synthesis of proteins and coordinating various cellular functions. They also play key roles in processes like cell replication, gene expression, and protein synthesis.

When you add an acid to an alkali it changes to a neutral which colour change would this show with an indicator?

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The color change would depend on the specific indicator used. For example, phenolphthalein changes from pink in alkaline solutions to colorless in acidic solutions, while litmus paper changes from blue in alkaline solutions to red in acidic solutions.

Why are there 20 amino acids in a protein?

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There are 20 amino acids in a protein because these are the building blocks that combine in various sequences to form the diverse range of proteins found in living organisms. Each amino acid has a unique structure and chemical properties that contribute to the overall structure and function of the protein.

Why ferric ions do not exist in solution?

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Ferric ions, or Fe3+, do exist in solution but are typically more coordinated with ligands such as water molecules or anions due to their high charge. This makes them less prevalent in a free ion form in solution. Additionally, the presence of ligands stabilizes the ion by reducing its reactivity.

What animal has acidic saliva?

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The platypus has acidic saliva, which helps in breaking down food before digestion. This characteristic is unique to the platypus among mammals.

How did Gilbert Lewis change the definition of an acid?

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Gilbert Lewis expanded the definition of an acid to include species that can accept an electron pair, not just donate a proton. This concept broadened the understanding of acid-base reactions beyond the traditional Arrhenius and Brønsted-Lowry definitions. Lewis acids can form coordinate covalent bonds by accepting an electron pair from a Lewis base.

What is the color of phenolphthalein in solutions with pH values ranging from 2 to 6?

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Phenolphthalein is colorless in acidic solutions with a pH below 8, and turns pink in basic solutions with a pH above 8. In solutions with pH values ranging from 2 to 6, phenolphthalein would remain colorless.

Many insects such as fire ants inject formic acid when they bite or sting describe the type of compound that should be used to treat the bite?

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To treat a fire ant bite, you can use a basic compound like a baking soda paste or ammonia to help neutralize the formic acid. These substances can help reduce itching and discomfort associated with the bite. Additionally, over-the-counter antihistamine creams or oral medications can help relieve swelling and inflammation.

What will be the pH if solution of pH 2.32 is diluted 8 times?

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If a solution with a pH of 2.32 is diluted 8 times, the resulting pH will increase. Each time the solution is diluted by a factor of 10, the pH will increase by 1. Since the solution is being diluted 8 times, the pH will increase by 3 (8 = 10^3). Therefore, the new pH will be 5.32.

What are the chemical names of acids which you use in your daily life?

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Common acids used in daily life include acetic acid (found in vinegar), citric acid (found in citrus fruits), and hydrochloric acid (used in household cleaners).

Can red litmus paper turn green in a neutral solution?

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No, red litmus paper turns blue in a basic solution and remains red in neutral or acidic solutions. It only changes to green if it is exposed to a very strong base.

Is nah2po4 an acid salt or basic salt or normal salt?

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NaH2PO4 is an acid salt because it is derived from a weak acid (H3PO4) and a strong base (NaOH). This salt will have acidic properties when dissolved in water.

How Acetic acid induced writhing effect in mice performed?

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The acetic acid-induced writhing test is commonly used to evaluate pain responses in mice. It involves injecting mice with acetic acid, which causes inflammation and pain. The characteristic writhing or contorted movements displayed by the mice are counted as a measure of pain sensitivity. This test is often used to assess the efficacy of analgesic agents in reducing pain sensation.