


Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are edible fruits of plants belonging to Citrus of the rue family. They are widely cultivated since ancient times; the most common examples are the lemons, grapefruits, oranges and limes.

1,715 Questions

What ryhmes with juice?

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"Loose" rhymes with "juice."

How does a lime conduct electricity?

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Limes are not conductive materials and do not conduct electricity. The high acidity in limes actually makes them a poor conductor of electricity.

Is orange tree a angiosperm?

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Yes, an orange tree is an angiosperm. It belongs to the flowering plant group known as angiosperms, which produce seeds enclosed within a fruit.

What is a hard shelled fruit?

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A hard-shelled fruit is a fruit with a tough outer layer that protects the seeds inside. Examples include coconuts, walnuts, and chestnuts. These fruits usually require cracking or peeling to access the edible part.

Is there a species of lime trees that don't have thorns?

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Yes, there are thornless varieties of lime trees. These cultivars are selectively bred to produce fruit without thorns, making them easier to harvest and handle. Examples include the Tahiti lime and the Persian lime.

Is lemon high or low in acid?

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Lemon is high in citric acid, which gives it its sour taste. This acid content can cause erosion of tooth enamel and irritation to sensitive tissues in the mouth, so it's best to consume lemon in moderation and rinse your mouth afterwards.

How you plant a lemon seed?

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To plant a lemon seed, remove the seeds from a fresh lemon and wash them to remove any pulp. Plant the seed in a small pot with well-draining soil, cover it lightly with soil, and water it regularly. Place the pot in a warm, sunny spot and wait for the seed to sprout, which can take a few weeks to a few months.

What does the saying mean- it is raining when the sun is shining?

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The saying "it is raining when the sun is shining" is typically used to highlight a contradictory or ironic situation. It suggests that even in seemingly pleasant or positive circumstances, there can still be challenges or difficulties present.

What part of a flower does the fruit come out of?

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The fruit of a flower typically develops from the ovary of the flower. After pollination and fertilization, the ovary matures into a fruit, enclosing the seeds that will disperse and grow into new plants.

Why do apples produce more energy than lemons?

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Apples have higher sugar content than lemons, which results in more energy when consumed. Sugar is a source of carbohydrates that provide energy to the body through the process of cellular respiration. Lemons have lower sugar content and higher acidity, which can affect the overall energy production when consumed.

Can ladder fern bear fruits?

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No, ladder ferns do not bear fruits. They reproduce through spores that are found on the undersides of the fronds.

Why is lemon used to balance acidity in the stomach?

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Lemon is thought to help balance acidity in the stomach because it contains citric acid which is a weak acid that can be easily metabolized by the body, potentially helping to neutralize excess stomach acid. Additionally, lemon water may stimulate the production of alkali in the body which could help to reduce acidity.

What are adaptations of a kumquat plant or fortunella margarita?

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Asked by Getlikeme

The kumquat plant, or Fortunella margarita, has adaptations like small size and thorns on its branches to deter herbivores. Its thick, waxy skin helps conserve water and protect against harsh environmental conditions. The plant's ability to produce fruit with a sweet rind and sour flesh aids in seed dispersal by attracting animals to eat the fruit and distribute the seeds.

Which specific part of the flower gives rise to fruit?

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The ovary of the flower gives rise to fruit. After a flower is pollinated, the ovary undergoes fertilization and develops into a fruit containing seeds.

How is orange seed dispersed?

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Orange seeds are typically dispersed by animals such as birds or mammals that eat the fruit and then excrete the seeds in a different location. Additionally, humans can also play a role in seed dispersal through farming practices that involve planting orange seeds in new locations.

What acid responsible for the sour taste of grapefruit lemons and oranges is?

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Citric acid is responsible for the sour taste in grapefruit, lemons, and oranges.

Why will mold grow on a grapefruit?

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Mold can grow on a grapefruit due to factors such as high moisture content, presence of spores in the environment, and exposure to air. The natural sugars in the fruit provide a food source for the mold to flourish.

How many ounces in one cup of orange juice?

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1 cup = 8 fluid ounces, regardless of what fluid you're measuring.

Is lemon plant a herb or shrub or tree?

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A lemon plant is a small tree that typically grows to about 10-20 feet in height. It is not classified as an herb or a shrub.

How do you eat a lime?

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Limes are typically sliced into wedges or cut in half, then squeezed to release the juice. You can also zest the outer skin for added flavor. Limes are best enjoyed fresh and can be used in recipes to add a burst of citrus flavor.

How does the mouth react to sour food?

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When sour food enters the mouth, taste receptors on the tongue send signals to the brain, which interprets this sensation as sour. This usually triggers salivation in an attempt to dilute and neutralize the acidity in the mouth. Additionally, the sour taste can stimulate taste buds and increase sensory perception.

Which nsw town has the same name as a citrus fruit?

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Orange is a town in New South Wales that shares its name with a citrus fruit. It is known for its citrus industry and the annual Orange F.O.O.D Week festival, celebrating local food and wine.

Is a lime an immature lemon?

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No, a lime is not an immature lemon. Limes and lemons are two different types of citrus fruits with distinct flavors and characteristics.

What is the name of a small round citrus fruit with thin skin and has sour taste. It has seeds?

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This fruit is called a lime. It is typically smaller in size compared to lemons and has thin skin. Limes are known for their sour taste and can contain seeds.