

Care of Ferrets

Ferrets were first tamed by the Ancient Egyptians for food and clothing. Today, they are playful weasel-like companions that depend on us for love! This category contains questions about ferret health, history, and needs.

1,047 Questions

Is a ferret multicellular?

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Yes, ferrets are multicellular organisms, meaning they are composed of many cells working together to form tissues and organs.

What is the ferrets energy role in the ecosystem?

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Ferrets play a key role in controlling rodent populations, which helps maintain ecosystem balance. They are also a food source for predators, contributing to the energy flow within the food web. Overall, ferrets contribute to the overall health and functioning of their ecosystem.

What happens if a female ferret is not mated during breeding season?

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If a female ferret is not bred she will stay in heat. This will cause an excess of estrogen in her system which will make her anemic eventually causing death.

In the wild, European polecat ferrets and black footed ferrets are solitary animals, and to insure survival of the species, females stay in heat to attract the male for mating. After mating, they go their separate ways and the female alone gives birth and raises the young. The male has no role in the rearing of young ferrets.

Female ferrets (called jills) have a unique reproductive system. Jills are induced ovulators which means that they will stay in heat or estrus until the physical act of mating occurs with either a Hob or Hoblet. An alternative method is a veterinarian can give an injection of hormones called a "Jill jab" to terminiate estrus. The Hoblet is a vasectomized hob (not castrated) that has his tubes cut that transport the sperm to the testicles, and is still able to perform the physical mating process. The physical act of mating induces ovulation in the Jill and brings her out of estrus. She will have a phantom or false pregnancy that will last for the same length of time as a normal pregnancy (40 - 44 days) and will display symptoms of being pregnant. At the end of this time, she might come into estrus again.

If the Jill is not mated or given an injection to end estrus, she remains in that state. The white blood cells will not be produced in adequate numbers, and she will become much more susceptible to an infection. Jills in heat secrete high levels of estrogen and if this hormone stays in the blood for a prolonged period of time, it will cause a progressive depression of bone marrow that causes a severe, life threatening aplastic anemia (abnormal depression of all three elements of blood) which is fatal. The high level of estrogen causes the bone marrow to stop producing red blood cells.

What behavioral adaptations help a ferret survive?

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Ferrets have behavioral adaptations such as burrowing to create shelter, using their keen sense of smell to locate food, and employing their agility to escape predators. They also have a playful nature that helps them develop coordination and hunting skills.

How do you fix a dry room in the winter?

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Asked by CarolyneL24

To fix a dry room in the winter, you can use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Make sure to keep the room well-ventilated by opening windows periodically. You can also place bowls of water near heating sources to increase humidity.

Should ferret be capitalized?

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No, "ferret" should not be capitalized unless it appears at the beginning of a sentence or is part of a title.

What is the taxonomy of a ferret?

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Ferrets are classified in the following manner:

Kingdom Animalia (Animals)

Phylum Chordata (Vertebrates)

Class Mammalia (Mammals)

Order Carnivora (Carnivores)

Suborder caniformia (Dog-like)*

Superfamily Musteloidea (Musteloids)**

Family Mustelidae (Mustelids)***

Genus Mustela (Weasels)****

Species M. putorius (European polecats)

Subspecies M. p. furo (Domestic ferret)

*The caniforma group distinguishes animals with more dog-like characteristics from those with more catlike characteristics, and generally exhibit longer snouts and non-retractile claws.

**The musteloid superfamily is a of the same level as the archaic category Arctoidea, a line which is now broken into Ursoidea (bears) and Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions, and walruses) in addition to Musteloidea includes mustelids, raccoons, skunks, and possibly red pandas.

***The mustelid family includes otters, badgers, and weasels, and until recently, was thought to include skunks until they were recategorized within the superfamily.

****The weasel genus includes weasels and similar creatures such as polecats, certain minks, stoats, ermines, and ferrets.

What is the scientific classification or name for domestic ferrets?

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Scientific classification for the domestic ferret: they are members of the family Mustelidae in the order Carnivora. The domestic ferret is classified as Mustela putorius furo. The black-footed ferret is classified as Mustela nigripes.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora - includes cats, dogs, bears, raccoons, weasels, civets, and hyenas

Family: Mustelidae (5 subfamilies) - weasels, badgers, otters - are to be found all over the world, in every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Their habitat ranges from arctic tundra to tropical rain-forest on land, in trees, in rivers and in the ocean.

Sub-Family: Mustelinae - includes martens, mink, and weasels

Genus: Mustela - ferrets

Species: M. putorius - European polecat ferret

Subspecies: M. p. furo - Domestic ferret

Trinomial Name: Mustela putorius furo == == Scientific name for black-footed ferrets is Mustela nigripes Ferets are from the family Mustelidae, commonly known as the Weasel Family.
Mustela putorius furo - it means, rather fittingly, weasel-like stinky thief.
Mustela putorius furo, meaning weasel-like stinky thief in latin.

What are ferrets related to?

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A ferret is a weasel like mammal (Mustela putorius furo) related to the European polecat ferret and often trained to hunt rats or rabbits. Ferrets are related to weasels in the family Mustelidae of the orderCarnivora.

The weasel family includes - Ferret, stoat, polecat, mink, ermine, black-footed ferret, long tailed weasel, least weasel. Other relatives of the weasels are martens, otters, badgers, and wolverines. The terms stoat and ermine are terms for the long tailed and short tailed weasels in their winter coats.. Ferrets are not related to skunks or rodents

Polecats, weasels, stoats, pine martens, badgers, skunks, wolverines, otters, grisons and tayras - the Mustelidae.

Yes, they are all in the Mustelidae family and very similar in body shape and size

Who is ferret face in zoo-break by Gordon korman?

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In "Zoo Break" by Gordon Korman, Ferret Face is a character who is part of a group of kids that work together to solve a mystery involving stolen exotic animals from a zoo. Ferret Face is known for his nickname due to his sharp, weasel-like features.

Can i use ferret shampoo on my dog?

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Most of these answers don't understand the question. The question was can I use a ferret shampoo on the DOG. As most ferret shampoos are very gentle, they should be very safe to use on dogs which can generally tolerate more stronger shampoos. That is the reason stronger dog shampoos are not recommended for ferrets.

Can bleach kill ferrets?

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Cleaning a ferret cage - All disinfectants are potentially dangerous, always read the manufacturers recommended dilutions and never mix two disinfectants together

You can use a warm soapy solution, or antibacterial soap

Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) - can be safe to use as recommended - use a very weak water and bleach solution(about 2% bleach and 98% water). rinse well with clean water and let dry and stand empty for about 30 minutes, Some ferrets like bleach and will drink it.

You should avoid using any phenol-based cleaning products(it will turn white when added to water) and products such as Lysol (the disinfectant spray too), Pine Sol (pine cleaners) when cleaning the cage. Lysol is extremely toxic in very small amounts if ingested and can be absorbed through skin.

How do you find a sleeping ferret somewhere?

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If you think your ferret is stuck somewhere - remember that any opening if their head can fit through the rest of the body can follow. Ferrets are burrowing animals and like to seek out dark secluded places. Ferrets nails sometimes split and can catch on fabric, which may entangle them. Ferrets like to get into large appliances - Stoves, under dryers and refrigerators, etc. Check all your furniture, appliances, drawers, kitchen cabinets. or anything that has small openings. I do hope you find him quickly.

See related question on "How to find a lost ferret"

How do you train a ferret for rodent control?

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The ferret is a carnivorous (meat eating) mammal of genus Mustela of the Mustelidae family including the domestic ferret and an endangered species, the Black-footed Ferret. For hundreds of years, the main use of domestic ferrets was for hunting called "ferreting". Ferrets have a long, lean body, with an inquisitive nature, that makes them very well equipped for getting down holes and chasing rodents and rabbits out of their burrows and nests.

For centuries ferrets have been used for rodent, mice and rat extermination and control. Ferrets have a natural instinct to hunt and kill rodents. One time I had a baby rat trapped and showed to my ferret, she immediately grabbed by the back of the neck and killed it in one bite.

  • Just read an account in Farm Show mag where someone as a kid on a farm kept ferrets for rats and rabbits. The description was that his father showed them the animal holes at about 5 mo of age, and most took right to it. He said gentle seeming ferrets would change when going to hunt, that they were sent in pairs, and he kept them in practice out of rabbit season with rats and mice. The rabbits they would flush out and shoot, they seemed to do that with rats outdoors as well, but they seemed able to kill rats, and chase them into holes, especially the smaller females.

Where can you buy a ferret in Atlanta?

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Check with your local pet stores, pet shelters, or look in the newspaper ads.

Can a ferret's tail become fluffy and large?

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Yes. It is commonly called "bottle brush tail" as it resembles a bottle brush. When a ferret has a puffed up tail he/she is either very excited or scared.

If the tail is puffed up and the ferret is backing away /hissing it is scared and should be left alone.

If the tail is puffed up and the ferret is dooking he/she is happy

Will a domestic ferret get sick if kept in a cold temperature environment?

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Pretty much everything can freeze to death so yes.

Which celebrities own ferrets?

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I couldn't find any UK celebs with ferrets but the following Americans have pet ferrets -Madonna, Paris Hilton and Holly Madison (playboy model)

Where would a ferret hide?

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When you get a ferret, the first thing you need to do is proper training for your ferret to come to you when called. That can be done with a toy with a bell or squeaker (or anything that makes noise and attracts their attention) while calling their name and using treats. If your ferret is in a place that you can't find him, he should come to you unless fallen asleep. Ferrets should never hide from humans - unless they are being abused or not taken care of properly. Properly socialized ferrets will seek humans and not hide.

Do ferrets get out of their cages?

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I don't see why you would have to catch them, my ferret comes right to me, but I don't cage him either. Ferret should always be trained to come to you. Are they being taken care of properly with at least four hours daily out of their cage Have they been socialized with frequent handling and playtime. Ferrets are not caged animals you only cage them for their protection. Ferrets are not "pocket pets" or "rodents". But if the ferret escaped to the outdoors, your can look to the link below to the question "How do you find a ferret that is lost"

Do you need a license to have a ferret?

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certain places it is illegal to own ferrets such as New York and California and Hawaii, i would recommend some one who is great with responsibality to own ferrets a lot goes in to their care,

Do ferrets hunt rabbits?

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A female ferret or Dam is very protective of her litter. Once the babies are born it is important not to disturb the nest for about 1 week. If the Jill feels threatened, or faced with danger, it may cause her to leave the nest and, in extreme cases, to cannibalize her young. Pick up and handle the kits at 3 weeks of age so that they become accustomed to humans. Baby ferrets are weaned from their mother at seven to nine weeks.

Should a ferret eat fish?

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It shouldn't be their only food but some ferrets do like fish. Some good choices would be tuna, salmon or whiting. The fish should be fresh, raw and unprocessed. The oils naturally contained in fish are a great source of vitamins and minerals which are good for the ferrets joints, skin and fur.

What is the proper name for a female ferret?

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A female ferret is called a Jill.

A mother ferret of a litter is called a Dam.

An unspayed female is a Jill, A spayed female is a Sprite.

A male is a Hob, and young are called Kits.

(In Germany they call kits puppies.)

What is the ferrets species?

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The black footed ferret is a carnivorous mammal called Mustela nigripes, a cousin of the domestic ferret is Mustela putorius furo, which rather amusingly translates into English as weasel-like stinky thief.