


All rodents have one upper jaw and one lower jaw set of two continuously growing front teeth that must be worn down by gnawing. The order's smallest members are the 2.4 inch/6 centimeter African pygmy mouse and Baluchistan pygmy jerboa. Questions typically refer to the order's laboratory contributions to scientific advances, important representatives, geographic ranges, and environmental roles in seed dispersion and soil food web life.

1,241 Questions

Is a prairie dog a biotic part of grasslands ecosystem?

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Yes, prairie dogs are biotic components of grassland ecosystems. They play a critical role in maintaining the ecosystem by altering vegetation structure, creating habitat for other animals, and influencing nutrient cycling through their burrowing activities.

What is the average temperature of the oakwood and prairies ecoregion?

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The average temperature of the Oak Wood and Prairies ecoregion varies depending on the time of year. In summer, temperatures can range from 70-90°F (21-32°C) while in winter they can range from 30-50°F (-1 to 10°C). Overall, the region experiences a subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters.

What pollutes the prairie?

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Pollution in the prairie can come from various sources such as agriculture runoff carrying chemicals and pesticides, industrial activities releasing pollutants into the air and water, littering, and urban development encroaching on natural habitats. These pollutants can harm the ecosystem, water quality, and wildlife in the prairie.

Do robins live in a prairie?

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Robins are typically found in woodlands, orchards, and suburban areas with plenty of trees. They are not commonly found in prairies, as they prefer habitats with more vegetation and trees to nest in.

What is the best rodent pest control strategy?

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The best rodent pest control strategy typically involves a combination of preventative measures, such as sealing entry points and removing food sources, along with traps or baits to manage existing infestations. It's important to also consider environmental factors that may be attracting rodents, such as clutter or open food containers. If the infestation is severe, professional pest control services may be necessary.

Can a weasel live in Prairies or grasslands?

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Yes, weasels can inhabit prairies and grasslands. They are versatile animals that can adapt to various habitats as long as there is sufficient food and shelter available. Weasels are skilled hunters that can thrive in open grassland environments where they can hunt for rodents and small mammals.

Is a water shrew a herbivore carnivore or an omnivore?

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A water shrew is a carnivore, meaning it primarily feeds on meat. It preys on insects, small fish, tadpoles, and other aquatic animals found in its habitat.

Why are the prairies treeless grasslands?

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Prairies are treeless grasslands mainly due to factors such as frequent fires, grazing by large herbivores, and soil conditions. These factors have prevented tree growth and allowed grasses to dominate the landscape. Additionally, the dry climate and periodic droughts in prairie regions can also inhibit tree growth.

Is the meadow vole an omnivore?

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No, meadow voles are primarily herbivores, feeding mainly on grasses, stems, and seeds. They may occasionally consume insects or other small invertebrates, but they are not considered omnivores.

How dangerous is a prairie kingsnake?

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Prairie kingsnakes are non-venomous and generally not dangerous to humans. They play a beneficial role in controlling rodent populations and are usually docile when encountered by people. If threatened, they may bite or release a foul-smelling musk, but their bite is not harmful to humans.

What plants and animals are also in a chinchilla habitat?

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In a chinchilla habitat, you may find plants like cacti, grasses, and shrubs. Animals that share this habitat with chinchillas include birds such as owls and hawks, as well as rodents like viscachas and tuco-tucos.

Is a Prariedog a carnivore?

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No. Although Prairie Dogs are almost exclusively vegetarian, nursing females have been observed both cannibalizing and communally nursing each other's pups. The various native plants of the Great Plains make up the Prairie Dog's primary diet, comprising all kinds of grasses, roots, weeds, forbs and blossoms. They acquire all of their water from the food they eat. Sometimes insects are also eaten.

Are prairie dogs decomposers?

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No, prairie dogs are not decomposers. They are herbivores that primarily feed on grasses, seeds, and plants. Decomposers are organisms like bacteria and fungi that break down dead organisms and organic matter.

Is an agouti a herbivore?

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Yes, agoutis are primarily herbivores. They feed on fruits, seeds, nuts, and vegetation in their natural habitats. However, they may occasionally consume insects or small animals as well.

Is the agouti nocturnal?

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Agoutis are typically diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day. However, they may also be active during dawn and dusk.

What animals are endangered in the prairies or termperate grasslands?

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Some endangered animals in prairies or temperate grasslands include the black-footed ferret, swift fox, mountain plover, and greater sage-grouse. Loss of habitat due to agriculture, urban development, and climate change are some of the threats they face. Conservation efforts are being made to protect and restore these species and their habitats.

What does the Key Largo woodrat eat?

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Key Largo woodrats are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plant materials such as fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, and stems. They may also consume some insects and fungi as part of their diet.

Is a Prairie A Veld?

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Yes, prairies and velds are both types of grasslands, but they are found in different parts of the world. Prairies are found in North America, while velds are found in Southern Africa. Both ecosystems consist of grasses and herbaceous plants but have distinct differences in biodiversity and climate.

What herbivore is in the prairie grasslands?

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Bison, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, white-tail deer, gophers, jackrabbits, elk, etc.

Where do coypu live?

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Coypus, also known as nutrias, are semi-aquatic rodents native to South America. They can be found in a variety of wetland habitats, such as marshes, swamps, and rivers. They have also been introduced to other parts of the world, where they inhabit similar aquatic environments.

Why is a prairie chicken endangered?

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The prairie chicken is endangered due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation from agriculture, urban development, and energy exploration. Additionally, factors such as predation, low genetic diversity, and climate change have contributed to their decline in population numbers. Conservation efforts are being made to protect and restore their habitats to help increase their populations.

What is an omnivore that eats mice?

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A domestic cat is an example of an omnivore that eats mice. Cats are opportunistic feeders, meaning they are capable of consuming both plant and animal matter to meet their dietary needs. Mice are a common prey item for cats in the wild and are also known to be hunted by domestic cats.

Do agouti lay eggs?

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No, agouti do not lay eggs. Agouti are mammals and give birth to live young.

What are some plants that live in a prairie?

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Some plants that live in a prairie ecosystem include big bluestem, little bluestem, purple coneflower, butterfly milkweed, and switchgrass. These plants have adapted to the low rainfall and high temperatures typical of prairies.

What are the north American countries that contain prairies?

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The North American countries that contain prairies are the United States and Canada. Specifically, states like Kansas, Nebraska, and North Dakota in the U.S., and provinces like Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in Canada have vast prairie regions.