



Originating in China over a thousand years ago, the goldfish is a popular domesticated pet. They come in many different types of varieties and colors, from the original Common Goldfish to fancy Orandas. Questions relating to the care and behavior of goldfish are welcome here.

3,497 Questions

What is tropical spastic paraparesis?

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Tropical spastic paraparesis, also known as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy (HAM), is a rare neurological condition caused by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). It is characterized by weakness and stiffness in the legs, leading to difficulty walking. There is currently no cure for this condition, and treatment focuses on managing symptoms.

Do marine organisms tend to be more abundant in warmer waters or colder waters?

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Marine organisms tend to be more abundant in warmer waters because higher temperatures promote more diverse and productive ecosystems. Cold waters can support thriving marine life as well, but typically in specialized environments such as polar regions or deep-sea habitats.

Are black moor fish carnivorous?

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Black moor fish are omnivorous, meaning they eat a combination of plant-based and animal-based foods. They can be fed a varied diet including high-quality pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp, and vegetables like peas. It's important to provide a balanced diet to keep them healthy.

Can you put any type of rocks in a goldfish tank?

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No, it is not recommended to put any type of rocks in a goldfish tank as certain rocks can alter water chemistry, affecting the health of the goldfish. It's best to use aquarium-safe rocks such as smooth river rocks or aquarium decorations specifically designed for use in fish tanks.

Why did your goldfish die during a thunder and lighting storm?

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Goldfish can be sensitive to sudden changes in environment and stress, which can be triggered by loud noises and changes in air pressure during a thunder and lightning storm. The stress from the storm may have caused your goldfish to become agitated and unable to cope, leading to its death.

What is the resultant temperature when 2kg of water at 30degrees is mixed with 4kg of water at 90degrees?

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The final temperature when mixing 2kg of water at 30°C with 4kg of water at 90°C can be calculated using the principle of conservation of energy. The formula Q1 + Q2 = m1c1(Tf - T1) + m2c2(Tf - T2) can be used, where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass of water, c is the specific heat capacity of water, Tf is the final temperature, and T1 and T2 are the initial temperatures. By substituting the values into this formula, you can find the final temperature.

Can a sea snail live in a fish bowl of rooting house plants?

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No, sea snails are marine animals and need a saltwater environment to survive. Placing a sea snail in a fishbowl with house plants in freshwater would not provide the necessary conditions for its well-being. It is important to provide proper habitat and care for sea snails to ensure their health and longevity.

Does osmosis occur when you swim in the sea?

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Yes, osmosis occurs when you swim in the sea. The salt concentration in the seawater is higher than the salt concentration in your body's cells, so water will naturally move from your cells into the seawater through osmosis. This can lead to dehydration if you don't drink enough water to replace the lost fluid.

Can fish suffocate in plastic bags with water?

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Yes, fish can suffocate in plastic bags with water because they require oxygen to survive, and the plastic restricts the exchange of gases with the surrounding environment. Additionally, the buildup of harmful substances like ammonia in the water can further impact their ability to breathe, eventually leading to suffocation.

What is the difference between ectothermic and exothermic r fish ectothermic or exothermic?

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Ectothermic means the same thing as "cold-blooded." It means that the animals body does not produce its own heat internally so the animal's temperature varies with its surroundings.

Endothermic means the same thing as "warm-blooded." It means that the animals body regulates its temperature internally by producing heat and keeping the body temperature relatively stable.

Exothermic does not relate to animals at all. It is a term used in chemistry to describe certain types of chemical reactions.

Fish are ectothermic as most living things that are not birds or mammals are.

Does water changes temperature slowly?

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Yes, water has a high specific heat capacity, which means it can absorb and release heat slowly. This makes water temperature changes relatively gradual compared to other substances.

In order to produce a male offspring an egg must be fertilized by a sperm carrying a?

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Asked by Tylia

Y chromosome. When a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting offspring is male. On the other hand, if a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the offspring will be female.

What is the biggest betta fish recorded?

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The largest recorded betta fish was around 3.5 inches long. Betta fish typically range from 2.5 to 3 inches in size.

What is the food chain that includes the common goldfish?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common goldfish should not occur in nature. It did not 'evolve' it was developed by man. When it is feral and in 'Nature' and therefore part of a "Food Chain", it is eaten by both Aquatic carnivores and Avian carnivores so it would come into both the Aquatic food chain and the Avian food chain too.

Has the goldfish evolved?

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Yes, goldfish have evolved over time through natural selection and genetic variation to adapt to different environments and conditions. Domesticated goldfish, for example, have been selectively bred over centuries for specific traits like color, size, and fin shape.

What happens to water when it gets cold?

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When water gets cold, it can freeze and turn into ice. The molecules in the water slow down and come together, forming a solid structure. This process is known as freezing.

What is the kingdom of goldfish?

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Goldfish belong to the kingdom Animalia, as they are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that obtain energy through consuming food.

What will happen if a Goldfish is kept in a dark place?

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If a Goldfish is kept in a dark place for an extended period, it may become stressed and disoriented. Lack of light can disrupt their natural behaviors, affect their circadian rhythm, and lead to health issues like decreased immune function and loss of color. It is important for Goldfish to have a day-night cycle to maintain their well-being.

How do you get rid of the fungus on your goldfish's scales?

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To treat fungus on your goldfish's scales, you can try using antifungal fish medication which is available at pet stores. It's also important to improve the water quality in your fish tank by doing regular water changes and maintaining proper filtration. Make sure to follow the instructions on the medication carefully and consult a veterinarian if the issue persists.

Do magnets effect goldfish?

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Magnets should not have a direct effect on goldfish, as they do not contain magnetic materials that would be affected by magnets. However, it is important to keep magnets away from the fish tank to prevent them from accidentally ingesting the magnets or small metal pieces that can be harmful to the goldfish if swallowed.

How was the breathing rate of the goldfish changed when the water was warmed?

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When the water is warmed, the breathing rate of a goldfish typically increases. This is because warmer water contains less dissolved oxygen, requiring the goldfish to breathe faster to obtain enough oxygen needed for its metabolism.

How does a net separate the water and pond life?

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A net can physically block aquatic organisms from moving between the water and the pond life habitat by acting as a barrier. This separation helps in controlling the movement of species and can be used for ecological management purposes or to study specific populations within the ecosystem.

Is salmon a freshwater fish?

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Salmon are anadromous fish, meaning they are born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean to mature, and then return to freshwater to spawn. They spend most of their life in the ocean but require freshwater for reproduction.

Can two comets live in a five gallon tank?

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No, it is not recommended to keep two comet goldfish in a five-gallon tank. Comet goldfish can grow quite large and produce a lot of waste, requiring more space and a larger tank to thrive. It is best to provide at least 20 gallons of water per comet goldfish to ensure their health and well-being.