


Care of Fish

Fish are fascinating creatures to watch. Keeping them in an environment that makes it easy for us to observe them is a challenge with many questions. Ask your questions here.

7,200 Questions

How often do you feed freshwater aquarium fish?

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Freshwater aquarium fish should be fed once or twice a day, depending on the species. It's important not to overfeed the fish as this can lead to water quality issues in the tank. It's recommended to feed fish small amounts that can be consumed within a few minutes.

Why is a fish losing its tail?

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A fish may lose its tail due to injury, disease, or stress. Tail loss can impact a fish's ability to swim and feed properly, making it more vulnerable to predators and other challenges in its environment. It is important to address the underlying cause and provide appropriate care to help the fish recover.

Do fish feel pain when it gets hooked?

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Here are two apposing views.

The world's foremost expert on the subject is Dr. James D. Rose of the University of Wyoming. He's spent 30 years working on questions of neurology, examining data on the responses of animals to painful stimuli. In 2003 Rose published a landmark study in the journal Reviews of Fisheries Science, concluding that animals need specific regions of the cerebral cortex in order to feel pain. And fish do not have them.

Apposing view

It is a well common known fact that fish indeed feel pain when they are about to die. Fish just like humans fear the unknown, such as dying. Even though they have very small organs, it still causes them great pain why they are about to let go. Also it is known that fish actually dread being flushed down the toilet, this is because more than once a fish actually hasn't been dead before it has been flushed. Remember, be nice to your fish.

Why are fish grouped together?

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Fish are grouped together based on common characteristics such as body structure, habitat, feeding behaviors, and evolutionary relationships. Grouping fish together helps scientists classify and organize the vast diversity of fish species for easier study and understanding.

Does the mouth of a fish connect to the gill chamber?

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Yes, in most fish species, the mouth connects to the gill chamber. Water passes over the fish's gills, allowing for gas exchange where oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is released.

How many ounces are in an average fish tank?

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The average fish tank size is around 10-20 gallons, which is equivalent to 1280-2560 ounces.

The ray-finned fishes are characterized by?

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The ray-finned fishes are characterized by having fins supported by bony spines or rays. They also have a skeleton made of bone, scales covering their bodies, and a swim bladder for buoyancy control. Ray-finned fishes are the most diverse group of fishes, with over 30,000 species.

Do clown fish swim in schools?

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Yes, clown fish often swim in small schools with other clown fish. These schools help protect them from predators and aid in finding food.

What time does shedd aquarium open?

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Google is a wonderful thing. From the Shedd Aquarium website:


July 1 through Sept. 5

8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Sept. 6 through Dec. 24

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

Shedd will close at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 5. Ticket sales will end at 2:45 p.m.

Shedd Aquarium is closed on Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

A fish outside water will see better if it has goggles that are?

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designed to reduce distortion and maximize light transmission, similar to underwater goggles for humans. Waterproof, anti-fog lenses would also help improve visibility. Additionally, polarized lenses could reduce glare and enhance contrast for better vision underwater.

What do you call a fish with 10 eyes?

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A fish with 10 eyes is called a "fish." It does not have a special name for having a specific number of eyes.

How much is the price of a doctor fish?

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The cost of a doctor fish can vary depending on where you purchase them. On average, they can range from $10 to $50 per fish. Additionally, factors like their size, age, and rarity can also impact the price.

What does a perch fish look like?

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A perch fish typically has a deep body with striped markings running down its sides. They have a spiny dorsal fin and anal fin, and their coloration can vary from greenish to yellow or brownish. Perch are known for their sharp spines on their dorsal fin that can cause injury if handled improperly.

What does Aqua Terra mean?

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Aqua Terra is Latin for "water and earth." This term is often used in the context of environmental or sustainable practices that involve both water and land resources. It can also refer to products or designs inspired by the elements of water and earth.

Does a pike live in salt water or fresh water?

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There are both freshwater Pike and saltwater Pike. They are different species but are both called pike.

I live in Maine where Pike were illegally introduced in the last decade or so. Where the rivers flow into the ocean pike can also be caught. In the ocean near the end of that rivers i have caught pike in full saltwater. It may not be scientifically proven but they can clearly adapt to saltwater

What is mudskipper habitat?

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Mudskippers are mainly found in brackish or coastal waters, such as mangrove forests, mudflats, and tidal creeks. They require a mix of water and land to thrive, as they can move between aquatic and terrestrial environments. These unique fish have adapted to live in areas with fluctuating water levels and muddy substrates.

How do you get calcium into your apple snails diet?

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You can provide calcium to apple snails by offering foods like cuttlebone, calcium-rich vegetables (such as kale or broccoli), or calcium supplements specifically designed for aquatic snails. Make sure to monitor their calcium intake to prevent deficiencies or shell issues.

What size aquarium will hold 30000 gallons of water?

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An aquarium that can hold 30,000 gallons of water would typically be around 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet tall. It is important to consider thickness and structure of the glass/acrylic to ensure it can safely contain that volume of water without leaking or breaking. It is always recommended to consult with a professional aquarium supplier or engineer when dealing with large volumes of water.

What do janitor fish eat?

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Janitor fish are bottom feeders and primarily eat algae, detritus, and leftover scraps of food in aquariums. They may also consume small invertebrates and decaying plant matter. It's important to provide them with a varied diet to ensure they receive proper nutrition.

Do they sell blood worms at pet stores?

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Yes, blood worms are commonly sold at pet stores. They are a popular live or frozen food option for feeding fish, amphibians, and other aquatic animals. It's important to ensure that the blood worms are suitable for the specific animals you are feeding.

Where does a marlin fish live?

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Asked by Stevey99

Marlin fish are typically found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They prefer warmer waters with strong oceanic currents and are often found near the surface in open ocean habitats.

Why do frogs have tadpole?

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Frogs lay eggs in water, and tadpoles are the larval stage of frogs that hatch from these eggs. Tadpoles have gills for breathing underwater, which later develop into lungs as they metamorphose into adult frogs. This unique life cycle allows frogs to adapt to different environments and optimize their chances of survival.

Can dried out star fish be brought back to life?

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No, dried out starfish cannot be brought back to life. Once a starfish is dead, there is no way to revive it as they do not have the ability to regenerate from a dried-out state. It is important to handle starfish with care to ensure they remain healthy and alive.

Why are fish scales shiny?

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Fish scales are shiny because they have a layer of guanine crystals on their surface. These crystals act as a mirror, reflecting light and creating a shiny appearance. The reflective nature of the scales helps fish camouflage, attract mates, and communicate with other fish.

How long can a crayfish stay underwater for?

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Asked by 111121

Crayfish can stay underwater for an extended period of time, typically between 1 to 2 days, as they breathe through gills. However, the exact duration may vary depending on factors like water temperature and oxygen levels.