


Betta and Siamese Fighting Fish

The betta or Siamese fighting fish, is a freshwater fish that is commonly seen in aquariums. Males come in a wide range of colors while females tend to be more drably colored. The name “fighting fish” comes from the aggressive behavior of both male and female fish towards other members of their species. All questions about betas and Siamese fighting fish can be directed here.

500 Questions

What is the scientific name for Japanese fighting fish?

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The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.

Betta fish scientific name?

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Asked by Wiki User

For the one you commonly find in pet stores, it's a fancy variety of Betta splendens. The wild B.splendens is green/red and has short fins. There are about two dozen, maybe more to be discovered, other species of Betta also. Such as B.imbellis and B.smaragdina.

What countries spent the most on beer in 1998?

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Asked by Wiki User

The following nations spent the most on beer in 1998:

  1. Germany

  2. United States

  3. United Kingdom

  4. China

  5. Brazil

These locations had a lot of people who, without a doubt, favored beer, so they spent a lot of cash on it all through that year.

How do you cure tattered fins?

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Asked by Wiki User

To treat tattered fins in fish, start by ensuring optimal water quality with regular maintenance and water changes. Add aquarium salt or special fin-healing products to aid in regeneration. Remove aggressive tankmates and provide a stress-free environment to promote faster healing.

How can you know males betta from female?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many fish species, including bettas, males typically have longer fins, brighter colors, and a slimmer body compared to females.

How can you tell if a male or a female betta fish is an adult betta or a baby betta?

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Determining the age of a betta fish based solely on its appearance can be challenging. However, you can generally distinguish between adult and juvenile bettas by looking at their size and fin development.

How do you know if your fish is dead or just playing dead?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, you could touch him, but that's not reccomended. Most likely your fish it dead, or sleeping. I've never heard of a fish playing dead.

How do you say feed your fish in spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Translation: Dame de comer, ahora.

Note: It sounds as brusque in Spanish as it does in English.

How often do you need to clean a bettas bowl?

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Asked by Wiki User

for my betta i clean the tank about every month and he is very healthy i feed him a variety of foods. also the best pet to have is the turkin. look them up if you have a chance. they are the most beautiful bird ive eve seen!!

Do fighting fish ever lose part of their tails?

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Asked by Wiki User

I did have a couple of fighting fish.. And i did notice they do loose a part of their tale.. it looks like a slit. I guess its natural OR They may also loose their tale by having a fight with another fish in the fish tank

Do betta fish need filters or heaters?

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Asked by Wiki User

Betta fish do not enjoy currents that come from filters. You could put in a filter but I would recommend not to. Also, Heaters are unnecessary as long as you keep the water 70-80 degrees.

What is the least popular fish in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

The least popular animal in the US and perhaps in the world is a snake. Although snakes are often kept as pets, more people are afraid a of snakes than any other animal. Snakes can startle you and are cold and perceived to be slimy. Additionally, all snakes can bite, and some are extremely poisonous. Snakes have their admirers, but by and large most people would rather avoid them.

Can one girl betta and one boy betta be put in the same one gallon tank?

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Asked by GuineaPigsRok123

The male will kill the female after he spawns her. If she won't spawn he will still kill her. No male Betta will allow another Betta (male or female) to live in its vicinity. So the answer is NO.

What is the oldest Betta fish on record?

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Asked by Wiki User

To the best of my knowledge no one keep those kind of records. Bettas are mature at 12 months, past their prime at 2 years old and ancient fish at 4 if they live that long.

I have a Betta fish that is now over 5 years old because I change the water once a week with 2 gallons of purified water and I add about 20 drops of Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner to it. Using the water conditioner is a MUST to ensure that your Betta fish will live a very long life. I also feed my Betta fish 4 pellets of Hikari Betta Bio Gold once a day in the morning and 1 pellet at around 7pm.

Is it bad to have a Betta in cold water?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, there actually tropical fish and feel happy in tropical tempatured water (78-81)

How do you pick a healthy betta fish to buy?

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Asked by Wiki User

there is not really a "best" betta to have i do not recommended dumbo bettas also known as elephant ear bettas because it it hard for these fish to swim and is not a good life for them never under any circumstances keep males together some males will get along with females if you decide to keep males and females try to get a young male he will get used t them i will probably not fight if they do put the male in a jar put a hole in the lid for air and put him back in the tank of females a few days later. females don't fight. i have breed bettas so i know a good bit about them:)

Can crayfish and turtuls go in the same tank?

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Asked by Wiki User

You don't mention the species of either, so it is impossible to tell if one species will try to eat the other or not.

Do Betta fish have to have an air pump?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Bettas actually have something called a labrinthiform organ behind their gills. This allows them to store some oxygen, and they tend to gulp air from the surface. If you are going to have a lid on the Betta's home, be sure to leave a small air gap between the waterline and the lid for them to gulp from.

How can you tell if your dragon goby is male or female?

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Asked by Wiki User

no external differences are known between male and female,

How much are heaters for fish tanks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heater/thermostat units come in many sizes. I have found that pet shops charge far too much for them here in Australia so I always buy mine off the web. for example a 300 watt heater/thermostat at the local pet shop was $Aus98.00 +. On the web after searching a bit, the identical heater/thermostat cost me $Aus35.00.including postage. My advice is to google and look around and compare prices.

Do betta fish need light at night?

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No, bettas, like all living animals, need the regular cycle of night and day. Bettas also usually relax/sleep during the night because they feel like they're in a cave and more secure. Constant light can be stressful for the fish. Even in the day, do NOT keep them in direct sunlight as this will cause the temperature to flunctuate (very stressful) or overheat, as well as promote algae growth.

No, they do not need light at night, they enjoy light but, do not keep them too close to the sun as, this may cause discomfort. They are quite easy to care for, as long as they are provided a clean environment and are fed once a day. They can live for years and years! It is usually 3-4 in a bowl and in a tank 7-8. Have fun with your betta!