


Betta and Siamese Fighting Fish

The betta or Siamese fighting fish, is a freshwater fish that is commonly seen in aquariums. Males come in a wide range of colors while females tend to be more drably colored. The name “fighting fish” comes from the aggressive behavior of both male and female fish towards other members of their species. All questions about betas and Siamese fighting fish can be directed here.

2,390 Questions

Is it okay if you boil water before putting it in your betta's bowl?

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Yes, it's recommended to boil water before adding it to your betta's bowl to remove impurities and make it safe for your fish. Allow the water to cool down to room temperature before adding it to the bowl to avoid shocking your betta.

What is the coolest looking fish you know of?

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Asked by Giddygirl56

The Mandarin fish, also known as the mandarinfish or psychedelic fish, is often considered one of the coolest looking fish due to its vibrant and intricate coloration. With its kaleidoscopic patterns and vivid hues, it is a popular choice among saltwater aquarium enthusiasts.

Where can you purchase 1oz empty shaped bottles?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can purchase 1oz empty shaped bottles from online retailers like Amazon, specialty packaging stores, or craft stores. You may also find them at beauty supply stores or wholesale packaging suppliers.

What happens when you put a soda can with boiling water into a bowl full of room temp water?

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The sudden change in temperature can cause the can to implode. As the can cools rapidly, the air inside contracts, creating a vacuum that crushes the can. This happens because the air pressure outside the can is greater than the pressure inside the can.

What is the biggest betta fish recorded?

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The largest recorded betta fish was around 3.5 inches long. Betta fish typically range from 2.5 to 3 inches in size.

What is a fully aquatic none carnivores frog that can go with livebearing neon tetras Siamese fighting fish?

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A fully aquatic, non-carnivorous frog that can coexist with livebearing neon tetras and Siamese fighting fish is the African dwarf frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri). These frogs are peaceful and have a small enough size to not pose a threat to the fish. It is important to ensure the tank is well-maintained with appropriate hiding spots and nooks for the frogs to rest.

What is tapwater?

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Tap water is water that comes directly from a municipal water source and is treated to make it safe for human consumption. It is typically supplied through a network of pipes to homes and businesses for various uses such as drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Do Betta fish eat feeder fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Betta fish can eat feeder fish, but it is not recommended as feeder fish may carry diseases that can harm the Betta. It is better to provide a varied diet of high-quality Betta pellets or live/frozen food specifically made for Betta fish.

Can you use real seashells in a betta bowl?

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It is not recommended to use real seashells in a betta bowl as they can alter the water chemistry and potentially harm the betta. Instead, opt for decorations made specifically for aquarium use to ensure the safety of your betta fish.

What causes a person to be born a male or a female?

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Asked by Wiki User

uh, a few seconds on Google is all that you needed.

Does WD-40 contain fish oil?

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Asked by Schnazola

Main ingredients, from the material safety data sheet, are: * 50%: Stoddard solvent (mineral spirits, somewhat similar to, but not the same as, kerosene) * 25%: Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant, carbon dioxide is used now to reduce considerable flammability) * 15+%: Mineral oil (light lubricating oil) * 10-%: Inert ingredients No Fish oil in WD-40... Main ingredients, from the material safety data sheet, are: * 50%: Stoddard solvent (mineral spirits, somewhat similar to, but not the same as, kerosene) * 25%: Liquefied petroleum gas (presumably as a propellant, carbon dioxide is used now to reduce considerable flammability) * 15+%: Mineral oil (light lubricating oil) * 10-%: Inert ingredients

Do betta's change colors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, bettas can change color throughout their lives due to genetics, environmental factors, stress, and health conditions. It is not uncommon for bettas to exhibit different colors or patterns as they age.

Dangers in entering a chemical tank for maintenance operation?

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Entering a chemical tank presents numerous dangers, such as exposure to toxic fumes, suffocation from lack of oxygen or presence of other gases, and risks of fire or explosions due to chemical reactions. It is also possible to be overcome by the chemicals or become trapped inside the tank, leading to serious injury or death. Proper safety protocols, training, and equipment are essential to mitigate these risks.

Betta fish types?

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Some common types of betta fish include crowntail, halfmoon, plakat, and double tail. These types vary in fin shape, coloration, and tail appearance. Each type has its own unique characteristics that make them popular among betta fish enthusiasts.

Where do Betta fish live in their natural environment?

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Betta fish are native to the warm waters of Southeast Asia, where they inhabit shallow, slow-moving streams, rice paddies, and ponds with dense vegetation. They prefer water temperatures between 75-80°F and thrive in habitats with plenty of hiding spots among plants and floating debris. Bettas are skilled jumpers and can survive in low-oxygen environments by breathing air at the water's surface.

What is the scientific name for Japanese fighting fish?

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The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.

Betta fish scientific name?

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Asked by Wiki User

For the one you commonly find in pet stores, it's a fancy variety of Betta splendens. The wild B.splendens is green/red and has short fins. There are about two dozen, maybe more to be discovered, other species of Betta also. Such as B.imbellis and B.smaragdina.

What countries spent the most on beer in 1998?

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Asked by Wiki User

The following nations spent the most on beer in 1998:

  1. Germany

  2. United States

  3. United Kingdom

  4. China

  5. Brazil

These locations had a lot of people who, without a doubt, favored beer, so they spent a lot of cash on it all through that year.

How do you cure tattered fins?

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To treat tattered fins in fish, start by ensuring optimal water quality with regular maintenance and water changes. Add aquarium salt or special fin-healing products to aid in regeneration. Remove aggressive tankmates and provide a stress-free environment to promote faster healing.

How can you know males betta from female?

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In many fish species, including bettas, males typically have longer fins, brighter colors, and a slimmer body compared to females.

How can you tell if a male or a female betta fish is an adult betta or a baby betta?

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Determining the age of a betta fish based solely on its appearance can be challenging. However, you can generally distinguish between adult and juvenile bettas by looking at their size and fin development.

How do you know if your fish is dead or just playing dead?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, you could touch him, but that's not reccomended. Most likely your fish it dead, or sleeping. I've never heard of a fish playing dead.

How do you say feed your fish in spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Translation: Dame de comer, ahora.

Note: It sounds as brusque in Spanish as it does in English.