


Aquarium Fish Species

This category is for questions about the various species of fish, as well as their defining characteristics.

1,347 Questions

Are there any species of electric puffer fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there are no known species of electric pufferfish. Pufferfish, also known as blowfish, are not known to produce electricity. They are usually recognized for their ability to inflate their bodies when threatened. Electric fish species, on the other hand, have specialized organs that generate electricity for various purposes.

What would you expect to occur in a captive population of guppies collected from Trinidad if you allowed them to breed for many generations in an aquarium without any predators?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a captive population of guppies, you would expect to see changes in their coloration, size, and behavior due to relaxed selection pressures without predation. This could lead to the evolution of less vibrant color patterns, increased body size, and possibly altered social behavior compared to their wild counterparts.

In chemistry how much is tetra?

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Asked by Wiki User

In chemistry, "tetra" typically refers to a prefix used to indicate four of a particular element or group in a chemical compound. For example, "tetrahydrate" means a compound with four water molecules associated with each formula unit.

What is a fully aquatic none carnivores frog that can go with livebearing neon tetras Siamese fighting fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

A fully aquatic, non-carnivorous frog that can coexist with livebearing neon tetras and Siamese fighting fish is the African dwarf frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri). These frogs are peaceful and have a small enough size to not pose a threat to the fish. It is important to ensure the tank is well-maintained with appropriate hiding spots and nooks for the frogs to rest.

What is illegal with abalone?

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Illegal activities related to abalone include poaching, harvesting without a permit, exceeding catch and size limits, and trading in abalone products without proper documentation. Overfishing and illegal harvesting have significantly depleted abalone populations in many regions, leading to stricter regulations and protections to conserve these valuable marine species.

Is the angelfish endangered?

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Asked by Wiki User

The angelfish species overall is not considered endangered. However, specific species of angelfish may be threatened or endangered due to factors such as habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution. It is important to protect their habitats and regulate fishing practices to ensure the conservation of these species.

How can you tell a female gourami from a male?

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Asked by Wiki User

Male gouramis tend to have longer and more pointed dorsal fins compared to females. Additionally, males often display brighter colors and may have a more intense pattern on their bodies. Finally, males may exhibit a "bubble nest" behavior when ready to breed, which females do not.

What abiotic factors are needed for french angelfish's survival?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French angelfish requires appropriate water temperature, salinity levels, pH balance, and water quality for its survival. These abiotic factors are essential for maintaining the health and well-being of the fish in its natural habitat.

Do angelfish have scales?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is a known fact that all angler fish have scales however there types are diff rent colours fresh water angler fish prefer to eat Hana Montananz the others type eat joblesdead beats like the person who ashed this question i am an angler fish expert,scientist and marine angler fish geologists so u can trust mi

Angelfish reproduce asexually or sexually?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angelfish reproduce sexually, meaning they require both a male and female to fertilize eggs. The female releases eggs into the water, and the male fertilizes them externally.

Are tetra fish aggressive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tetra fish are generally peaceful and social species that do well in community tanks with other like-minded fish. However, some tetra species can become slightly aggressive or territorial, particularly during breeding or if their tank is overcrowded. It's important to research the specific type of tetra you have to understand their behavior and care requirements.

What do angelfish eat in the wild?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angelfish in the wild typically feed on a diet of small crustaceans, insects, algae, and plant matter. They are opportunistic feeders that will consume a variety of foods depending on what is available in their natural habitat.

What type of climate does an angelfish live in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angelfish typically live in tropical climates that have warm water temperatures ranging from 75-82°F (24-28°C). They are commonly found in freshwater rivers and streams in South America, where the water is warm and slightly acidic. The angelfish prefers stable water conditions with plenty of vegetation and hiding spots.

What size tank does a pregnant cichlid need?

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A pregnant cichlid should ideally be kept in a tank with a minimum size of 20 gallons to provide enough space for her to swim comfortably and reduce stress. However, larger tanks, such as 40 gallons or more, would be even better to accommodate potential fry and maintain water quality.

Are angelfish herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are omnivores. I have seen them eat live brine shrimp and herbivore flake food.

There are 86 different species of Marine Angelfish and 3 species of Freshwater Angelfish.

While most Angelfish species are omnivorous; some Angelfish species are completely herbivorous (algae eaters), and some are completely carnivorous (zooplankton eaters).

Most angelfish are omnivores.


If Oscar's change in color is it a sign of aggression?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oscar fish typically change color as a means of communication, displaying their mood or reacting to their environment. While intense color changes can sometimes be associated with aggression, it's important to consider other behaviors like flaring fins and body posture to determine their overall state. It's best to observe the fish's behavior and environment to understand the reason behind the color change.

What is the largest species of fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are over 30, 000 species. About two thirds of which live in the ocean.
There are about 28,000 species of fish swimming around. That's a lot. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on fish so you can check the data and learn more.
Nobody knows for sure, but some scientists have said there may be 28,000 different kinds
so far over 24,500 species.
Too many to count, and there are still some yet to be discovered. so far over 24,500 species

If your neon srt-4 has a misfire what should you do?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your Neon SRT-4 is experiencing a misfire, it is recommended to first check the spark plugs and ignition coils for any signs of damage or wear. Next, inspect the fuel injectors and fuel system for any issues. It's also a good idea to scan the car's computer for any error codes that may point to the source of the misfire.

What is the scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis?

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Asked by Makkapakka3

The scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis is Trichogaster lalius.

How can you tell the difference between a boy and girl blue dwarf gourami?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "blue" Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) is sexed the same way as all Dwarf gouramis. The male is brightly coloured and the female is much plainer.

How long does a black molly egg?

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Molly fish do not lay eggs. They are livebearers and give birth to fry fish. If there are eggs in an aquarium with Molly fish, then they belong to another fish.

Can seven neon tetras and three guppies live in a 20 gallon tank?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, it depends on their size. From what I've heard, you can put one inch of fish into a tank per gallon, so: 5 one inch fishes of 1 five inch fish etc. It doesn't matter about the fish unless some are aggressive and the others are not.

Are angelfish and dwarf gourami compatible?

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Asked by Wiki User

No... the angel fish as babies will be fine with guppies, but as they get older and bigger, the will become more aggressive and will eat anything that it can get to.

Why is my Oscar staying at the top of tank and facing backwards and opens mouth a lot to breath.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Very often this type of behavior means that there is not enough Oxygen is the water for their Gills to process. Yhey come to the top and GULP air.

You should have a bubbler introducing Oxygen into the water to help solve this problem. Real Plants in the tank also help to Oxygenate the water.

How many babies can a lionfish reproduce?

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Asked by Wiki User

they lay about 20,000 eggs each time they mate