



This category covers questions about herbivores, organisms that obtain energy from a diet of mainly, or exclusively, autotrophs (producers). Generally, herbivores are known as primary consumers. Herbivores often survive more easily than carnivores (secondary consumers).

2,037 Questions

What is the function of pad of gum in herbivores?

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The pad of gum, also known as the papillae, in herbivores helps to grind and break down tough plant material, facilitating the digestion process. It increases the surface area in the mouth for more efficient mastication of food. Additionally, it aids in saliva production, which contains enzymes that aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates in the plant material.

What are some examples of herbivores carnivores and omnivores?

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an omnivore eats plants and bugs like gallimimus,carnivores are ferocious flesh animals most reptiles ate meat so did velociraptor,today's herbivores are mostly powerful runners when plant eating dinosaurs were really slow.

Is a coelacanth a herbivore or a carnivore or an omnivore?

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Coelacanths are carnivorous, feeding mainly on small fish and cephalopods. They are nocturnal hunters, using their sharp teeth to catch prey in the deep ocean waters where they live.

Are the frog are omnivores?

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No; frogs are carnivores. They only eat bugs, not plants. most frogs are carnivores, but as tadpoles they are herbivores then they grow up to be a carnivore.

However during their juvenile (tadpole stage) they do eat plants and anything they can find edible so they are omnivores at this stage. But literally adult frogs are carnivores for the fact that they are only eating flying insects.

Is a hyina a canivore?

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Yes, hyenas are carnivores. They primarily feed on a diet of meat, including scavenging for leftovers from other predators and hunting small or medium-sized animals.

What are some of examples of herbivores?

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Herbivores are animals that do not eat meat.

Some examples of animalherbivores are:

armadillos, caribou, chipmunks, cows, deer, elephants, giraffes, horses, kangaroos, koalas, llamas, mice, moose, rabbits, sheep, and squirrels. Also pandas, buffalos, zebras, beavers, chinchillas, rhinos, and some species of birds.

Some examples of insectherbivores are:

aphids, bees, some beetles, butterflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, leafcutter ants and termites.

Do omnivores have sharp teeth like carnivores or flat teeth like herbivores explain?

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Omnivores typically have a combination of sharp teeth for tearing and flat teeth for grinding. This allows them to consume both meat and plants efficiently. Their teeth are adapted to handle a diverse diet that includes both animal and plant materials.

What makes an organism a herbivore?

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An organism is considered a herbivore if it primarily consumes plant material as its main source of food. Herbivores have adaptations such as specialized teeth for chewing plant material and digestive systems capable of breaking down cellulose found in plants. They obtain nutrients from plants and play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling plant growth.

Is a Scuttlesaurus a herbivore or a carnivore?

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A Scuttlesaurus is a fictional creature and its diet would be determined by its creator, as it does not exist in real life.

Is a swallow a herbivore or a carnivore?

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Yes, swallows are omnivores. While they eat some plants, they also eat small, harmful bugs. They typically east mosquitoes and other small flying bugs. This benefits humans greatly, as these small bugs can potentially but harmful if they carry diseases.

Are carabao carnivores omnivores or herbivore?

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No. Carabao, also known as Asian Water Buffalo, are herbivores.

What animal eats the eagle in a herbivore food chain?

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In a herbivore food chain, animals such as coyotes, wolves, or bears might prey on eagles if they are scavenging or looking for carrion. Eagles are primarily apex predators and are not commonly preyed upon by other animals.

Is duck an herbivore?

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Seaducks, also known as Merginae, are mostly marine-based birds although some species depend on rivers for their habitat. Seaducks mostly eat fish although some of these birds consume molluscs or crustaceans from the sea floor. Either way, the diet of these birds is not plant based, and therefore, sea ducks are not herbivores.

Why do herbivores have rough tongues?

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Lions' tongues are covered with hard, sharp papillae (roughness) used to scrape meat from bones.

Additional uses may include cleaning themselves and to help drink water. (Housecats use their tongues as a comb to 'brush' and clean their fur. The roughness also gets liquid molecules stuck between the spaces to help grab more water when lapping water).

to lick meat of the bone

What will happen if all herbivores die?

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If all herbivores were to die, it would disrupt the balance of plant and animal populations in ecosystems. This could lead to overpopulation of certain plant species, which would impact other animals dependent on those plants for food and habitat. Ultimately, it could trigger a cascade effect, leading to ecosystem collapse.

Which animal eats Channa?

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Channa is a genus of freshwater fish commonly known as snakeheads. They are apex predators and consume a variety of prey items, such as smaller fish, insects, crustaceans, and even small mammals. Additionally, humans also consume snakeheads as a food source.

What would have happened to the plants if all herbivores were killed?

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If all herbivores were killed, there would be overpopulation of plants as there would be no natural predators to control their growth. This could lead to depletion of resources and disruption of ecosystems. Ultimately, it would result in a destabilization of the entire ecosystem.

Is the RAT carnivore or omnivore?

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A rat is an omnivore, meaning it eats both plant and animal matter. Their diet can consist of fruits, vegetables, grains, insects, and small animals like insects or other rodents.

Are hedgehogs carnivores omnivores or herbivores?

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Hedgehogs are usually classed as Omnivores although it is hard to say. They previously belonged to the now-abandoned Insectivora group.

Do herbivores eat rabbit?

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Sometimes, but not always. For example: wolves, a carnivore, hunt caribou, elk, deer and other small animals which are all herbivores. But sometimes a carnivore will feed on another carnivore, like polar bears- they eat seals and seals eat fish, so not all carnivores feed on herbivores.


plants get energy from the sun,

herbivores get energy from plants

carnivores get energy from other animals

omnivores get energy from plants and animals.

hope this helps! :)

Is a praying mantis a carnivore herbivore or an omnivore?

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it is an insectivore it is a ferocious predator

Is a puffer fish a herbivore carnivore or a omnivore?

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A pufferfish is a carnivore. Here is some more facts about puffer fish. They have to eat hard shelled animals to survive. For instance snail or a crab.

Are viceroy butterfly herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

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Viceroy butterflies are herbivores. They primarily feed on plants, specifically milkweed as caterpillars and nectar as adults.

Is the dog omnivore with carnivore tendency or vegetarian?

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Dogs are omnivores, meaning they can eat both meat and plant-based foods. While they have carnivorous tendencies due to their evolutionary history as hunters, dogs can also derive nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and grains in their diet. It's important for dogs to have a balanced diet that includes protein from animal sources as well as other essential nutrients.

Why are there carnivores and herbivore?

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Carnivores eat meat because they have evolved to be able to digest and derive nutrients efficiently from animal protein. Herbivores, on the other hand, have evolved to eat plants to obtain the necessary nutrients for their survival. This diversification of diet allows for a more sustainable balance in the ecosystem.