


Climatology and Climate Changes

Climatology is the meteorological study of the climates of the earth, their origin, and their role as elements of the natural environment. Climate is the expected mean and variability of the weather conditions for a particular location, season, and time of day. Climate change involves statistical changes in the distribution of weather over periods of time, which could be decades or millions of years.

6,766 Questions

What type of climate do hurricanes like?

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They form in warm moist , (sub) tropical climates over a sea.

In the West Indies(Carribean) , they are named Hurricanes.

Bay of Bengal (India) , they are Cyclones

South China Sea , they are Typhoons

Norther Australia , they are 'Willy Willies' (An aboriginal name).

They also form off Brazil and Mozambique.

On a world wide basis , they form over the oceans to east of continents, at approximate laitutdes of 10 to 20 degrees north ans south of the Equator.

They are much rarer when they form off the west coast of continents at the same latitudes.

Why is the climate in equatorial region hot and wet throughout the year?

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The equatorial region receives direct and consistent sunlight year-round, leading to high temperatures. Additionally, warm air rises, cools, and condenses to form clouds and precipitation, resulting in a wet climate. The combination of these factors creates a hot and wet environment in the equatorial region.

Does the climate change after a tsunami?

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In the short term, a tsunami does not significantly affect the climate. However, the impact of a tsunami on coastal ecosystems can have longer-term effects on the local climate due to changes in vegetation, land use, and environmental conditions.

How does climate affect the way people live around the US?

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Climate in the US can impact people's lifestyle and living conditions. For example, extreme weather events like hurricanes or wildfires can disrupt communities and cause damage to property. Additionally, varying temperatures and precipitation patterns can influence activities such as agriculture, tourism, and outdoor recreation in different regions of the country.

What are the two climate regions does Alaska have?

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Alaska has a subarctic climate region in the interior regions, characterized by long, cold winters and short, mild summers. Along the southern coast and southeastern panhandle, Alaska has a maritime climate region with milder temperatures and higher precipitation due to the influence of the Pacific Ocean.

What Canadian region is best described as undeveloped because of its harsh climate and terrian?

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The Canadian region that is best described as undeveloped due to its harsh climate and terrain is the Canadian Arctic. With its extreme cold temperatures, icy conditions, and vast stretches of barren land, the Canadian Arctic poses significant challenges for human settlement and development.

What factors influence the worlds climate regions?

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Factors that influence the world's climate regions include latitude, proximity to large bodies of water (oceans or seas), mountain ranges, ocean currents, and prevailing wind patterns. These factors contribute to variations in temperature, precipitation, and overall weather patterns across different regions of the world.

How do you convert 90 F to C?

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To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and then multiply by 5/9. So, for 90 Fahrenheit: (90 - 32) x 5/9 = 32.2 Celsius.

How does the altitude of a place affect the country's climate?

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The altitude of a place affects the country's climate by impacting temperature, precipitation, and air pressure. Generally, as altitude increases, temperature decreases, which can lead to cooler climates. Additionally, higher altitudes often result in increased precipitation due to orographic effects, where moist air rises and cools, leading to condensation and precipitation.

How can you develop into the role of service coordinator taking into consideration the restrictions and opportunities that are prevalent in the current climate?

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To develop into the role of a service coordinator in the current climate, you can focus on enhancing your communication and problem-solving skills to effectively coordinate services remotely. Utilize technology for virtual meetings and trainings, stay updated on industry regulations and guidelines, and demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in navigating any restrictions or challenges that may arise. Additionally, collaborating with team members and fostering strong relationships with clients will be key in delivering quality services despite the limitations.

What is f of 32 c?

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To determine the value of f(32c), we would need to know the specific function f. Without that information, we cannot provide a precise answer.

What would be the result if the climate suddenly become much colder?

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If the climate suddenly became colder the results would be catastophic. Plants would die off, and in turn, the animals that feed on those plants they would die off also.

What is the population density for a tropical wet climate?

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The population density of a tropical wet climate can vary significantly depending on the specific location and level of urbanization. In general, countries with tropical wet climates such as those in Southeast Asia or parts of Africa tend to have higher population densities due to fertile land and ample rainfall supporting agriculture and settlement. Urban areas within tropical wet climates can have even higher population densities due to concentrated development and infrastructure.

How hot is 36 degrees c?

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36 degrees Celsius is considered warm. It is equivalent to 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is Ukraine's Climatic Zone?

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Ukraine's climatic zone is classified as temperate continental. This means it experiences four distinct seasons, with cold winters and warm summers. The country receives precipitation throughout the year, with higher amounts typically in the summer months.

How do Eskimos adapt to the cold climate?

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Eskimos adapt to the cold climate by wearing warm clothing made from animal furs and skins, such as parkas and boots. They also build insulated snow houses called igloos for shelter and use sled dogs for transportation. Additionally, they have developed traditional knowledge and skills for hunting and fishing in frozen conditions.

What are three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed?

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The three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed were the highland zone (temperate climate), the valley zone (mild climate), and the tropical lowland zone (hot and humid climate). These zones influenced the type of crops grown and the lifestyle of the Aztec civilization.

Is the earth the only planet in your system experiencing global warming or climate change?

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No, multiple planets in our solar system have shown signs of climate change or warming. For example, both Mars and Neptune have displayed changes in their atmospheres and weather patterns that scientists believe may be linked to climate change.

To what extent will global warming or climate change be used by the elite?

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The extent to which global warming or climate change will be used by the elite varies. Some may use it as a tool for political or financial gain, while others may genuinely work towards addressing the issue. Overall, the motivation and actions of the elite in relation to climate change can be influenced by a range of factors.

When is the hottest part of the day in CA?

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In California, the hottest part of the day tends to be in the late afternoon or early evening, typically between 3 pm and 6 pm. This is because the sun has had time to heat up the Earth's surface throughout the day, reaching peak temperatures during these hours.

How have human factors contributed to climate change?

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Human factors contributing to climate change include burning fossil fuels leading to emissions of greenhouse gases, deforestation reducing the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, and intensive agriculture increasing methane emissions. Additionally, wasteful consumption patterns, industrial practices, and rapid urbanization have further accelerated global warming.

Why do polar region remain cold throughout the year?

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Polar regions remain cold throughout the year due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, which causes these areas to receive less direct sunlight. This results in lower temperatures and little to no sunlight during the winter months, maintaining the cold conditions. Additionally, the high albedo of snow and ice in these regions reflects solar radiation, further contributing to the cold temperatures.

What other catastrophes may take place as climate change gets worse each year?

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As climate change worsens, we can expect more frequent and severe natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and droughts. Rising sea levels will also lead to increased coastal flooding and erosion, threatening communities and ecosystems in vulnerable areas. Additionally, climate change can exacerbate food and water scarcity, leading to regional conflicts and displacement of populations.

Does climate change less rapidly than weather?

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Yes, climate change occurs over long periods of time, while weather changes can happen within short time frames. Climate change refers to the long-term changes in average temperature and weather patterns, while weather describes the short-term variations in temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric conditions.

What is the equivalent of 52'f in 'C?

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52°F is equal to 11°C. You can convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and then multiplying by 5/9.