



Centipedes are segmented and have exoskeletons. They have one pair of legs for each segment.

2,945 Questions

How do leeches have a baby?

Oh, dude, leeches have babies through a process called reproduction. It's like, they lay eggs or give birth to live young, depending on the species. So, yeah, just like any other animal, leeches have their own little leech babies. Nature is wild, man.

How long does a leech grow?

Oh, dude, a leech can grow anywhere from a few millimeters to a few inches long, depending on the species. They start small and just keep on sucking... I mean growing. So, yeah, they can vary in size, but they're all just out there doing their leech thing, man.

How do you know if a Rolly Polly is dead?

they're on their back, and (after a short while) dry-looking

Why do you think tube worms in the abyssal zone live around black smokers?

  1. Tube worms in the abyssal zone live around black smokers because these hydrothermal vents release mineral-rich, superheated water that supports chemosynthetic bacteria. These bacteria convert chemicals like hydrogen sulfide into energy, providing a reliable food source for the tube worms in an otherwise nutrient-scarce environment.

Which zone do tube worms live in?

Tube worms, particularly giant tube worms, live in the abyssal zone, a deep ocean region marked by complete darkness, high pressure, and cold temperatures. They thrive near hydrothermal vents—cracks on the seafloor releasing superheated, mineral-rich water. These vents support chemosynthetic bacteria, which convert chemicals like hydrogen sulfide into energy, forming the foundation of the tube worms' food source. This extraordinary adaptation enables them to flourish in an otherwise harsh and nutrient-poor environment.

What zone do giant tube worms live?

In Worms Zone (a popular mobile game), "Giant Worms" are often a reference to players who have grown their worm to an exceptionally large size by eating food scattered around the map. The goal of the game is to consume as much food as possible to grow your worm while avoiding collisions with other worms. The bigger the worm, the more challenging it becomes to avoid crashing into other players, but it also allows for more dominance in the game. The game is known for its simple yet addictive mechanics, where strategy and agility are key to becoming the largest worm on the map.

Moral of The Nightingale and the Glow-worm?

The glow worm first flattered the nightingale, by telling him beautiful his song was Then appealed to him as one of God's Creatures to another. They both were created for a purpose by God. One to sing beautifully and one to light the way.

Where do house centipedes come from?

House centipedes, scientifically known as Scutigera coleoptrata, are native to the Mediterranean region. They have spread to many other parts of the world, including North America, through human activities such as global trade and travel. House centipedes are commonly found in dark, damp environments like basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces where they can easily find prey such as insects and spiders.

Are dried worms bad for dogs?

Dried worms can be harmful to dogs if consumed in large quantities or if they have been exposed to pesticides or other harmful substances. Worms may also pose a risk of intestinal blockage if ingested whole. It is important to ensure that any worms given to dogs are specifically intended for pet consumption and are free from any potential contaminants. Consulting with a veterinarian before introducing any new food items to a dog's diet is recommended.

Is a worm considered meat?

worms are niether herbivores nor canivores, they are decomposers that recycle dead or dying particles in the soils.

How are worms and clams alike how are they different?

They are alike because they are invertebrates and they are different because one has a shell to protect itself from predators and the other doesn't have anything to protect itself from.

What is the economic importance of tape worm?

Oh, dude, tape worms don't really have any economic importance unless you're in the business of selling deworming medication. They just chill in your intestines, stealing your nutrients like sneaky roommates. So yeah, not exactly a hot commodity in the stock market, if you catch my drift.

Do meal worms drink water?

Mealworms do not drink water in the same way that many other animals do. Instead, they obtain moisture from the food they eat, such as fruits and vegetables. Providing pieces of moist food like carrots or potatoes can help keep mealworms hydrated. It is essential to avoid placing open water in their habitat, as mealworms can drown easily.