



Centipedes are segmented and have exoskeletons. They have one pair of legs for each segment.

2,946 Questions

Do meal worms drink water?

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Mealworms do not drink water in the same way that many other animals do. Instead, they obtain moisture from the food they eat, such as fruits and vegetables. Providing pieces of moist food like carrots or potatoes can help keep mealworms hydrated. It is essential to avoid placing open water in their habitat, as mealworms can drown easily.

Do you suppose bloodletting by leeches was a good technique to cure psychosomatic illnesses?

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Using leeches for bloodletting to treat psychosomatic illnesses is not considered an effective technique in modern medicine. Psychosomatic conditions involve a complex interplay of physical and psychological factors that require a holistic approach for treatment. Leech therapy is rarely utilized in contemporary healthcare practices due to the availability of more evidence-based and effective treatment options.

Why are earthworms called lumbricus terrestris?

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Earthworms are commonly referred to as Lumbricus terrestris because this is their scientific name. Lumbricus is the genus name for earthworms, and terrestris means "of the earth" in Latin, indicating their terrestrial habitat.

Do centipedes reproduce sexual or asexual?

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Centipedes reproduce sexually, with males depositing sperm into the female's reproductive system through specialized structures called gonopods. The female then lays eggs which develop into juvenile centipedes.

What can you use to kill grub worms in your vegetable garden?

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You can use beneficial nematodes or natural predators like parasitic wasps to control grub worms in your vegetable garden. Additionally, applying neem oil or milky spore powder can help in eliminating grub worms without harming your plants. Make sure to follow the instructions on the product label for application.

Worm like sac that out pockets from the cecum is called what?

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The worm-like sac that outpockets from the cecum is called the appendix. It is a small, finger-shaped pouch located at the end of the cecum in the lower right abdomen. In some cases, the appendix can become inflamed, resulting in a condition known as appendicitis that may require surgical removal.

The relationship between a robin and a worm can be expressed as?

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Predator-prey relationship, where the robin, as a predator, preys on the worm as its food source. This relationship is crucial for the survival of both species, as the robin relies on the worm for nutrition while controlling the worm population.

Does a millipede have a nose?

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No, millipedes do not have noses. They rely on sensory receptors located on various parts of their body to detect chemicals and sense their environment.

What is the centipede's kingdom phylum class order family genus and species?

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The kingdom is Animalia, the phylum is Arthropoda, the class is Chilopoda, the order is Scolopendromorpha, the family is Scolopendridae, the genus can vary depending on the species, and the species can vary depending on the specific type of centipede.

If you go past segment 32 on your earthworm what will you find?

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You will find that this question is very hard to figure out and that Quail Valley GT Academy shouldn't be using this. You will find that this question is very hard to figure out and that Quail Valley GT Academy shouldn't be using this.

Are leeches edible?

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Yes, some cultures do consume leeches as a source of protein. However, it is important to note that not all leech species are edible and some can be toxic. It is best to seek guidance from a knowledgeable source before consuming leeches.

What phylum have true coelom and are deuterostomes?

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The phylum that have a true coelom and are deuterostomes are the phylum Chordata. This phylum includes animals with a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and post-anal tail at some stage in their development. Examples of Chordata include vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

What is the organ that grinds up food in an earthworm?

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The organ in an earthworm that grinds up food is called the gizzard. It is a muscular structure that helps break down food particles before they enter the intestine for digestion.

What does simba say when he eats the worm?

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Simba utters "slimy, yet satisfying" after swallowing the worm in the movie "The Lion King".

Why is a centipede an insect?

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It is not called a centipede

What is the adaptive advantage of an earthworm's response to light and moisture?

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An earthworm's response to light and moisture helps it avoid potential dangers, such as predators or extreme environmental conditions. By moving away from brighter light and towards moisture, the earthworm increases its chances of finding a suitable habitat for feeding and reproduction. This behavior enhances its survival and reproduction rates in its environment.

Do worms blink?

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Earthworms do not have eyes, they do have cells that are sensitive to light distributed through their outer skin. These don't let earthworms see images, but it does allow their skin to detect light and changes in light intensity.

Moral of The Nightingale and the Glow-worm?

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The glow worm first flattered the nightingale, by telling him beautiful his song was Then appealed to him as one of God's Creatures to another. They both were created for a purpose by God. One to sing beautifully and one to light the way.

Where do larval trichinella worms live?

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Larval Trichinella worms often live in the muscle tissue of animals, including pigs and wild game, where they form cysts. When infected meat is consumed by humans, the larvae are released in the digestive system, where they mature into adult worms.

Planarians flukes and leeches are?

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Planarians are free-living flatworms, flukes are parasitic flatworms that infect various host animals, and leeches are blood-feeding segmented worms.

Where can you buy red wigglers in Chicago?

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You can buy red wigglers in Chicago at local gardening stores, bait shops, or online retailers. Some options include Gethsemane Garden Center, City Grange, or Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.

Does Hawaii have leeches?

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Yes, Hawaii does have leeches. However, they are not as common or widespread as in other tropical regions. Leeches are typically found in wet and forested areas in Hawaii.

When do you separate super worms so they can pupate?

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Super worms typically pupate when they reach adult size, which is about 1.5 inches long. At this stage, you can separate the larger super worms into a separate container with enough substrate for pupation. Make sure to provide them with adequate moisture and darkness during this stage.

Do worms live in apples?

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It is possible for worms such as larvae of the apple maggot fly or codling moth to infest apples, but it is not common for earthworms to be found inside apples. To prevent this, it is advisable to properly store and inspect fruits.

What type of weather do mealworms survive in best?

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Mealworms thrive in a warm and dry environment with temperatures ideally around 77-81°F (25-27°C). They should be kept away from extreme temperatures, excessive humidity, and direct sunlight to ensure their survival and health. Providing a consistent and controlled environment will help them thrive and grow.