


The guppy is a live-bearer, and is also known as the millionfish. With its selectively bred bright colors and fancy,large fins, the guppy appeals to many people and is a popular pick as a pet for the community fish tank. Int his category, there are questions relating to guppy care, guppy varieties, etc.

846 Questions

Why did variation in guppy coloration develop as a trait?

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Asked by Wiki User

Variation in guppy coloration developed as a trait due to sexual selection. Female guppies prefer males with brighter and more colorful patterns, leading to the evolution of diverse coloration in males as a way to attract mates. This color variability helps males stand out and successfully reproduce.

What would you expect to occur in a captive population of guppies collected from Trinidad if you allowed them to breed for many generations in an aquarium without any predators?

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In a captive population of guppies, you would expect to see changes in their coloration, size, and behavior due to relaxed selection pressures without predation. This could lead to the evolution of less vibrant color patterns, increased body size, and possibly altered social behavior compared to their wild counterparts.

Are guppies carnivores omnivores or herbivores?

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Guppies are omnivores, meaning they consume both plant matter and small insects or aquatic animals. Their diet can include things like algae, mosquito larvae, and small crustaceans in addition to plant material.

What is the scientific name for a guppy?

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Asked by Makkapakka3

The guppy was "Lebistes reticulatus" for many many years but now the taxonomists in their ultimate wisdom, have decided that the guppy should be in the same classification as the Molly. Now the Guppy is correctly called "Poecilia reticulata".

What size fishtank is necessary for 5 guppies?

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Guppies are very adaptable and small in size so a very large tank is not required for them to be happy in. A 20 gallon tank would be enough to keep five guppies in.

Why are your guppies dying with pH at 7 and temp at 78 F?

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Guppies are better at 70F than 78F. but pH and Temperature are not the only things that matter. You need to follow the basic rules to keep your water habitable. The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are. :- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank need at least 50% of its water relpaced every week. If you fail to observe and comply with any of the above rules I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and they will live vastly shortened lifespans.

How is a male guppy fish like a peacock?

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Asked by Wiki User

Male guppies come in many different colors, have frilly tails, and their color covers their whole body.

What is the least popular fish in the US?

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The least popular animal in the US and perhaps in the world is a snake. Although snakes are often kept as pets, more people are afraid a of snakes than any other animal. Snakes can startle you and are cold and perceived to be slimy. Additionally, all snakes can bite, and some are extremely poisonous. Snakes have their admirers, but by and large most people would rather avoid them.

While guppy pregnant when put in breed tank?

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When your female guppy is pregnant you can't tell by it's size. You have to look at it's gravid spot. Which is right behind their stomach and the tail. It's right around the butt of the guppy. It takes about a month for the babies to be born. Plus you can not stress out your the pregnant fish.

Is a platy a type of guppy?

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No, they're two separate species.

Can seven neon tetras and three guppies live in a 20 gallon tank?

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Well, it depends on their size. From what I've heard, you can put one inch of fish into a tank per gallon, so: 5 one inch fishes of 1 five inch fish etc. It doesn't matter about the fish unless some are aggressive and the others are not.

Why do you think guppies in different areas of the stream have different coloration?

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Asked by Wiki User

could be because of bacteria changing genes or temperatures might affect them possibly camaflauge techniques theres many reasons

How do you mate 2 guppies?

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You don't "mate " guppies. They do it themselves. Simply place a mature female and a mature male together in a properly set up, heated, filtered tank (minimum size 5 gallon) and feed and look after them properly, and they will do whatever it takes to produce young.

Do guppies eat their fry?

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Simple answer; yes.

After giving birth the male &/or female will their fry.

You should keep fry in a breeding net after birth.

And keep female in another breeding net or aquarium after giving birth,

this is so that she can recover fully before being mixed with male again.


Stress from giving birth & male guppy chasing after her can cause female to die.

How does a guppy fish protect itself from predators?

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A Neon Blue Guppy doesn't really defend its self it usually hides.

Should you separate a female guppy after she gave birth to 2 guppies and how long should you keep her with them?

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Livebearing fish (including guppies, mollies, platies and swordtails) are notorious for eating their young, sometimes as they are being born. If it is possible to separate the mother into another tank immediately after birth of the young, it should be done.

What is the life cycle of a guppy?

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Like a week, if you don't treat it well, but it you take good care of it, feed the beta, & clean his bowl/tank. He'll live up to a couple of years, like mine. what a does this have to do with it's life cycle?????????????

Do mollies and fancy guppies get along?

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The puffer loves live food and will eat anything smaller than it is, it is one of the few freshwater fish that has teeth.

Can you get coldwater guppies?

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Guppies need to be kept above 60F otherwise they could die. Their optimum temperature range is 68F to 75F

Can an African dwarf frog be with guppies?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO! Frogs poison the water with their poo and piddle. The fish can not live in that stuff. Frogs (and all Amphibians ) should be housed in a Vivarium not an Aquarium. The rules for keeping fish are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water but more is better. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.Follow the rules and you stand a chance of keeping fish successfully. Miss out on any of them, and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

This is not correct. African dwarf frogs emit very little waste. They are very small and can live peacefully with tetras and snails absolutely.

Can you make a guppy a vegetarian?

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Asked by Wiki User

You MUST be joking. It has taken millions of years for a guppy to evolve as an omnivore and you in your wisdom wish to change a basic thing it has evolved to be. My advice is forget about keeping fish successfully if you want to change them.

How do you raise guppies?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is so much information on the Internet regarding raising of guppies that to attempt repeating it here would be so wrong. Seriously, do a search using the words "fancy guppies" and you could spend days reading all the information it will give you. Try this site first,

What kind of flake food do you feed guppies?

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The best flake food for Guppies would be one that is high in vegetable matter. Another food that is heathy for them is finely chopped , and ground spinach. Guppies are largly vegetarian, But will eat most other foods.

How long before a guppy can breed again after her first fry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oh, right away. Guppy females store sperm and they've got a chamber to hold it. They can maintain sperm in this chamber for up to a year. Basically, once you mate two guppies the female will get pregnant repeatedly from that one breeding.

What is the effect of light to the reproduction of the guppies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Without light guppies (and most other species of fish) can not see one another so it would be extremely difficult for them to locate one another let alone breed successfully. Therefor I would say that the effect of light would be to 'enable' reproduction of guppies.