


Animal Health

Questions about the well being and health of animals go here. How to help and prevent sickness and injury and what to do about it when it happens.

2,693 Questions

Cestoda are ectoparasite or endoparasite?

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Cestoda are endoparasites, which means they live inside their host's body, particularly in the digestive system. They have specialized adaptations for this lifestyle, such as their flat, ribbon-like body structure and hooks or suckers for attachment within the host's intestine.

How much better is the eyesight of an eagle compared to a humans?

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An eagle's eyesight is believed to be 4 to 8 times better than that of a human, enabling them to spot prey from great distances. This superior eyesight is due to a high density of photoreceptors in their retinas, as well as a larger number of cones, which allow for excellent visual acuity and the ability to perceive details.

Is the brain attached to the skull?

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Yes, the brain is attached to the skull by three layers of connective tissue called meninges. These layers protect the brain and help to keep it in place within the skull.

What phylum have true coelom and are deuterostomes?

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The phylum that have a true coelom and are deuterostomes are the phylum Chordata. This phylum includes animals with a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and post-anal tail at some stage in their development. Examples of Chordata include vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Advantages of possessing a body cavity?

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Possessing a body cavity provides protection and support for internal organs, allows for efficient movement and flexibility, and facilitates the development of specialized organ systems within the cavity. This structural organization also enables different organ systems to work together in coordination to support various physiological functions.

How many fetuses do female pigs normally carry does the structure of the uterus reflect this fact?

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Female pigs normally carry 10-12 fetuses in each horn of their bicornuate uterus, which is a Y-shaped structure. The bicornuate uterus allows for each fetus to have its own separate horn, helping to reduce competition for resources and improving the chances of survival.

Where do koalas give birth?

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Koalas give birth in a tree, typically in the safety of a eucalyptus tree. The mother koala carries her baby, called a joey, in her pouch until it is developed enough to survive on its own.

Do flatworms have no coelom?

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Yes, flatworms do not have a true coelom. They have a solid body structure without a cavity between their gut and body wall, which distinguishes them as acoelomates.

How often does a rat vomit?

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Rats typically do not vomit unless they are very sick. Their stomachs are very efficient at digesting food, so vomiting is rare in healthy rats.

What animal has acidic saliva?

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The platypus has acidic saliva, which helps in breaking down food before digestion. This characteristic is unique to the platypus among mammals.

What blood type do wolves have?

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Wolves typically have a blood type that is similar to dogs, which is classified into different groups such as A, B, AB, or O. However, specific information on the blood type distribution among wolf populations may vary.

Are PLANARIA segmented?

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No, planaria are not segmented. They are flatworms that have a simple body plan with bilateral symmetry. They do not have true segments like some other invertebrates.

A gene that is not expressed when paired with a dominant allele is called?

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A recessive gene. These genes are masked by dominant genes when they are present together in an individual's genetic makeup.

How much do climotoligists get paid?

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The salary of climatologists can vary depending on factors like experience, education, location, and type of employer. On average, climatologists in the United States earn around $80,000 to $100,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $50,000 to over $130,000.

How many chromosomes are shown in prophase?

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In prophase, a cell's nucleus contains the full set of chromosomes, which for humans is 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). At this stage, the chromosomes condense and become visible under a microscope as they prepare for cell division.

What do animals hear different to humans?

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Animals may hear higher frequencies than humans, such as ultrasound in bats or dolphins. Some animals, like dogs, can detect sound at greater distances than humans. Additionally, some animals have specialized ear structures that aid in their hearing abilities, like the large ears of certain owl species for effective hunting at night.

What do the shapes of animals ears have to do with animals hearing?

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The shape of an animal's ears can help determine how well it can hear. Large ears tend to collect and funnel more sound waves to the ear canal, improving hearing sensitivity. The distinctive shapes of some animals' ears can also help them detect the direction of a sound more accurately.

What are the fish that have lungs?

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Asked by KohBeegeok

The fish that have lungs are known as lungfish. They are a group of freshwater fish that have developed the ability to breathe air in addition to extracting oxygen from water. These fish are often found in oxygen-deprived environments such as stagnant waters.

Where are a cricket's eyes?

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A cricket's eyes are located on either side of its head. They are usually large and compound, made up of multiple lenses that allow them to see in multiple directions at the same time.

What do you call an animal who eats human flesh?

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An animal that eats human flesh is typically referred to as a "carnivore" or "predator." However, if an animal specifically preys on humans, it may be called a "man-eater" or "human predator."

Sexual reproduction in paramecium?

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Paramecium reproduce sexually by a process called conjugation. During conjugation, two Paramecium come together and exchange genetic material through their oral grooves. This genetic exchange increases genetic diversity and allows for greater adaptability to changing environments.

What is it called when one animal eats another?

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When one animal eats another, it is called predation.

What animal does not have a stomach?

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Jellyfish and sea anemones do not have a stomach. They have a simple digestive system that allows them to directly absorb nutrients through their body walls.

What is a cindoblast?

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There is no widely-known concept or term called "cindoblast." It is possible that it is a niche or specialized term used in a specific context or field that is not commonly recognized. More information would be needed to provide a more accurate answer.