



The world is home to 4260 named species of mammals. Mammals, or Mammalia are a class in the Phylum Chordata and the Subphylum Vertebrata. An animal is a mammal if, providing it is female, it can produce milk to feed its young.

2,951 Questions

What animal is more intresting?

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Each animal is unique and interesting in its own way. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and what aspects of animals you find intriguing.

Does cell division only happen in women?

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No, cell division occurs in all living organisms, including both men and women. It is a vital process for growth, development, and the maintenance of tissues in organisms.

What is the largest mammal living in Britain?

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The largest mammal living in Britain is the red deer (Cervus elaphus). They can weigh up to 200 kg and are commonly found in forests and moorlands across the country.

What is the largest Wisconsin mammal?

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There is a very wide variety: * Farm Animals like cows, pigs,chickens, sheep, goats and horses. * Zoo Animals like lions and tigers, zebras and elephants. * Pet animals like cats and dogs. * Wild animals like insects, birds, deer and bears.

Why is the pelycosaur a link between mammals and reptiles?

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The pelycosaurs are considered a link between mammals and reptiles because they exhibit features of both groups. They share characteristics with early mammals, such as differentiated teeth and possibly some aspects of their skull structure, while also possessing reptilian-like features including sprawling posture and lack of a secondary palate. This combination of traits positions them as transitional forms between the two groups in evolutionary history.

Do mammals need cold or hot weather?

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Mammals thrive in a variety of climates. Some mammals have adapted to cold weather by developing thick fur or layers of fat to keep warm, while others have adapted to hot weather by having mechanisms to cool down, such as panting or sweating. Ultimately, a mammal's ability to survive in different temperatures depends on its evolutionary adaptations and behavior.

How did wild animals get rabies?

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Wild animals can get rabies through the bite of an infected animal, typically from another wild animal or a domestic animal that carries the disease. Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system and can be fatal if not treated promptly. It is important to avoid contact with wild animals to prevent the spread of rabies.

Which term describes something that happens in female mammals?

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X chromosome inactivation happens in female mammals.

What are the two hallmarks of mammals?

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Mammals are characterized by having hair or fur on their bodies and by producing milk to feed their young.

What era has been called the Age of Mammals?

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The Cenozoic era is often referred to as the Age of Mammals. It began around 66 million years ago and continues to the present day. During this era, mammals diversified and became the dominant land animals on Earth.

What mammal has the most long-looped nephrons?

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Kangaroo rats have the most long-looped nephrons among mammals. These nephrons help in concentrating urine and conserving water, which is vital for survival in their desert habitats.

Which mammal have 9neck vertibrae?

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The giraffe is the mammal that has seven neck vertebrae, just like most other mammals. However, each of the giraffe's vertebrae can be over 10 inches long, allowing it to have a long neck.

Which creatures are Ungulates?

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A hoofed animal is called ungulate .Ungulates include horse, zebra, donkey, hippo, goat, moose, antelope and gazelles , deer etc . There are two orders of Ungulates, those having an even number of toes as deer and goat and and those having an odd number of toes as horse .

What is the largest antarctic marine mammal?

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The largest Antarctic marine mammal is the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina). This species of seal can weigh over 8,800 pounds and reach lengths of up to 20 feet. They are known for their large size and loud vocalizations during the breeding season.

What is another name for chiroptera?

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Chiroptera is the scientific name for bats, it means "hand wing".

What are mammals limbs like?

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Mammals have limbs that are typically adapted for various modes of movement, such as running, climbing, swimming, or flying. These limbs are usually jointed, with bones, muscles, and tendons that allow for flexibility and strength. Additionally, mammals often have specialized structures like claws, hooves, flippers, or wings depending on their specific ecological niche.

What sounds do pangolin make?

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When agitated, they tend to make a huffing sound, almost as if a cat would.

What is the strongest bite in the mammal kingdom?

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The saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom, with a bite force of over 3700 pounds per square inch (psi). This makes it significantly stronger than any mammal, including powerful biters like lions and tigers.

Are humans made out of mud?

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Yes, the human body is made up of materials found on the surface of the ground. Oxygen, being the most abundant element on the earth's crust or on the ground, makes up 65 percent of the human body, and carbon, also abundant on the top soil of the ground, is 18 percent, and hydrogen is 10 percent. The 59 elements found in the human body are all found on the earths crust. This is amazing because what the Bible says perfectly match the scientific composition of a human body.

What do carnivorous mammals eat?

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Carnivorous mammals primarily feed on other animals for their nutrition. Their diet typically consists of meat from a variety of sources such as other mammals, birds, fish, insects, and in some cases, even reptiles. These mammals have evolved sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and digestive systems suitable for processing and extracting nutrients from animal protein.

Which marsupials hibernate?

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Asked by RaheemChaudhry

Unlike bears and ground squirrels, marsupials do not hibernate. However, some species may enter a temporary state of torpor during extreme winter conditions to conserve energy. Kangaroos and wallabies are examples of marsupials that may exhibit this behavior.

What mammalian group lay eggs?

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Asked by Mgills

Monotremes, such as the platypus and echidna, are the only group of mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. They are unique in this regard among mammals.

Where do mammals have bladders?

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Mammals, including humans, have bladders located within their lower abdomen. The bladder is a muscular organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys until it is released from the body through the urethra.

What is an example of a mammal that mates in water?

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Asked by Shipwreck51

One example of a mammal that mates in water is the bottlenose dolphin. Dolphins engage in mating behaviors such as courtship displays and copulation underwater.