



A region characterized by warm climates, lush plant life, and consistent rainfall with no dry season

6,592 Questions

Which creature is the largest animal that lives in the jungle?

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It depends on what kind of jungle you are trying to research, and if u are looking for land or water? Mostly the Asian and African elephants are the largest. In south America the TAPIR is above the rest . My fiNAL ansewer is the elephant

What layer do spiders live in the rainforest?

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Spiders can be found living in various layers of the rainforest, depending on their species and habitat preferences. Some live in the forest floor, others in the understory, while some can be found in the canopy.

What is the population density for a tropical wet climate?

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The population density of a tropical wet climate can vary significantly depending on the specific location and level of urbanization. In general, countries with tropical wet climates such as those in Southeast Asia or parts of Africa tend to have higher population densities due to fertile land and ample rainfall supporting agriculture and settlement. Urban areas within tropical wet climates can have even higher population densities due to concentrated development and infrastructure.

What is the difference about the rainforest and Arctic?

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The main difference between the rainforest and the Arctic is the climate and ecosystem. Rainforests are characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and dense vegetation, while the Arctic has cold temperatures, frozen land and water, and minimal vegetation. The biodiversity and species in each region are adapted to thrive in those specific environments.

Temperate and tropical regions that receive between 25 cm and 75 cm of precipitation a year and have climax communities of grasses?

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These regions are likely characterized by a semi-arid climate, with a limited amount of precipitation. The vegetation in these areas is likely dominated by grasses, which have adapted to thrive in these conditions. The semi-arid climate can support grasslands or savannas as the climax community.

What biome do hummingbirds live in?

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The biome of the hummingbird varies according to the species. They are very adaptable birds, but preferred biomes are woodlands, forests, meadows and grasslands, riparian areas and marshlands, tropical rainforests and jungles, which are all places where the birds can find sufficient nectar and insects on which to feed. However, hummingbirds are also commonly found in urban/suburban areas, and even in deserts and canyons.

How many different kinds of flowers in London?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number, but there are numerous types of flowers that can be found in London's gardens, parks, and florists. Some common flowers that are often seen in London include roses, tulips, daffodils, and hydrangeas.

What is the most common insect in Imperial Valley?

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The most common insect in Imperial Valley is likely the mosquito, due to the high temperatures and presence of water from agricultural irrigation. Mosquitoes are common in this region and can be a nuisance to residents and visitors alike.

What are uses of jungle?

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There are various uses of Jungle. They balance the nature. Jungle provide home to different kind of animal species. Forest is consists of trees which exude oxygen which gives us life and clean air to live. Also roots of the trees binds the soil which avoid land slides in hilly areas. Thus, Forests/ Jungles are important for humans. I request you to plant more 🌲 and happy living!!

What plants can you find in the emergent layer?

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In the emergent layer of the rainforest, you can find tall trees such as kapok trees, emergent palms, and the giant ceiba tree. These trees have adapted to the intense sunlight and provide habitat for animals like birds and insects.

What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by lakes and rivers?

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About 3% of the earths water is freshwater, most of it in pack ice, glaciers, and aquifers. Only about one-third percent is found in rivers and lakes. The largest freshwater lake by volume is Lake Baikal in Russia.

How many animals can live on one tree in the rainforest?

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Thousands of animals can live on one tree in the rainforest, depending on its size and location. These can include insects, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, each occupying different layers of the tree and forming a diverse ecosystem.

What percentage of worlds oxygen content is emitted by amazon rain forest?

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The Amazon rainforest is estimated to produce about 20% of the world's oxygen. However, it is important to note that the majority of the Earth's oxygen comes from phytoplankton in the oceans.

Do southern flying squirrels live in the amazon rainforest?

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No, southern flying squirrels are not native to the Amazon rainforest. They are primarily found in North America, particularly in deciduous and mixed forests. The Amazon rainforest is home to a diverse range of wildlife, but southern flying squirrels are not among them.

Why does savanna have a dry and wet climate?

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its makes the animals say oppa Gangnam Style hey sexy lady op op op oppa gangnam style

What animals live in the Brazillian rainforest?

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The Brazilian rainforest is home to a vast array of animals, including jaguars, sloths, macaws, anacondas, and poison dart frogs. It also supports a diverse range of insects, birds, amphibians, and reptiles that contribute to its rich biodiversity.

How do the rain forest people learn?

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Rainforest people learn through a combination of experiential learning, oral tradition, observation, and practical hands-on experience. They acquire knowledge and skills through daily activities, storytelling, and passing down traditional practices from generation to generation. Additionally, some communities may have formal or informal education systems in place to supplement their learning.

What different species of animals are in the Hoh Rainforest?

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Some of the species of animals found in the Hoh Rainforest include Roosevelt elk, black bears, cougars, bobcats, river otters, and various bird species like northern spotted owls and bald eagles. It is also home to a wide array of amphibians and reptiles such as Pacific tree frogs and garter snakes.

Are a plant and a bird from the same kingdoms and species?

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No, plants and birds are not from the same kingdom. Plants belong to the kingdom Plantae, while birds belong to the kingdom Animalia. They are also not from the same species, as species are a more specific classification within a kingdom, and plants and birds have very different characteristics and biology.

What are some of the tropical rainforest animals and plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wikipedia does have some answers that might be of service to your question, but I definitely know that Pelicans are birds that form their habitat in Tropical Rainforsts :) For more answers email me, if you are a young child not understanding anything at school ask me when you email me, and I will explain it much more simple (I will answers questions for children ages 13 and under, seeing as they are small and wont understand anything as well as ages over 13) :) ...... My email is ..... so remember kids, don't be affraid to email me asking about ANYTHING, maths, literacy/english, geography, history, science, Astronomy or ANY other subjects, just start your email with your name, age and the subject/topic your question is about.....FOR EXAMPLE: "Samantha Smith, 9 , History - What year did Henry 8th die?"

How have jaguars adapted to live in the rainforest?

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Jaguars have adapted to live in the rainforest by having a strong swimming ability, allowing them to navigate through flooded areas in search of prey. Their sharp retractable claws help them climb trees to ambush their prey and avoid flooding. Jaguars also have a spotted coat that provides camouflage in the dappled light of the rainforest, helping them blend in with their surroundings while hunting.

How does the under canopy layer adapt in the rain forest?

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The under canopy layer of the rainforest has plants that have adapted to low light levels by having large leaves for efficient light capture. They also tend to have flexible stems to allow bending and shifting to access available light. Additionally, many plants in this layer have evolved to have shallow root systems to quickly absorb nutrients from the thin layer of organic matter that accumulates on the forest floor.

Are there dogs in the rainforest?

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No but there is leopards and jaguars. wolves can not live in the rain-forest habitat due to lack of there food source
Wolves prefer temperate and sub-polar regions; other wild dog species like the jackal are better suited to the tropics.

You are right. Many wolves can be found in the rainforests of Canada and Alaska.

Parts of rainforests are being eliminated at a fast rate The loss of the rainforest biome means?

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The loss of the rainforest biome means a reduction in biodiversity, increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and a heightened risk of climate change. It also threatens the indigenous communities who depend on the rainforest for their livelihoods and cultural practices. Efforts to protect and restore rainforests are crucial for sustaining a healthy planet.

What is a conservation effort?

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A conservation effort aims to protect and preserve natural resources, wildlife, and ecosystems through various strategies such as habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring, anti-poaching patrols, and public education. These efforts are crucial to maintain biodiversity, prevent the loss of species, and promote sustainable use of natural resources for future generations.