



Houseplants are potted plants that don't require direct sunlight. Questions on propagation, re-potting, watering, fertilizing, general care of houseplants, lighting, and where to grow the plant.

1,989 Questions

Can plants be kept indoors all the time still be healthy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, plants can be kept indoors all the time and still be healthy if they receive adequate light, water, and nutrients. Choosing plants that are well-suited for indoor environments and ensuring proper care such as regular watering, occasional fertilizing, and appropriate humidity levels will help them thrive indoors. Rotation to ensure even exposure to light can also support their growth.

What is the lifespan of a mint plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mint plants can live for several years, typically around 3-4 years. However, they are known to become less vigorous and productive after the first 2-3 years, so many gardeners treat mint as a short-lived perennial and replant every 2-3 years for optimal growth.

Does soda water or vitamin water grow a plant better?

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Asked by Wiki User

Soda water is carbonated water, which can potentially harm plant roots due to the carbonation and acidity. Vitamin water, on the other hand, may contain added nutrients that could benefit plant growth if used in moderation. Ultimately, it's best to stick with plain water for watering plants to avoid any potential issues.

What is better cold water or an icepack for an injury?

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Asked by Wiki User

An icepack is more effective for reducing inflammation and pain in an injury compared to cold water. Icepacks can provide targeted and sustained cold therapy to the affected area, which can help decrease swelling and numb the area to relieve pain. Cold water may not maintain a consistently low temperature or provide as much direct contact with the injury site.

Is demineralised water good for plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Demineralised water lacks essential nutrients needed for plant growth, so it is not ideal for watering plants in the long term. It can lead to nutrient deficiencies and hinder plant growth. It is better to use regular tap water or water enriched with nutrients specifically designed for plants.

What is the worst light to use growing plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

The worst light for growing plants would be dim or low-intensity light, as it may not provide enough energy for photosynthesis to occur effectively. This can result in stunted growth, leggy plants, and poor overall health. Additionally, using a light source with the wrong spectrum for plants (e.g., pure red or blue light) can also be detrimental to their growth.

How can plants get engery form artificial light?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can use artificial light sources such as fluorescent or LED lights to undergo photosynthesis, the process by which they convert light energy into chemical energy. The light provides the energy needed to drive the photosynthetic reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose, which plants use as food. Plants can thrive under artificial light as long as the light spectrum and intensity meet their requirements for optimal growth.

Can growing plants under red cellophane make them grow faster?

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Asked by MyTheBox

Using red cellophane as a filter can alter the light spectrum received by plants, potentially affecting their growth. Red light is necessary for photosynthesis, so plants may exhibit increased growth if they are lacking in red light. However, other factors such as sufficient nutrients, water, and proper care are also crucial for plant growth.

Can dawn kill gnats off my plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dawn dish soap can help get rid of gnats on your plant by suffocating them. Mix a few drops of Dawn with water and spray it on the affected areas of the plant. Be sure to test on a small area first to ensure the concentration is not too harsh for your plant.

Does water plants grow in murky water or clear water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water plants can grow in both murky and clear water. Murky water may contain more nutrients and sediments which can help plants grow, but water clarity is not the only factor that affects plant growth. Light availability, nutrient levels, and water temperature also play important roles in the growth of water plants.

Are plants called hetertroph?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, plants are not called heterotrophs. Plants are called autotrophs because they are able to produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis, using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and rely on consuming other organisms for nutrients.

What structures do vertical hyphae produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vertical hyphae can produce reproductive structures such as spore-bearing structures like sporangia or fruiting bodies like mushrooms. They can also produce specialized structures for nutrient absorption, like haustoria in parasitic fungi or rhizoids in some saprophytic fungi.

Do plants droop from too much water or too little?

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Asked by Mewster18

Plants generally droop from too much water due to root rot, as excessive water can suffocate the roots and prevent them from absorbing oxygen. In contrast, plants may wilt and appear droopy from too little water because dehydration inhibits the plant's ability to transport nutrients and support its structure.

What tubes in the plant's stem transport water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Xylem tubes transport water in a plant's stem. These tubes are responsible for transporting water and nutrients from the plant's roots to the rest of the plant.

What house plants are safe for cats?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants and flowers safe for cats:

  • African Violent
  • Alyssum
  • Bachelor's Button
  • Bamboo
  • Begonia
  • Buddleia
  • Catbrier
  • Cockscomb
  • Coleus
  • Columbine
  • Cosmos
  • Dahlia
  • Dianthus
  • Forget-Me-Not
  • Heliotrope
  • Hollyhock
  • Impatiens
  • Nasturtium
  • Orchid
  • Pansy
  • Petunia
  • Phlox
  • Purslane
  • Radiator Plant
  • Rose (miniature and full size)
  • Scabiosa
  • Shasta Daisy
  • Snapdragon
  • Spider Plant
  • Strawflower
  • Sunflower
  • Sweet William
  • Sword Fern
  • Torenia
  • Venus Flytrap
  • Verbascum
  • Zinnia

What is the main function of seeds?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main function of seeds is to reproduce and propagate the plant species they come from. Seeds contain the genetic material needed for new plant growth and are capable of germinating and developing into new plants under the right conditions.

How would a light grow in pure yellow light?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plant's growth under only yellow light would be limited because yellow light contains a narrow range of wavelengths that are not optimal for photosynthesis. Plants rely on a wider spectrum of light, including blue and red wavelengths, to drive photosynthesis effectively. Without these wavelengths, the plant's growth and development would be stunted.

How to water an orchid plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water orchid plants thoroughly once a week. Use room temperature water and allow excess water to drain out completely to prevent root rot. Avoid overwatering by ensuring the potting medium is slightly dry before watering again.

What plants will cross polinate with a marigold?

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Asked by MyPandas

Marigolds can cross-pollinate with other marigold varieties, but generally do not cross-pollinate with other plant species. It is recommended to keep different marigold varieties separated by at least 500 feet to avoid unwanted cross-pollination.

What will happen if pollen from a mango flower is transferred to the stigma of a guava flower?

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Asked by Wiki User

If pollen from a mango flower is transferred to the stigma of a guava flower, it is unlikely to result in successful fertilization. While both mango and guava are in the same plant family, they are not known to be cross-compatible for pollination. In most cases, for successful fertilization to occur, pollen should be transferred between flowers of the same species or a closely related species.

Why do most house plants wilt if not watered for several days?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants wilt when not watered because they lose turgidity, which is the pressure of water in their cells that keeps them firm and upright. Without sufficient water, plants are unable to maintain this pressure, causing them to droop. Additionally, wilting can trigger a plant's stress response, leading to further damage if not addressed promptly.

What are the two reasons why the source and sink for translocation in a plant may change at different stages in the growth of a plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Growth and development processes in plants vary over time, leading to changes in the demand for nutrients and energy. This can shift the location of the primary source and sink for translocation.

  2. Environmental conditions, such as light availability or temperature, can also affect the distribution of resources within the plant, causing a shift in the primary source and sink for translocation at different growth stages.

A scientist has analyzed the chemicals that make of a sample of an unknown substance Which chemicals would be the best indicator that the unknown substance is a plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chlorophyll, cellulose, and lignin are common chemicals found in plants that would be good indicators that the unknown substance is of plant origin. Chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis, cellulose is a structural component of plant cell walls, and lignin provides structural support to plants.

Do plants grow better with artificial or natural light?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants generally grow better with natural light because it provides a full spectrum of light that they have evolved to use efficiently. However, artificial lights like LED grow lights can be used effectively to supplement natural light or provide light in indoor settings where natural light is limited.

Where is the milk thistle plant grown?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Milk thistle plants are native to the Mediterranean region, but they are also grown in various regions worldwide with suitable climates. They can be found in countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany, and the United States.