



Soil, by definition, is a earthly compound comprised of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) matter that is formed in several layers over millions of years. It is the very component of the Earth that plants need to root themselves and grow in in order to feed all animal life. There are many different types of soil across the globe for each continent and biome, and each type has its characteristics that depict what plants can grow where, when, and how. Questions and answers about soil can be asked and answered here.

10,718 Questions

In what type of soil is jowar grown?

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Jowar can be grown on less fertile soils and requires moderate rainfall and moderate temperature. Specifically, alluvial soil or mixed black soil and red soil are perfect for Jowar.

How much soil is there in a soil measuring by 1meter by 1 meter by 1 meter?

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It depends on the density of the soil. If the soil is compacted or stepped on or moist of dry the amount of soil in 1m x 1m x 1m is going to vary.

The density of loose soil is about 1200 kg per m3

What is soil building?

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Soil building is a plant-driven process whereby carbon is sequestered from the atmosphere and locked into the soil and in so doing, changes the overall biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil – in a beneficial way.

Which soil has high water retaining capacity?

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Clay soil has high water retaining capacity due to its small particle size and high proportion of fine particles. This type of soil is able to hold onto moisture for longer periods of time, making it ideal for plants that require consistent hydration.

How soil combine air water and land?

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Soil is made up of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms. The spaces between soil particles allow for air and water to infiltrate, providing oxygen and moisture to support plant growth. This interaction between air, water, and land in soil is essential for nutrient cycling, root development, and overall ecosystem function.

What do animals contribute to the composition of soil?

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Animals contribute to the composition of soil by mixing organic matter through their burrowing activities, which helps to increase soil aeration and water infiltration. Their waste also adds nutrients to the soil, promoting plant growth and overall soil health. Additionally, animals can help disperse seeds and fungal spores, contributing to biodiversity in the soil.

Is Mars' soil blue?

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No, Mars' soil is not blue. It appears reddish due to the presence of iron oxide, also known as rust, which gives the planet its characteristic reddish color.

What plant cell absorbs water from the soil?

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The root hairs of plant cells are responsible for absorbing water from the soil. These specialized structures increase the surface area of the roots, allowing for more efficient absorption of water and nutrients.

What increases a plants ability to absorb water and nutrients?

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Increasing the surface area of the roots through mechanisms like root hairs and mycorrhizal associations can enhance a plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients. Additionally, maintaining proper soil structure and pH levels can create optimal conditions for nutrient uptake. Lastly, promoting healthy microbial activity in the soil can facilitate the breakdown of organic matter into essential nutrients for the plants.

Animals that live in clay soil?

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Some animals that are commonly found in clay soil include earthworms, ants, beetles, and small mammals like mice and voles. These animals are adapted to the challenges posed by clay soil, such as its compactness and poor drainage. They play important roles in the soil ecosystem by aerating the soil, breaking down organic matter, and helping with nutrient cycling.

Why black soil needs to be ploughed after the first rain?

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Ploughing black soil after the first rain helps in breaking up clods and facilitating aeration, drainage, and root penetration. This process ensures that the soil texture becomes more suitable for plant growth by improving its structure and water retention capacity.

Is aquamarine found in soil?

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Aquamarine is a type of beryl mineral that is typically found in pegmatite rocks, rather than in soil. It forms from the crystallization of magma that cooled within these rocks over time. It is usually mined from these pegmatite deposits rather than from soil.

What term is the process in which the violent shaking of an earthquake turns soft soil into liquid mud is called?

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Old Answer:

Earthquakes are caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the Earth.

Most earthquakes are caused by slow movements inside the Earth that push against the Earth's brittle, relatively thin outer layer, causing the rocks to break suddenly. This outer layer is fragmented into a…

My answer:

If you're doing homework with a fill-in-the-blank, it's 'liquifaction.'

What is the purpose of the horizon shades on a sextant?

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The horizon shades on a sextant are used to block out excess light from the sun or other bright sources on the horizon, making it easier to take accurate measurements of celestial objects such as stars or planets. They help to reduce glare and improve visibility when using the sextant for navigation or celestial observations.

What is the third step of soil formation?

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The third step of soil formation is known as alteration. This involves the physical and chemical weathering of rocks and minerals by factors like temperature changes, water movement, and organic activity. These processes break down the parent material into smaller particles, which eventually form the basis of soil.

Is it natural to enjoy eating dirt?

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Eating dirt, known as geophagia, is not considered natural or safe behavior for humans. It can lead to health risks such as exposure to toxins, parasites, or bacteria found in the soil. If you or someone you know is experiencing an urge to eat dirt, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue that should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

Do plants need soil to make starch?

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No, plants do not require soil to make starch. Starch is synthesized during photosynthesis, where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose, which is then stored as starch in various plant parts such as roots, stems, and leaves. Soil provides nutrients and support for the plant but is not directly involved in the production of starch.

What is the soil conditions for grasslands?

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Grasslands typically have deep, fertile soils that are well-drained and rich in nutrients. The texture of the soil can vary, but it is usually a mix of sand, silt, and clay. Grasslands also require a pH level that is relatively neutral to slightly alkaline for optimal growth.

Which is a living material that might be found in soil?

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Earthworms are living organisms commonly found in soil. They play a vital role in soil health by breaking down organic matter and improving soil structure.

Boil is to soil as goat is to?

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Grazing. Boil is related to the process of heating water, while soil is related to earth. Similarly, goat is related to grazing, where the animal feeds on grass.

Which part of the Earth is composed of rocks and soil?

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The outermost layer of the Earth is called the crust, which is made up of rocks and soil. The crust is divided into tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid upper mantle and interact with each other, leading to geological processes like earthquakes and volcanoes.

Whose ashes are aboard New horizons?

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The ashes of Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto in 1930, are aboard the New Horizons spacecraft. After his death in 1997, a small container with his ashes was attached to the spacecraft as a way to honor his role in the exploration of the distant dwarf planet.

What is necessary in the soil for a plant to be healthy and green?

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For a plant to be healthy and green, it needs access to essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil. Adequate sunlight, water, and proper pH levels are also important for optimal plant growth and greenness. Additionally, good soil structure and drainage help provide oxygen to the plant's roots, supporting its overall health and color.

Color of the soil of moon?

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The soil on the moon is generally gray in color due to the presence of minerals like silicate and metal oxides. The lack of atmosphere and weathering processes on the moon contribute to this uniform coloration.

How does transpiration help the roots absorb water and minerals from soil?

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Asked by SofiaBhattacharya

Transpiration creates a negative pressure in the leaves, which pulls water up from the roots through the xylem tissue in a process called transpiration pull. This upward movement of water helps to maintain a continuous flow of water and nutrients from the soil to the roots. This process is essential for the root system to efficiently absorb water and minerals from the soil.