



Above ground, trees and shrubs perform important environmental services by providing food and shelter to people and wildlife, oxygenating the air, and beautifying the landscape. Below ground, their roots open up critical passageways for the movement of air, moisture, and soil food web members.

10,701 Questions

When was The Giving Tree created?

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The Giving Tree was created on 1964-10-07.

What are the 14 trees that do not lose their foliage in the winter?

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Answered 17 hours ago















Why do fig tree leaves make you itch?

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Fig tree leaves can contain latex, which can cause itching or irritation in some individuals. Latex is a natural substance found in many plants, including figs, and can trigger allergic reactions or skin sensitivity when it comes into contact with the skin. If you experience itching after touching fig tree leaves, it may be due to a reaction to the latex content in the leaves.

Which plant is widely cultivated tree for its fruit?

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Asked by Wiki User

The widely cultivated tree for its fruit is the apple tree. Apples are a popular fruit worldwide and are grown in many regions due to their versatility in culinary uses and high nutritional value. The apple tree belongs to the Rosaceae family and is native to Central Asia.

Is there a tree called trash palm?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific tree known as "trash palm." It is possible that it may refer to a palm tree growing in unfavorable conditions or being mistaken for a different type of palm tree.

What do poplar tree barks look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poplar tree barks are typically smooth and light gray, with distinctive diamond-shaped ridges or furrows. The bark may become more rough and thick with age. It often develops deep grooves as the tree matures.

Can chipmunks climb trees?

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Yes, chipmunks are excellent climbers and are known to climb trees to search for food, escape predators, and sometimes to build their nests in tree hollows or branches. They have sharp claws that help them grip onto tree bark as they move vertically.

What does a cypress oak tree seed look like?

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A cypress oak tree seed is typically a small, brown acorn with a rounded shape, similar to other oak tree species. It may have distinctive features such as a cup-like cap or markings on the shell. The seed is the starting point for growth into a mature cypress oak tree.

Do OLIVE trees grow in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, olive trees can grow in Kenya. They are adapted to a range of climates and soils, and there are regions in Kenya, such as the Rift Valley and parts of the Central and Eastern provinces, where olive trees can thrive.

What is an area of dense shrubs and small trees found in Mediterranean climates called?

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That area is called a maquis. It is characterized by evergreen shrubs like myrtle, heather, and broom, as well as small trees like cork oak and olive trees. It is common in regions with Mediterranean climates, such as parts of southern Europe and North Africa.

Do snowball bushes loose leaves in the fall?

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Snowball bushes are deciduous shrubs, meaning they do lose their leaves in the fall. The leaves usually change color before falling off, and the shrub remains bare during the winter months.

Why were the pecan fruits from the tree growing on the Radley's property not eaten by the children in the school?

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The pecans from the Radley's tree were not eaten by the children because there were rumors that the tree was poisoned. The Radley family was reclusive and perceived as strange by the townspeople, leading to the belief that they were capable of harming others. This fear prevented the children from consuming the pecans.

Who are the main characters in secret in the maple tree?

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The main characters in "Secret in the Maple Tree" are Peggy Ann, her sister Ida, and their friends Ruthie and Martha. Together, they stumble upon a mystery involving their new neighbors in the big white house.

What color should a bee hive be?

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A bee hive is typically a natural wood color, ranging from light to dark brown. This color helps the hive blend in with its surroundings and provides insulation for the bees inside. It is important to use non-toxic paint or stain if you choose to color the hive for aesthetic purposes.

Is rosemary a compound leaf?

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No, rosemary has simple leaves, not compound leaves. Each leaf is not divided into smaller leaflets like in compound leaves.

Is the yellow poplar tree an angiosperm or gymnosperm?

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The yellow poplar tree is an angiosperm because it produces flowers that contain seeds enclosed within a fruit. Gymnosperms, on the other hand, produce naked seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit.

Will galvanized bolts harm a maple tree?

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Asked by Robotred

Galvanized bolts contain a coating of zinc which can be harmful to plants if leached into the soil. If the bolts come into contact with the roots of a maple tree, it can potentially affect the tree's health. It's best to use non-toxic materials when working around trees to avoid any potential harm.

How do tree ferns reproduce?

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Asked by Karenwang

Tree ferns reproduce through spores that are produced in sporangia located on the undersides of their fronds. The spores are released into the environment and can germinate into new ferns under suitable conditions. This method of reproduction is known as spore dispersal.

What is the largest tree born fruit?

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The jackfruit is the largest tree-born fruit in the world. It can weigh up to 80 pounds and grow up to 3 feet long.

Does Rome have olive trees?

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Yes, Rome does have olive trees. Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean region, including Italy, and are commonly found throughout Rome and its surrounding areas. Olive trees have been cultivated in Rome for centuries and are an important part of the local landscape and cuisine.

Trees are covered in bark What if your brain isn't covered in bark but it is covered in something whose name is derived from the Latin for bark What is it?

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Your brain would be covered in "dura mater," which literally translates to "tough mother" in Latin. It is a thick, protective membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

Do you need 2 Stella cherry trees to bear fruit?

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It depends on the variety. Many varieties of fruit tree are self-sterile, meaning that they cannot pollinate with themselves. Due to grafting, if you buy two trees of the same variety, they are genetically identical- basically they are the same tree. So, you need a different variety of the same fruit in order for cross pollination to occur.

Some trees are more genetically compatible for cross pollination, which is why in nursery catalogs, different trees are said to be good pollinators. Commercial orchards often plant crab-apple trees in with the apples to ensure good pollination.

Why are trees a sustainable material?

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Trees are considered a sustainable material because they are renewable resources - they can be replanted and grown at a faster rate than they are being used. They also absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, trees can be harvested and used for various purposes without causing long-term harm to the environment if managed correctly.

Why is a mango tree and a coconut tree considered a tree?

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Mango and coconut trees are considered trees because they are perennial woody plants with a well-defined trunk, branches, and roots that fit the botanical definition of a tree. They produce fruits and have a tall and distinct form typical of trees, even though they may not have traditional leaf structures like deciduous trees.