


Building and Carpentry

A sub-category devoted to residential construction methods and techniques. Questions on topics such as materials, how-to's, rules of thumb, and general advice.

13,224 Questions

Why was the ceiling called the ceiling?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "ceiling" comes from Latin "cēlum" meaning sky or heaven. Over time, it came to refer to the upper limit of a room or space, akin to the sky being the upper limit of the Earth.

Why were the scientists concerned about the glue used to reattach the birds tails?

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Asked by Wiki User

The glue used to reattach the birds' tails contained harmful chemicals that could be toxic to the birds when ingested or absorbed through their skin. The scientists were concerned about potential negative effects on the birds' health and well-being from exposure to these chemicals.

What part of the pig does glue come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Commercial glue is not made from pigs. It is typically derived from animal collagen extracted from the skin, bones, or connective tissues of cattle or horses.

Where does glue come from in the pig?

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Asked by Wiki User

Glue is obtained from collagen, a protein found in various parts of the pig's body, including the skin, bones, and connective tissues. These parts are processed and boiled down to extract the collagen, which is then used to make glue.

How can you tell if the roof is on fire?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you see flames, smoke, or hear crackling sounds coming from the roof, it may be on fire. Additionally, if you smell burning or see embers on the roof, it's best to evacuate and call emergency services immediately.

Why does a tile roof creak at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

A tile roof may creak at night due to temperature changes causing the tiles to expand and contract, or settling of the roof structure under the weight of the tiles. These noises are typically normal and do not indicate any structural issues with the roof.

What adhesive is used to glue on the space shuttle tiles?

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Asked by Wiki User

The space shuttle tiles were bonded to the shuttle's skin using a unique adhesive called "Columbus Polymer." This adhesive was specifically developed to withstand the extreme temperatures of space reentry and provide thermal protection to the shuttle.

Why does super glue melt strofoam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Super glue contains chemicals that react with the polystyrene in Styrofoam, causing it to dissolve and break down. This chemical reaction results in the melting of the Styrofoam.

A hemispherical roof or ceiling is known as a?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hemispherical roof or ceiling is known as a dome. It is a curved structural element that resembles half of a sphere, providing strength and stability to large buildings such as cathedrals or government buildings. Domes are often used for their architectural beauty and ability to distribute weight evenly.

What is the fastest way to cure wood?

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Asked by BeckieJones

The fastest way to cure wood is through kiln drying, where the wood is placed in a specialized chamber that uses heat and airflow to quickly remove moisture. Alternatively, air drying can also be effective but takes longer as it relies on natural evaporation. Chemical treatments can also be used to accelerate the curing process.

Does it matter if you hang a barometer on a inside wall or outside wall?

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Asked by Rvtraveler

Yes, it does matter. Hanging a barometer on an inside wall may be affected by indoor temperature fluctuations, while hanging it on an outside wall may be exposed to direct sunlight, wind, or precipitation, impacting its accuracy. It is best to place a barometer on a wall that is sheltered from extreme weather conditions and direct sunlight.

What will be the magnetic domains of an iron nail heated up?

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Asked by Wiki User

When an iron nail is heated up, its magnetic domains will become more randomized and less aligned. This will weaken the overall magnetic properties of the nail.

Why using of circuit breaker?

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Asked by Wiki User

Circuit breakers are used to protect electrical circuits from damage due to overcurrents or short circuits. When a fault occurs, the circuit breaker detects the abnormal condition and interrupts the flow of electricity to prevent further damage. This helps to ensure the safety of both the electrical system and the connected devices.

How many watts per square foot is required in a building in India?

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Asked by Wiki User

In India, the average recommended power density for office buildings is around 5-8 watts per square foot. Factors such as building usage, daylight availability, and green building design can influence this number. It is best to consult with a local professional to determine the specific requirements for your building in India.

Why do houses in the desert have light colored roofs?

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Asked by Neila222

Houses in the desert often have light colored roofs because they reflect sunlight and heat better than dark colored roofs. This helps to keep the house cooler by reducing heat absorption, making it more energy efficient and comfortable inside.

What is standard size of brick in Pakistan?

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Asked by Wiki User

The standard size of a brick in Pakistan is 9" x 4.5" x 3".

Why does slate fall from roof?

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Asked by Wiki User

Slate can fall from a roof due to harsh weather conditions like heavy rain or strong winds causing it to become dislodged. Improper installation or maintenance can also lead to slate falling from a roof. Additionally, aging or deteriorating slate tiles may be more prone to falling.

What is the composition of the word constellation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, in the word there is the root con- which means togther. Another root in the word is -stell. -Stellmeans star. So constellation means stars together, which is correct because a constellation is basically a grouping of stars forming a figure in the sky.

What is the best cleaner for plastic varnish tools?

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Asked by Wiki User

A mild soap and warm water solution is often the best cleaner for plastic varnish tools. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives that can damage the plastic. It's also a good idea to rinse and thoroughly dry the tools after cleaning to prevent any residue from affecting future varnishing projects.

Is acetone used to thin paint?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, acetone can be used to thin oil-based paints and clean painting tools. However, it is not recommended for thinning latex or acrylic paints as it can cause them to break down and lose their properties. It's important to use acetone in a well-ventilated area and follow safety precautions when working with it.

Can more wires be ran from the meter base to supply a shop from your house?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the available capacity of your service panel and the existing load on the circuit. It's best to consult with a licensed electrician to determine if more wires can be added safely to supply the shop without overloading the circuit or violating building codes. Additionally, you may need to check with your local utility company for any restrictions or requirements.

What are some geologic features of oak wood and prairies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oak woodlands and prairies often feature a diverse assemblage of plant species adapted to dry and fire-prone environments. Geologic features may include rolling hills, shallow soils, and limestone outcrops. These habitats may also support a variety of wildlife, such as birds, insects, and small mammals.

When cutting asphalt with an asphalt saw how do you determine how many linear feet you have cut?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asphalt can be cut using the same equipment which can cut concrete. Asphalt cutting machine has a diamond dusted circular saw blade, with diameter ranging from 300 mm to 500 mm. The cutting depth varies from 80 mm to 170 mm depending on the size of the blade and power of the engine.

How does a bat use its curved claws?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bats use their curved claws to hang upside down from branches or cave ceilings while resting or sleeping. The curved claws allow them to grip onto surfaces securely without expending much energy. They also use their claws to climb and maneuver in their roosting or nesting areas.