



Over the centuries, man has found almost limitless uses for these farm creatures. Questions here should focus on all things that 'oink.'

4,986 Questions

What is the life expectancy of large white pigs?

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The natural life expectancy of Large White pigs is 10-15 years. These are the top pigs used for meat.

What is a jill male or female call?

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A female jill call is a sound made by a female red deer to communicate with her young. It is a low grunt-like noise that is often used to command or reassure her offspring. On the other hand, male red deer are called stags and they are known for their loud roaring calls during the mating season to attract females and establish dominance.

How smart are pigs compared to dogs?

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Pigs are generally considered to be as intelligent as dogs, with some studies suggesting they may even be smarter in certain tasks. Both animals can learn tricks, respond to commands, and show problem-solving abilities. However, the intelligence of individual animals can vary widely within each species.

Boar is to pig as ox is to?

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The answer is cattle or cows

What do pigs do with their snout?

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Pigs use their snout to root around in the soil, searching for food like roots, insects, and small plants. They have a strong sense of smell that helps them locate food underground. Additionally, they use their snout to explore their environment and communicate with other pigs through scent marking.

Do pigs eat straw?

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Pigs can eat straw as part of their diet, but it is not very nutritious for them. Straw is mainly used as bedding material to provide comfort and insulation for pigs in their living environment. It is better to provide pigs with a balanced diet that includes grains, vegetables, and protein sources.

How old do duroc pigs need to breed?

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Duroc pigs can usually breed when they reach sexual maturity, which is around 5-7 months old. It is recommended to wait until they are around 7-8 months old before breeding them to ensure they are mature enough physically and mentally.

What is a good topic sentence for a paragraph about guinea pigs?

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this is a kind of guinea pig. or these are kinds of guinea pigs i am going to write about.

What is the name of Porky Pig's father?

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* Boar = Uncastrated male pig * Hog = Castrated male pig * Sow = Female adult pig * Shoat = Piglet after weaning

How far along do you have to be to get a fetal pole?

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A fetal pole is typically visible on ultrasound around 6 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, you may also be able to see a heartbeat in the fetal pole.

Is it legal to own a tea cup pig in Maryland in a residence with out a farmers license?

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As of September 2021, Maryland requires a permit to own a pot-bellied pig, which includes teacup pigs, within residential areas. The permit is typically provided for agricultural or educational purposes, and owning one without a permit could result in fines or other legal consequences. It's best to check with local authorities or the Department of Agriculture for the most up-to-date regulations.

What color is a pigs eye?

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Pigs eyes come in various colors. They are mainly dark, such as black, brown or blue. The eyes can also be red, pink, or dark with a ruby hue. Pigs cannot perceive sharp lines, but they do see color.

What farm animal is most profitable to raise and get a high return on investment?

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Poultry, specifically broiler chickens, are often considered one of the most profitable farm animals due to their relatively low cost to raise, short production cycle, and high demand for their meat. Additionally, has a high feed conversion rate, meaning they convert food into body weight efficiently.

How long before giving birth does a pig get milk bags?

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Pigs, like other mammals, develop mammary glands that produce milk throughout their pregnancy. The development of the mammary glands in pigs typically starts around the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy, which is around 80-115 days into the gestation period.

What is a castrated female pig called?

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A castrated female pig is called a gilt.

Why do farmers use Pig-Shoat-Hog Rings on pigs?

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Farmers use pig-shoat-hog rings on pigs to tag and identify them. It helps in keeping track of individual animals for breeding, health management, and inventory purposes. Additionally, the rings can also be used to prevent pigs from rooting or escaping from enclosures.

Pigs how many does a female pig give birth to?

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A female pig, also known as a sow, can give birth to anywhere from 6 to 12 piglets in a single litter, though the average is around 8 to 10 piglets.

What is the difference in Danish baby back ribs and baby back ribs?

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Danish baby back ribs refer to pork ribs from Denmark, while baby back ribs generally refer to pork ribs in American cuisine. The difference may lie in the specific breed of pig, the feed, or the processing methods used for the ribs.

How were range hogs different from hogs that are raised as livestock today?

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Range hogs were allowed to roam freely and forage for their own food, resulting in leaner meat with a distinct flavor. In contrast, hogs raised as livestock today are typically confined to pens or barns and fed a controlled diet to promote faster growth and higher meat yield. The breeding practices have also been modified over the years to improve traits such as size and feed efficiency in modern livestock hogs.

Is pig's blood used as an additive to instant coffee?

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No, pig's blood is not used as an additive to instant coffee. Ingredients in instant coffee typically include coffee beans and additives like sugar, creamer, and flavorings. Pig's blood is not a common ingredient in coffee products.

Why are hogs ugly?

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Hogs may be considered ugly to some due to their wrinkled skin, bristly coats, and distinctive features like their large snouts and sharp tusks. Beauty is subjective, and what one person finds unattractive, another may find charming or interesting.

Why is the fetal pig used to teach you about vertebrate anatomy?

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Fetal pigs are commonly used in teaching vertebrate anatomy because they share many anatomical similarities with humans, making them a good model for studying structures like organ systems, bones, and muscles. They are also readily available, affordable, and relatively easy to dissect, providing students with a hands-on learning experience. Additionally, studying fetal pig anatomy helps students understand evolutionary relationships among vertebrates.

How old should pot belly pigs have to be to get pregnant?

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Pot belly pigs typically reach sexual maturity and are able to reproduce around 5-6 months of age, although it is recommended to wait until they are at least 1 year old before breeding to ensure their skeletal and hormonal development is more mature. Early breeding can lead to health risks for both the sow and the piglets.

How many fetuses do female pigs normally carry does the structure of the uterus reflect this fact?

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Female pigs normally carry 10-12 fetuses in each horn of their bicornuate uterus, which is a Y-shaped structure. The bicornuate uterus allows for each fetus to have its own separate horn, helping to reduce competition for resources and improving the chances of survival.

What is the function of the thoracic in a fetal pig?

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The thoracic cavity in a fetal pig houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs. It provides protection and support for these organs while allowing them room to function properly. Additionally, the thoracic cavity is essential for breathing and circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body.