


Interior Design

Planning the furniture placement and layout of the inside of a building is what Interior Design is all about. It is the branch of architecture that deals with the selection and organization of furnishings for an architectural interior.

500 Questions

Have you any facts about african mud huts?

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Asked by Wiki User

African mud huts are traditional dwellings made from a combination of mud, clay, sticks, thatch, and sometimes cow dung. These huts are known for their natural cooling properties, offering protection from the harsh African climate. Many African tribes still use mud huts as their primary form of housing due to their affordability and sustainability.

What is the central area of a church?

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Asked by Wiki User

The central area of a church is typically the nave, which is the main space where the congregation gathers for worship. It is usually located between the aisles and is often lined with pews for seating. The nave is where many of the key rituals and ceremonies of the church take place.

When were mud huts used?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mud huts have been used for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. They are a traditional form of shelter, built with mud, clay, and other natural materials. Mud huts are still used today in some parts of the world where traditional building techniques are preserved.

Do the africans live in Mud Huts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some Africans may live in mud huts in rural areas where traditional practices are still common. However, many Africans live in modern homes, apartments, and urban areas with access to modern amenities. It is important to not generalize living conditions across an entire continent.

Mexican mud hut beginning with j?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Mexican mud hut beginning with J could be a "jacal," which is a traditional type of dwelling made from mud and thatched roof materials. Typically found in rural areas, jacales offer a simple and sustainable housing option in the Mexican landscape.

How did Aztecs build a mud hut?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Aztecs would create an adobe-like mixture using mud, straw, and water, which they would then shape into bricks. These bricks were then dried in the sun and used to construct the walls of the hut. The roof was typically made from thatched materials such as grass or palm leaves.

What was the aboriginals houses made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aboriginal houses were often made of materials such as wood, bark, grass, and animal skins. The specific materials used would depend on the location and resources available to the particular Aboriginal group.

What are the names of the three Parthenon columns?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three main columns of the Parthenon are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns. They represent different styles of ancient Greek architecture.

Who built the amphitheatre?

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Asked by Wiki User

The amphitheater was built by the ancient Romans for staging events such as gladiator contests and other public spectacles. It was a common feature in many Roman cities as a venue for entertainment and social gatherings.

Where did mud huts come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mud huts have been used as dwellings for thousands of years by various cultures across the world. They are made by shaping mud or clay into bricks or walls and then drying them in the sun or baking them to form a sturdy structure. Mud huts are a traditional form of housing that has been adapted to different environments and climates.

How did religion influence the architecture in Egypt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religion played a significant role in shaping Egyptian architecture, with structures like temples and pyramids designed to reflect religious beliefs and honor deities. The layout and decoration of buildings were often linked to religious rituals and beliefs, with symbols and inscriptions incorporated into the designs. Additionally, the size and grandeur of temples and tombs were meant to impress upon worshippers the power and importance of the gods.

What is the central part of a church called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The central part of a church is called the nave. It is usually the main part of the church where the congregation sits during services.

What is a church alcove called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A church alcove is typically referred to as a chapel or a niche. It is a small area within a church that is often set apart for private worship, prayer, or displaying religious artifacts or images.

What does the S symbol on the front of the chimney in many older houses represent?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "S" symbol on the front of a chimney in older houses typically represents the family or company that built or owned the house. It serves as a form of identification and can help trace the history of the property back to its original owners.

What is a sacristy?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sacristy is a room in a church where the clergy prepare for worship services and store vestments, sacred vessels, and other items used during the church service. It is typically located near the altar or sanctuary.

What does alternative scheme mean?

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Asked by India123girl

An alternative scheme refers to a different plan or method that can be used as an option instead of the original or traditional approach. It offers an alternative way of achieving a goal or solving a problem.

What is the right direction for study table according to Vastu?

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Asked by AnilGuptafb1245

In Vastu, the study table should ideally be placed in the east, north, or northeast direction of the room. This is believed to enhance focus, concentration, and clarity of thought while studying. It is recommended to avoid placing the study table in the south direction as it may lead to distractions and lack of focus.

What is the standard size of study table?

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Asked by Wiki User

The standard size of a study table is typically around 48-60 inches in width, 24-30 inches in depth, and 30 inches in height. This allows for enough space for a comfortable study environment with ample room for a computer, books, and other study materials.

What is the standard size of school id in inches?

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Asked by Wiki User

School IDs typically have standard dimensions of 2.125 inches by 3.375 inches, which is the same size as a standard credit card.

What is the average school chair height?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average school chair height ranges from 16-18 inches for elementary school students and 18-19 inches for high school students and adults.

What is the educational background of most urban planners?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most urban planners have a master's degree in urban planning or a related field such as geography, environmental studies, or architecture. Some may also have a bachelor's degree in urban studies or a related field. Additionally, many urban planners pursue certifications or licensure through professional organizations.

What is construction methodology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Construction methodology is the process or approach used to plan and execute construction projects. It includes tasks such as site preparation, material selection, construction techniques, and project management strategies. Different projects may require different methodologies based on the scope, location, budget, and timeline.

Is floor a place or a thing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uhm.. Floor? It is a thing. You can touch most things, you can touch the floor... It is the 'bottom' of a house, the opposite of a ceiling. People walk on the floor, you keep most of your furniture on the floor.

I don't think it is a place, but there may well be a place called Floor.

What is the difference between method statement and construction methodology?

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Asked by Wiki User

A method statement is a detailed document that outlines how a specific task will be carried out, including the sequence of activities, step-by-step instructions, and safety precautions. On the other hand, construction methodology refers to the overall approach and strategy adopted for the construction project, including the sequencing of activities, resources allocation, and project delivery strategy. While a method statement is specific to a particular task, construction methodology is broader and encompasses the entire construction process.

What are standard study table heights?

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Asked by Wiki User

Standard study table heights typically range from 28 to 30 inches. However, adjustable height tables are also available to accommodate individuals of different heights and preferences. It's important to consider the user's body proportions and comfort when selecting a study table height.