



Art and science of structural design. Architectural responsibilities include both feasibility analysis and aesthetic considerations.

2,847 Questions

How can you renew your bathroom walls?

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Renewing your bathroom walls can be done through several methods, such as painting, adding tiles, or applying wallpaper. For a fresh and modern look, consider using moisture-resistant paint or peel-and-stick tiles. You can also opt for decorative wall panels or beadboard for a more textured finish. For detailed guides and inspirational ideas, visit our website.

What chemicals make a highlighter glow?

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Highlighters glow under black light due to the presence of fluorescent dyes, typically compounds like pyranine or rhodamine. These dyes absorb UV light and re-emit it as visible light, creating the glowing effect.

How do inventors help us?

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Inventors help us by creating new solutions to problems, improving our quality of life, and advancing technology. Their innovations can lead to new products, services, and processes that benefit society as a whole.

What is tropical upland climate?

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A tropical upland climate is characterized by cooler temperatures due to higher elevations in tropical regions. This climate typically experiences mild to warm temperatures year-round, with distinct wet and dry seasons. Precipitation is usually higher than in lowland tropical climates.

How do flashlights use light?

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Flashlights use a light source, such as an incandescent bulb or LED, which produces light when an electrical current passes through it. The light is then reflected and focused by a reflector and lens to create a beam of light that illuminates the surroundings. The power source, usually batteries, provides the electrical energy needed to generate the light.

How does ultra sonic work?

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Ultrasonic technology uses high-frequency sound waves that cannot be heard by humans to detect objects or measure distances. A transmitter emits ultrasonic waves, which bounce off objects and are then received by a sensor. By calculating the time it takes for the waves to bounce back, the distance to the object can be determined.

What are the uses of ammonia in cold store?

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Ammonia is used in cold stores as a refrigerant due to its excellent thermodynamic properties, low cost, and environmental friendliness. It helps in maintaining low temperatures for storing perishable goods without harming the ozone layer. Ammonia is also efficient in heat transfer, making it a popular choice for industrial refrigeration systems.

Why does the northern side of a house get more light in the southern hemisphere?

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In the southern hemisphere, the sun travels on a northern trajectory, resulting in the northern side of a house receiving more direct sunlight as it moves across the sky. Conversely, the southern side of the house receives less direct sunlight due to the sun's path.

What is the length of a string to the nearest centimeter?

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The length of a string is typically measured in centimeters or millimeters, so it can be measured to the nearest centimeter by rounding the measurement to the closest whole number.

Why do geographers use scales?

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Geographers use scales to accurately represent the size and distance of features on maps relative to the actual size on Earth's surface. Scales help to maintain proportion and ensure that maps are a true representation of reality. Different scales are used depending on the level of detail needed for a specific map or study.

What does not make a dark shadow?

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Transparent or translucent objects do not cast a dark shadow because light can pass through them easily, preventing the formation of a clearly defined shadow. Materials like glass or clear plastic will not produce a dark shadow when exposed to light.

3 methyl 4 chloro hexane?

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3-methyl-4-chlorohexane is a compound with six carbon atoms in a chain, a chlorine atom attached to the fourth carbon, and a methyl group attached to the third carbon. It is an alkyl halide, a type of organic compound.

What the difference between low alloy steels and high alloy steels?

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Low alloy steels contain small amounts of alloying elements (typically < 5%) compared to high alloy steels, which contain higher amounts of alloying elements. Low alloy steels are more cost-effective and offer good strength and toughness, while high alloy steels have superior corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and strength.

What determines the number of exits in a building?

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The number of exits in a building is determined by the occupancy capacity, layout, and size of the building. Building codes and regulations often require a minimum number of exits to ensure safe evacuation in case of emergencies. Factors such as the number of occupants, travel distance to exits, and accessibility also influence the number of exits required.

What is the best design for an earthquake proof building?

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The best design for an earthquake-proof building typically includes features such as base isolators, dampers, flexible or reinforced structures, and regular maintenance to ensure structural integrity. These elements help the building absorb and dissipate seismic energy, reducing damage during an earthquake. It's also essential to follow local building codes and standards for seismic design to enhance the building's overall resilience.

What were the gaps in fortification battlements called?

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The gaps in fortification battlements are called crenels. These are the openings in the parapet wall that allow defenders to shoot at enemies while also providing cover. The sections in between the crenels are called merlons.

Why is the palm of your hand white?

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The palm of your hand appears white due to a thick layer of skin that lacks melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. Additionally, the skin on the palm is constantly rubbing against objects, which can cause it to appear lighter in color compared to other parts of the body.

What are the changes in temperature between night and day?

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How does day and night occur? Day and night occur because of earths rotation. It turns dark outside when the sun is on the other side of earth. All of this happens during the 24 hour cycle.Basiclly I'm saying is when the Earth rotates on its axis day and night occur.

Compare a scientific law to a scientific theory?

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scientific law describes what nature does under certain conditions An empirical generalization; a statement of a biological principle that appears to be without exception at the time it is made, and has become consolidated by repeated successful testing; rule.

2. A theoretical principle deduced from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or class of phenomena, and expressible by a statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present.

3. A set of observed regularities expressed in a concise verbal or mathematical statement.

scientific theory explains how nature works The grandest synthesis of a large and important body of information about some related group of natural phenomena.2. A body of knowledge and explanatory concepts that seek to increase our understanding ("explain") a major phenomenon of nature.

3. A scientifically accepted general principle supported by a substantial body of evidence offered to provide an explanation of observed facts and as a basis for future discussion or investigation.

4. a. The abstract principles of a science as distinguished from basic or applied science. b. A reasonable explanation or assumption advanced to explain a natural phenomenon but lacking confirming proof.

5. A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles or causes of something known or observed.

6. An explanation for an observation or series of observations that is substantiated by a considerable body of evidence.

What keeps your feet from sliding out from underneath you with every step you take?

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Friction between the soles of your shoes and the ground helps to prevent your feet from sliding out. The tread pattern on the bottom of your shoes also provides additional grip to help you maintain traction while walking or running. Additionally, your body's natural ability to adjust and stabilize your movements helps to keep your feet steady with each step.

Are made of glass and have strips of metal inside that will melt as a safety device?

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You are describing a fuse. Fuses are protective devices used in electrical circuits to prevent damage from excessive current. When the current exceeds a safe level, the metal strip inside the fuse melts, breaking the circuit and stopping the flow of electricity.

Express this chemical equation in words FeO plus O2?

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Iron oxide reacts with oxygen to produce iron(III) oxide.

What are protective devices used in radiography?

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Protective devices used in radiography include lead aprons, thyroid shields, lead gloves, and lead glasses. These devices are designed to shield the radiographer from harmful radiation exposure during imaging procedures.

How big is a lot that is 40 feet X 100 feet?

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If the lot has 90 degree angles between sides, the size of a 40' x 100' lot is 4,000 square feet or 0.092 acres.

What is 60 mils?

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mils is a colloquial term and as such could have more than one meaning. It is possibly short for millilitres (mL) and is therefore 60 mils is 60mL.

60mL is approximately 1/4 of a (non-metric) cup. A metric cup is 250mL.

mils also refers to a unit of thickness 1 mil = .001 inch