


Society and Civilization

A society is a group of people who interact with each other via a shared role or network. It may also refer to a social group that shares the same geographical location and is part of the same culture.

500 Questions

What is the world's oldest city and where is it located?

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Asked by Wiki User

The world's oldest continuously inhabited city is thought to be Damascus in Syria, dating back to around 11,000 years ago. It has a rich history and has been a major cultural and religious center in the Middle East.

Do you learn about ancient civilizations in the study of Anthropolgy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the study of anthropology includes learning about ancient civilizations. Anthropologists examine the cultural practices, social structures, and technological advancements of past societies to understand how humans have evolved and adapted over time. By studying ancient civilizations, anthropologists can gain insights into the development of human societies and the factors that have shaped them.

How did Mendel evaluate his theory of equal segregation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mendel evaluated his theory of equal segregation through the analysis of the results of his experiments with pea plants, where he observed the patterns of inheritance of specific traits over generations. By carefully recording and analyzing the phenotypic ratios of offspring from controlled crosses, Mendel was able to confirm that traits segregate equally during gamete formation and follow specific patterns of inheritance as outlined in his laws of segregation and independent assortment.

What is library and its impact on society?

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Asked by KhadijaAlvi

A library is a collection of resources and services, such as books, films, and databases, that are organized and made available to the public for borrowing or reference. Libraries play a crucial role in society by providing access to information, promoting literacy, supporting education and research, and fostering a sense of community. They serve as centers for learning, exploration, and cultural enrichment for people of all ages and backgrounds.

What countries suffer poverty from corrupt leaders?

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Asked by Wiki User

Countries such as Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and North Korea are examples of countries suffering from poverty due to corrupt leadership. Mismanagement of funds, lack of transparency, and embezzlement by government officials contribute to widespread poverty and economic hardships for citizens.

Why is America so corrupted?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are various reasons America may be perceived as corrupt, such as influence of money in politics, lack of transparency, and weak enforcement of regulations. Addressing corruption requires a multi-faceted approach involving accountability, prevention measures, and strengthening of institutions.

Why are successful societies the least corrupt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Successful societies often have strong institutions, rule of law, and effective governance mechanisms that make it difficult for corruption to thrive. Transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership are also commonly found in successful societies, creating an environment where corrupt practices are less likely to occur. Additionally, the presence of a well-functioning economy and widespread prosperity can reduce the incentives for individuals to engage in corrupt activities.

Professional societies and activities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Professional societies are organizations that bring together individuals in a specific field or industry to network, share knowledge, and collaborate on research or projects. Activities within professional societies can include conferences, workshops, webinars, publications, and networking events. Joining a professional society can provide valuable opportunities for professional development and advancing one's career.

Is low salary the main cause to bribery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Low salary can be a contributing factor to bribery as individuals may feel compelled to seek additional income through unethical means. However, there are often multiple complex factors that can lead to bribery, such as societal norms, lack of enforcement, and culture of corruption.

How does Canada contribute to UN peacekeeping?

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Asked by Wiki User

Canada contributes to UN peacekeeping through providing military personnel, police officers, and funding to support peacekeeping missions around the world. Canada is a leading contributor to UN peacekeeping efforts, and has a strong history of participating in missions to help promote peace and stability in conflict zones.

Which major party does a better job of handling foreign affairs?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is subjective and can vary depending on perspectives. Some may argue that one party is better at handling foreign affairs due to their policies and strategies, while others may support the other party. It is essential to assess each party's approach to foreign affairs based on their actions and outcomes.

Why is Washington DC and it's politicians so corrupt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corruption in Washington DC can be attributed to a combination of factors such as the influence of money in politics, the power dynamics within political institutions, and the lack of transparency and accountability mechanisms. Additionally, the competitive nature of politics and the pressure to secure funding for reelection campaigns can incentivize unethical behavior among politicians.

Is Scandinavia Socialistic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scandinavia is not exclusively socialist as its economic system is a mix of capitalism and socialism. These countries have a strong welfare state with high taxes, generous social benefits, and extensive social services. They prioritize income equality, universal healthcare, and free education, but they also have thriving private sectors and market economies.

Why are Americans becoming more and more 'unemployed' and 'homeless' and even more 'Familyless'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rising unemployment can be due to factors like shifts in industries, economic downturns, or automation displacing workers. Homelessness can stem from a lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, or substance abuse. The breakdown of family ties may be influenced by societal changes, economic strain, or individual circumstances. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive solutions that tackle root causes such as providing access to education and job opportunities, affordable housing, and social support systems.

What is meant by the 'division of duties'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Division of duties refers to the practice of separating tasks and responsibilities among individuals to promote efficiency, internal controls, and accountability within an organization. By assigning specific roles to different employees, the organization can prevent fraud, errors, and ensure that no single individual has complete control over a process. This principle is often implemented in areas such as finance, accounting, and information systems.

What is being old?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being old typically refers to having lived for many years and experienced various stages of life. It often involves physical changes such as decreased mobility, changes in appearance, and increased health issues. However, being old can also bring wisdom, perspective, and a wealth of life experiences.

What is the average Republican IQ?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not accurate or fair to generalize the IQ of individuals based on their political affiliation. Intelligence varies greatly among individuals regardless of political beliefs.

What are the differences between realism and neo-realism in international relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main difference between the two is in their view of the causes of conflict in international relations. Classical realism puts an emphasis on the self-interested and unchanging human nature which therefore makes states self-interested and power seeking units. Neo-realism, on the other hand, argues that the conflict in international relations can be explained by the state of anarchy: lack of overarching authority in IR which pushes individual states to seek power (self-help system).

What are Approaches to the study of politics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approaches to the study of politics include normative approach, which focuses on examining the ethical and moral values underlying political actions; behavioral approach, which analyzes political behavior by observing patterns and trends; and institutional approach, which studies the structures and organizations that govern political systems. Other approaches include comparative politics, international relations, and critical theory.

How is Europe doing politically?

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Asked by Wiki User

Europe is currently facing political challenges such as Brexit, increased nationalism and populism in some countries, and tensions within the European Union on issues like migration and economic policy. However, the region also sees cooperation on issues like climate change and security, showing a mix of challenges and opportunities in its political landscape.

How do you stop bribery?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stop bribery, you need to enforce strict penalties for those caught engaging in bribery, promote a culture of transparency and accountability in organizations, and provide a clear process for reporting and investigating instances of bribery. Additionally, promoting ethical behavior and values in society can help prevent bribery.

Do special interests have to be compromised or sacrificed in order to pursue the more general welfare of society?

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Asked by Wiki User

Balancing special interests with the broader welfare of society often requires compromise. It involves finding solutions that address the needs of various groups while considering the overall well-being of society. Sacrifices may be necessary at times to achieve a more equitable and sustainable outcome.

Will the Anunnaki return or are they extinct or no longer find us of value?

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Asked by Gkj7h234

There is no evidence to suggest that the Anunnaki, an ancient Mesopotamian deity group, will return. It is generally accepted in academic and scientific communities that these gods were part of ancient mythology and are not considered to be real beings.

Why do people need to be social?

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Asked by Wiki User

People need to be social for various reasons, including feelings of belongingness, social connection, support, and exchanging ideas and information. Being social also helps fulfill emotional needs and contributes to overall mental well-being. Additionally, social interactions can enhance personal growth and development through the exchange of different perspectives and experiences.